

Success_Adenigbo · 军事
3 Chs


Chris all his way in the airplane frowned and looked so much disturbed. Not long, his phone beeped into the air. And as he looked at it, he wore a weary look but at final, he accepted the call.

Right on the other side of the phone, his mother cried out: 'Son, Are you sure u can do this '?

Then, a long silence popped in with his mother grinning solemnly

'Chris! are you okay? ' His mother wept out.

' Mom, don't worry so much about me. I will be fine ' Chris said.

' But Chris, must u really do this? '

'Yes, Our enemies are increasing daily and their hatred for us tops up daily. Mom, l hope you don't forget they killed daddy just to take over our territory '

'B... But....Okay, l agree but this is a great risk and besides you will be away for ten years '

'Mother, Ten years will soon be over. I will call u later. It's time for my lunch '

Chris heaved a sigh of relief as if he just solved a long time problem . His face wearied as his mind flashed to the death of his father. He was doing this to avenge and to protect his beloved mother and younger cousin.

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