
My Dream Was To Be a Singer!

編輯: Henyee Translations

Luke glanced at the Basic Vocal Sound and Basic Musical Instruments on the list of abilities which belonged to a girl with the "lion's roar." He was extremely calm.

They only cost 200 credit points, and he had long learned them.

He coughed and said solemnly, "My dream was to be a singer!"

Both Claire and Selina had WTF expressions on their faces.

Luke had actually had many similar dreams in his past life. From wanting to be a scientist when he was young to becoming a magnate, he changed ambitions so frequently that he hadn't realized any of them before he transmigrated.

"Listen to this." He opened his mouth: "It starts with one thing, I don't know why…"

Claire, who had lived with Luke for more than ten years, never thought that Luke could sing, and pretty well at that.

Selina calmed down a little. She had heard him sing once in a while, and although it wasn't in this style, all of it sounded pretty good.