

Lena's POV_____________________________________I loved Kara so much that I couldn't say no to her challenge.So basically she challenged me to spend a whole day with a remote controlled vibrator and if I ever took it out I would lose.Well Luthors never lose so I had to accept it.I have had it for the past hour and she didn't  activate it yet so I was kind of scared because I had to go to a pitch meeting at catco.As soon as I got to my car I felt a vibration which led to me moaning. "Is everything alright Miss Luthor?" asked my driver. "Yes I just have this headache." I answered blushing.e I thought. "Shall I close the privacywindow so that you can rest?" Asked my driver. "That would be great Alfred, please do." I answered laying back.The vibrations started to increase and I couldn't last any longer.I started rubbing my clit while thinking about how Kara was behind all of this.We suddenly stopped and so I got a paper to clean my hand off and as I was brushing my hair back to its original form when Alfred opens the privacy window. "Miss Luthor, Kara is standing in front of the car" Alfred said unsuprised as she had done this before. "Let her in " I said hiding the paper and taking a swig off of the glass of champagne that was on the rack.He got out and let her in .We were back to moving. "So ... How has it been?" she asked but before I could answer she increased the intensity. "Fuck" I moaned. "So it has been fuck? Okay that's cool" she said as she leaned in kissing my neck -sending shivers down my spine -.She then grabbed my chin and pulled me into a kiss .And I know how cliché it is but it felt like a thousand butterflies in my stomach.She then gropped my boob and with the other hand she increased the speed and intensity.I was in a moanfull mess.Kara kissed me one last time and she stoped all contact.She composed herself back to her neat ponytail and acted like nothing happened so I did the same. "Excuse you? We were in the middle of something"I said in confusion." What are you talking about Lena? "She said pointing at a camouflaged ear piece." Oh alright" I answered in defeat.We finally got to Catco  and we rushed to the meeting.Kara started with her presentation and I sat in the power seat on the other side of the table. "Okay , so I want to do a special edition about women pleasure." she said changing the PowerPoint of the presentation to images of dildos and vibrators.The rest of the room was agreeing professionally . "What do you think Miss Luthor?" She asked as she increased intensity. I gulped hard.Pushing my thighs together in hope of relief. "Uh...it...it sounds great Kara .... What would be your main features?" I asked trying not to moan. She increased the speed.I was almost trembling. "Well I was thinking.. BDSM,remote control vibrators and Oral sex"I gulped . "And... what makes you ...think women who read Catco magazine would be into... BDSM?" I asked again stumbling between words. "it's not about  people that are  into BDSM it's about making it less of a Taboo" she said closing the presentation . "The meeting is over, We got our next issue. Go change lives people!" I said every one left but Kara who put the blinds down and locked the door.She took her earpiece out and started walking towards me. "I wanna fuck you so hard"she whispered.and so she drove my chair out of the table and Kneeled before me. She pushed my tight skirt up and opened my legs wide.I laid my head back waiting for her to start. She rubbed my clit through my soaked panties. "You are so wet Lena ... Is this all for me?" She asked .All that I could manage out was a soft "mhmm".She ripped my panties off and started licking my clit from the bottom up simultaneously. "Oh God" I said as I pushed her head towards it. "Fuuck Kara ,You are so good. "I moaned and with that she started pumping the vibrator into my pussy with a high intensity. "Fuck me faster I'm coming close"I shrieked.And so she did It at full speed. "Yes Kara ...baby you make me feel so good"I said as I came.I was trembling with the climax.She hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You won Luthor ...but you won't next time." She said "can't wait !" I said wiping the sweat off my forhead.