
Sun-kissed [Hinata Shoyo x Female reader] [Haikyuu lemon]

"Let's not leave any of your fantasies unfulfilled." If you've got hots for Hinata Shoyo, welcome. You find yourself head over heels for the most amazing guy and you are wondering whether your feelings may be mutual. Is there a chance you can be his girlfriend?.. I promise lots of fluff, heart-fluttering and cheek-blushing moments. I'm aiming for the "I feel like I'm in some shoujo manga!" atmosphere. Many thanks for opening my story and I hope you enjoy! Remarks: - (F/N) and (L/N) stand for your first and last names respectively. - I made the characters 20 years old, since the content is mature. I had to sacrifice the original Karasuno high school setting, sorry! - I'm only learning Japanese, so if some phrases I use don't make sense, please let me know :) No worries, I added all the translations. - This is my first story, so I'm open to any other kind of feedback too! - All artwork is mine. - I do not own neither Haikyuu nor its characters.

Good_Little_Girl · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Chapter 30, in which I wait for Hinata (NSFW)

Hinata is walking me to my room after our date. It was perfect. And now the nice evening, the long lingering glances, his collarbones visible under the unbuttoned shirt and our occasional touch have built me up to a boiling point.

When we end up at my door, I want to make sure there's no misunderstanding, so I ask explicitly:

「入らないの?」 "Won't you come in?"

I'm not really looking for an answer, so after I turn they key, we both step in. And as soon as we're inside and I turn my back to him to close the door, Hinata hugs me tightly from behind. It gets indecent the moment we're left alone.

I'm already breathing deep. Now his arms slip under my dress and squeeze my bottom, soon getting inside my knickers to do that properly. I impatiently pull them down and wiggle my hips to make the useless piece of clothing fall on the floor and out of the way. My voice comes out husky:

「今すぐ翔陽がほしい」 "I want you right now"

「あの,(F/N)...まだまだだよ.」 "Um, (F/N)... I'm not ready yet."

Huh? He doesn't want it? Well, that's seriously embarrassing. Stupid me. I try to free myself and run from the awkwardness I created.

「ごめんね!」 "Sorry!"

「待って待ってよ」 "Wait, wait"

Despite my obvious retreat, Hinata's grip hasn't loosened, his fingers confidently move further from behind between my legs to find out how wet I am. His touch makes me close my eyes. I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want this to stop...

He repeats:

「ちょっと待ってね」 "Give me a minute"

And then adds with a grin:

「(F/N)は僕より先に準備するのは初めてだね.僕はいつも(F/N)を待っていたね.僕にも同じことをしてくれない?..」 "It's the first time you are ready before me. I have always waited for you. Could you do the same for me?.."

Oh dear, I have been extremely selfish. I haven't thought about this at all.

「もちろん」 "Of course"

Waiting is hard though...

His right hand wanders from my bottom to my hip and around me, then swiftly slides down along my stomach. My skin lights on fire at his touch. He strokes my lower belly finding his way further and slides easily between my juicy folds making me swallow a moan. He teases my clit around a few times and finally gets to the place where he's expected so badly. I get two fingers moving inside of me. I deserve a rock-hard hot cock instead, but that will do for now. Everything's so smooth and slimy, as it should be. At the same time his left hand is groping my breasts over the dress fabric and he's kissing the nape of my neck. To me, it's absolutely heavenly. And that makes me worry.

「私のためにやってくれなくてもいいよ.もう準備万端だから.」 "You don't have to do it for me. I'm all ready to go."

「自分のためにやってるよ」 "I'm doing it for myself."

He even sounds a little bit surprised. The fact that he's turned on by doing the exact thing that satisfies me is itself extremely hot. I moan quietly.

How am I so slow and selfish?! I should have helped him first, that's literally in my interest. It might not be too late to ask:

「どうすればいいの?」 "What can I do?"

His lips leave my neck and the hasty whisper tickles it:

「ここにいてね」 "Just stay here"

Soon I hear him hurriedly undo his belt with his left hand, his right one is still pleasing me inside. The metal buckle clatter always turns me on, and right now it's the sound I yearn to hear the most in this world.

「もうちょっと」 "Just a little bit more"

Waiting for a guy to get his cock out for me drives me insane.

「今がいいのか?」 "Is now good?"

I even turn my face back to look at him.

「冗談でしょう!?」 "You're kidding, right?!"

I'm barely hanging in there. He chuckles:

「すま,癖だね」 "Sorry, it's a habit"

The right kind of habit. But at the moment any delay is killing me. His breath is on my ear and I know he's just teasing me:

「お待たせしました」 "Sorry to keep you waiting"

My back has been arched for him for a while and after yanking my dress up he finally enters. I let out a loud content sigh.

He starts moving fast right away and it feels amazing, because it's so slippery everywhere down there already. I want to be closer to him even more, so I turn my head and we kiss. It's the kind of wet kiss that is interrupted often by sighs, moans, grunts and rough strokes that shake our bodies. My lips are kept open and I feel saliva running down the corner of my mouth, but I don't care.

I'm still against the door and banging into it.

「(F/N),ドアのすぐ後ろにいるんだ...」 "(F/N), we're just behind the door..."

I really couldn't care less, but I'm happy to do whatever makes him comfortable. We take a step to the side so I can lean on the wall instead. Hinata is still concerned, he hesitates.

「(F/N),僕たちはうるさすぎるのだろうね」 "(F/N), we're probably too loud"

The subtle 「僕たち」 "we". Since when you don't like me moaning while you do me, huh? I take his left hand and put it over my mouth. I lick his palm with my tongue to tease him.

And now that he's happy, I turn my mind off completely, close my eyes and focus on the overwhelming pleasure.

Hinata is slamming into me from the behind even faster. The fact that we didn't bother to undress fires me up too, I fantasise about how we're looking from the side right now. I can moan all I want into his hand. This restriction... I like it too.

My legs are so tense from trying to get and give even more pleasure from each stroke. I'm doing it right and I feel that I'm going to cum.

I lift my hands to press them against the wall, this way it feels I can push harder into Hinata. I just want him closer, tighter, all over me. He told me off earlier, but look who's panting loudly now. I don't mind.

His perfect rhythm makes me cum and I know he can tell by the gasping noises I make and, of course, by the way I must be clenching around his cock. He speeds up and with a few more powerful strokes cums inside me.

We're breathing deeply and I turn around to face Hinata. It all took a couple of minutes, but I'm so satisfied, I feel lightness in my body. I didn't know a quickie could feel so right, we've never really done that before. We should reconsider and put it on the menu.

And, as always, I want to let him know:

「翔陽はすごいねー!」 "You're amazing!"

There's one more thing and I avoid his eyes when I say it:

「待つことがこんなにも大変だとは知らなかった.ありがとう.」 "I didn't know that waiting is so hard. Thank you."

Hinata kisses my forehead.

「いつも絶対に価値があるよ.」 "It's always absolutely worth it."