
Chapter 4

"Hi Jess" I smile brightly as I walk into Lena's building

"Ms. Danvers.." Jess drawls. "Ms. Luthor is in a meeting."

"I know. I'm here for you."

"Excuse me?" Jess cocks an eyebrow.

"Here's the thing.. and before you sat no, I brought you coffee and donuts!" I set the gifts (bribes?) On her desk. She narrows her eyes and nods for me to continue. "Okay! So it's Lena's birthday tomorrow and I had no idea what to get her and then my sister said to do something original, cause what do you get the person who has everything? Anyway, I can kinda sing I guess.. well Lena said she likes my voice and stuff... anyway! I want to know what her favorite song is cause I'm gonna sing to her for her birthday! Ya know it's ori-"

"Ms. Danvers!" Jess cuts me off. For a second I think she's upset, but I can see the amusement running through her eyes.

"Sorry.. I tend to ramble." I shuffle around a bit

"I noticed." Jess laughs a little. (I think I'm getting around to her *fist pump*) "Look, it's clear you care a great deal about Ms. Luthor. I mean honestly, she hasn't let me do anything for her birthday since I met her. Of course I always do, but she doesn't know." Jess smiles. "Her favorite song is Everytime by Britney Spears."

"Seriously..?" I question "that doesn't seem..."

"I'm very aware. I was almost as surprised as you were. But I swear." She laughs.

"Well I can do that" I smile. "Thank you so much Jess!" I jump a little excitedly

"No. Thank you Ms. Danv-"

"Kara. Please." I interrupt

"Kara. Thank you. I haven't seen her as happy as she is now since she met you. I'm sorry I've been... hostile towards you. I worry for her. People who come by, don't usually stay. And for both of your sakes, I hope you do." Jess smiles sincerely towards me.

"I don't plan on going anywhere. And hey, if you wanna catch me sing, tomorrow I'll be taking Lena to a bar, the on on 11th and Main, around 8." I

"Dually noted Kara" Jess laughs

We wish each other good day as I walk out and grab my cell.

"Unique? I need a favor."

A knock sounds on my door at 730.

"Lena!" I exclaim pulling the slightly younger woman into a hug. "Happy Birthday" I say into her dark locks. I hear her heart beat pick up when I touch her.

"Kara.. strong..." Lena chokes out

"Oh I'm so sorry! I'm just really excited." I say immediately letting her go.

"You're fine" she laughs. "So what's the plan for tonight?"

I jump and run into the kitchen, at human speed of course, and grab a large cupcake with a candle in it.

"Make a wish." I grin

She smiles softly before making a show of squinting her eyes and thinking really hard before blowing it out. We sit at the table to eat it with forks.

"Your present comes later" I tell her as we finish. "Right now. We're going to a bar." I tell her

"A bar?" She questions

"Not just any bar.."

"A karaoke bar!" I exclaim when we walk through the doors.

"Is that why you stayed silent the whole it took to get here???" Lena bursts out laughing.

"Its called dramatic flare." I giggle "now come on. It's time for your present. First! A drink." I say as I flag down the bartender and order for Lena. "Secon- Jess!" I grin broadly "I'm glad your here!"

"Oh I wasn't missing this for anything." Jess laughed before handing Lena a card with a full body massage gift certificate in it. "Happy Birthday Ms. Luthor" Jess smiles softly

"Thank you Jess" they hug and I run off while she's distracted.

"Where'd she go?" I heard Lena's confused voice.

"Don't worry. She won't be gone long."

I get up in stage and when I start talking, Lena's surprised eyes find me. "Hello everyone! I'm Kara, and today is my amazing friend's birthday. I had no idea what to get you, so a little birdy told me your favorite song." I wink and Lena blushes. "Happy Birthday Lena."


Kara sits down at the piano surprising me and apparently Jess too if the way her jaw dropping along with mine when she started playing is any indication. I'm immediately mesmerized

Everyone in the bar is silent, watching the amazing performance happening.

She makes direct eye contact with me and smiles at me.

Her eyes close in concentration.