A young man with a peculiar life, died trying to save a child. Because of his heroic deed he became eligible to receive the taiyou grace and was given an important mission ------------------------ I ask for your patience as English is not my first language. Enjoy your reading!
On a beautiful normal day, in a city where people circulate everywhere while fulfilling their duties to society, there was a young man walking calmly. However, the expression on his face was not one of the best.
'My uncles are going to kill me! I've been fired from my job again!'- anguished young man.
The young man had just had a violent argument with his former boss over his three months' late wages. Because of this, he was sent away and did not even receive a penny of the money he deserved for his hard work.
But it won't stay that way! I'm definitely going to sue that bald old man!!!'
The young adult kept walking, increasingly apprehensive and fearful of what would happen when he set foot in the house. After a few minutes of walking, he stopped at a street corner while waiting for the traffic light to close and clear his path.
Next to him there were two women talking and one of them was holding the hand of a child with a backpack on her back, probably returning from school.
It was at this very moment that something surprising and cliché happened...
The child detached himself from his mother's hand, who was distracted by the conversation, and ran into the lane full of passing vehicles.
As the child was about to be hit by a motorcycle, the boy grabbed the child's arm and threw him onto his mother again, however, the young man was not so lucky. The motorcycle failed to stop in time and hit him hard, causing him to be thrown a few feet away.
'AAAAAARGH THAT HURT!!!' - boy run over.
The accident was brutal for the young man. Several of his bones had been broken and one of his ribs had deeply punctured his lung, more specifically near his heart and hit one of the arteries that were passing there. The pain of having several of his bones broken was enormous and to make matters worse, a large internal bleeding had settled in his body.
Having all these problems acting together, after only a few minutes after the paramedics arrived, the young man could not resist and gave his last breath of life.
In the middle of a completely white space was a completely still golden light. In this place nothing existed, not even time. All that was visible was just an endless white.
Then an abnormal event occurred. A black portal appeared in the middle of the almost completely empty landscape and next to the small golden light. From within this black portal appeared a beautiful woman with short pink dyed hair, she was wearing a rather sensual and elegant blue dress while holding a scepter in her left hand.
"How did such a beautiful soul come to be in this void?" - As she stared at the golden orb.
Immediately after these words, the mysterious woman moved her hand towards the golden soul and touched it.
"I think I may have found my candidate..." - Woman
She then directed the tip of her staff towards the golden sphere and as she touched it, an intense white light expanded from the small unconscious soul. In the meantime, the sphere was slowly transforming and after a few minutes, the light dispersed and revealed a young man with black eyes.
"Huh? Where am I, didn't I just get run over?" - Young man completely confused.
"Calm down. You died, but you'll be okay." - Woman.
"Was that supposed to be a joke?" - Young man.
"No? Getting back to the point, you died trying to save that child, but instead of going into the reincarnation cycle, your soul took a detour and headed for that void." - Woman.
"I was able to save her?" - Young man.
"You did, but you threw her so hard that she hit a wall and her spine broke, causing her to lose movement in her legs." - Woman.
"Well... better than dying, right?"- Young man.
"However, in the future, this child became a scientist and succeeded in developing a way to regenerate nerve cells, causing her leg movements to resume. Also, years after that great achievement, he was successful in developing a cure for cancer." - Woman.
"Holy shit, this kid sure is fucked up..." - Young man.
"Because you sacrificed your life to save his, you had a big part in this and because of this, your soul has been completely cleansed of impurities. Being honest, your soul is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen." - Woman.
"And does that change anything?" - young man.
"You can reincarnate in the same world and have a much better life than your previous one, or..." - Woman.
"Or?" - Young man.
"You can accept my job offer." - Woman.
"Job?" - Young man.
"First I will introduce myself. I am the goddess who commands the entire multiverse, Gryslane. The job I have to offer is simple, wander the multiverse of anime you know and collect the soul fragments of the dark god." - Gryslane.
"Okay, okay, that's quite a bit of information to process. I already suspected you would be something like that, but multiverse?! Fragments of the dark god?" - Young.
"I know, to you this is quite unreal, but those anime you used to watch actually exist. Those stories ended up in your previous world because of some mistakes of my subordinates, but that's not important at the moment." - Gryslane.
"Right...and what would this dark god be?" - Young.
"An annoying enemy who doesn't know how to lose. I still have no idea what his real goal is, but he has already managed to destroy 3 entire universes before being stopped by me. However, I failed to destroy him completely and because of that he was split into several small pieces that were spread across a few universes." - Gryslane.
"So...you want me to go around looking for fragments of an enemy powerful enough to go head-to-head with you?" - Young.
"You're not wrong." - Gryslane.
"Got it..." - Young.
"You took that pretty quickly." - Gryslane.
"That shouldn't be so surprising to someone who is an otaku.... By the way, how am I supposed to do this mission if I have no power at all?" - Young.
"One of the reasons I chose you is because of how pure your soul is currently and also because you acted without a second thought to save the child, but the first reason is the main one. Because of this, you have become compatible with a certain power that is currently without a bearer." - Gryslane.
"And what would that power be?" - Young.
"I am sure you know it too, it is the Sunshine magic." - Gryslane.
"Wait! It's Escanor's power?! Shouldn't Mael have gotten it back?!" - Young.
"Initially yes, but I intervened before that happened." - Gryslane.
"But wait a minute, is my body going to withstand all that power? I remember Escanor died because his body couldn't handle it anymore after using The One." - Young.
"Don't worry about that. I will give you a body strong enough to withstand using that power." - Gryslane.
"What about the sacred treasure that Escanor used?" - Young.
"I'll find a way." - Gryslane
"Got it..."
The boy stood for some time processing the information, until he spoke again to clear his doubts.
"Now that it came to my mind, wouldn't it be a problem if I altered the course of history of that universe I visit? And how will I know which world I am going to? And how do I find out what and where the shard is?" - Young.
"For the first question, the answer is a no. There is no main course for the universes you will go to and the one you saw was the most likely to happen, but it is not the only one. As for the second and third, I will give you an auxiliary system to send you to another world and to alert you when you get close to a shard." - Gryslane.
"Okay, I'll take that mission. I think it would be more fun than living another life in that same world..." - Young.
"Then I will send you to your first universe. Do you have any other questions?" - Gryslane.
"How can I contact you again?" - Young.
"When you collect your first fragment, the auxiliary system will give you the option to contact me in case any problems arise." - Gryslane.
"Oh, before you leave, how are my uncles?" - Young.
"Are you sure you want to know about them? They've both caused you quite a bit of grief." - Gryslane.
"*sigh* Still, they raised me when no one else wanted to, so I want to at least make sure they stayed well even after my 'heroic' death" - Young.
"The two of them stayed the same even after you left and had one more child." - Gryslane.
"Okay, now I can go and leave everything behind." - Young.
"All right, I will send it to you immediately. Until our next conversation, my chosen one." - Gryslane.
"Until, Miss Goddess." - Young man.
The deity extended her hand toward the boy's head. After touching him, he turned back into a golden orb and soon thereafter descended through a black portal that girl had opened earlier.
"I hope you can accomplish your goal without too much difficulty..." - Gryslane.