
Super Multiversal System

Ever wondered what will you do when you will get a chance of your life? No? Yes? Well, I am living the same said chance, come and watch me My name is Ash Ryder and this is my story. The Story of me traveling from one world to another as I witness lots of stuff that both send me to heaven and sometime make me feel like I am living inside a creepy nightmare. **** Main world is Marvel First traveling world...find yourself *** I don't owe any characters aside from my own Mc,

Enigmatic_Dream · 漫画同人
11 Chs


I was drifting in and out of sleep, my textbook a lumpy pillow against my cheek. The steady drone of the ceiling fan was my lullaby, and the classroom seemed to dissolve into a peaceful beach in my dreams.


A sharp sting jolted me awake. I shot up, my hand flying to my forehead as I squinted at the classroom, disoriented. My eyes tracked the piece of chalk that had rolled off my desk. The entire class erupted into laughter.

"Welcome back to Earth, Mr. Ryder," Ms. Henderson's voice cut through my confusion. She was standing at the front of the room with a sly grin, another piece of chalk in hand. "Care to share your dream with the rest of us?"

I looked around in a daze. "I... Where am I?" I blurted out, bewildered. "Wasn't I a doctor? Why the hell am I back in college?"

Ms. Henderson, her earlier strictness giving way to concern, looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Are you alright?"

"No, I just… Can I go to the bathroom for a quick break?" I stammered, still trying to piece together my scattered thoughts. The classroom seemed to spin, and a dull sound echoed in my mind, like a distant alarm.

Ms. Henderson's expression softened, and she nodded. I quickly made my way out of the classroom.

As I stepped into the hallway, I spotted a guy walking by. "Hey, where's the bathroom?" I asked, trying to sound casual but feeling anything but. He pointed down the hall and around the corner, giving me a weird look.

"Well, nothing's wrong with not knowing where the bathroom is in college," I muttered to myself as I headed in the direction he pointed.

I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to clear my mind. "So, are you still there?" I asked out loud, my voice echoing off the bathroom tiles. My head buzzed with a strange, metallic sound, as if a voice was whispering to me from somewhere beyond.


[Welcome, Host. You have been selected by The Supreme Multiversal System.]

[I wonder what our journey will be together.]

I stared at the message floating in my mind, my confusion deepening. If this had happened to anyone else, they'd probably be ecstatic, but not me. I was just trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

"What's the catch?" I thought, my mind racing.

["I like smart hosts,"] the voice responded.

["Nothing but you will be entertainment,"] it continued.

"Entertainment?" I repeated aloud, still trying to grasp the meaning.

["Entertainment is a simple sound. Just think of yourself as the main character in a movie. You'll gain superpowers, and powerful beings will be interested in your story."] The voice explained. ["That's the price you have to pay for using the Multiversal System."]

My heart raced. "So, let me get this straight: you're telling me I'm the main character in some sort of cosmic drama, and I get superpowers? But why me?"

["Because you were chosen. You're part of the grand story now. Embrace it."]

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my thoughts. This was insane, but the idea of being part of something larger—of gaining power—was tempting. I wasn't sure if I should be thrilled or terrified. Either way, my old life seemed like a distant memory now.

After half an hour I returned to class, teacher asked if am I fine, Well, what can even say aside from I am fine .

So, in the last 30 minutes, I learned that my old self died in a car accident. My soul collided with the System drifting in the Reincarnation Sea, which was on the lookout for a good host. Apparently, the System chose me, bonded with me, and protected me from being erased as a new soul. Now, here I am, reincarnated in a Marvel world—yes, as in Captain America, Iron Man, and all that.

The second thing I discovered is that my memories were sealed until now, and they're about to be unlocked along with the System's features. Currently, my System is only at Level 1 and has two features unlocked: Super Fusion and Super Shop.

Super Fusion allows me to fuse multiple things into a single, greater entity. This includes living things and even knowledge from books. It's already proven useful; I managed to save myself from a tricky situation by fusing knowledge and technology to get out of a jam.

Super Shop is the second feature, but I haven't explored it much yet.

I also have a primary quest. Completing it will randomly open up a new world. Marvel is my anchor world for now, which means I can travel to different worlds and come back here. If I miss this world, I can return here from another world, but if I want to move on to a new world, I have to complete the primary quest.

So, it looks like I'm in for a wild ride, navigating this Marvel universe and beyond.

Not that I am complaining, I feel like I am going to finding this life better, from my old mundane life, 

So, as my college ended , I returned home, first to check the Super Shop, and well, it works on Super Credits, kind of like System currency.

Which I can get by completing side quests, which are popping out like mushrooms' in my quest tab, as expected of marvel universe, here are lots of villains' to find and defeat.

But, there is a tiny bit problem, I am a normal human, as normal as one can be.


I sighed wondering how to gain powers, system shop has lot of them but , I am broke, not to mention this system has a newbie package but it will be only available when I complete my first primary Quest.

According to system,. its kind of like a test.

Shaking my head, I began to explore the options with Super Fusion, realizing it was my primary tool right now.

One possibility was to steal another mutant's power by touching them and fusing their X-gene into myself. However, I had serious doubts about the consequences. I didn't know if it would harm the mutant or if it would have any unforeseen effects. So, I decided to hold off on this option—at least until I could find a villain or someone less likely to be missed.

Another option that made sense was to break into Osborn Industries and steal their Spider technology. But, as a regular human with no special abilities or protagonist halo, it would be incredibly risky. I wasn't confident I could pull off something like Peter Parker's accidental spider bite while on a school tour.

The next idea was to head to a library and fuse all the knowledge there into my brain to create a super serum for myself. This option was promising, but the time constraints made it impractical. I didn't have the luxury of endless time to sift through all that information.

"So, onto the next option," I muttered to myself. "What about going to an electronic scrapyard and fusing all the discarded tech? With the little watch on my wrist, it might help me either gain a super suit like Iron Man's or at least create an AI to help me build one."

This seemed like the most feasible plan. It wasn't guaranteed to give me superpowers directly, but it could set me up with technology or an AI that could assist me in my journey. And if I played my cards right, it could be a stepping stone to gaining those superpowers I was after.