
chapter 1

I got the popcorn ready and took my seat. I was about to watch a movie I was dared to watch by my friends. Even though, I didn't like horror movies a dare was a dare. I got my phone ready to snap some pictures as proof. The movie was really scary as I was shivering with fear. Suddenly, the clock struck 12 then the actress in the movie said "oh my god it's 12:00 the devil's hour" after that she was swallowed up whole by the monster. I let out a terrified scream. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "who could it be at this hour" I said. I slowly got up frightened and picked up a bat. I slowly approached the door. The way seemed more scary than usual."whoever you are, I got a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it so don't try any funny stuff" I said as I grabbed the door knob. I slowly opened it ready to swing the bats only to see Michael my best friend in a drenched hoodie." Mike what you doing here this hour" I asked. He looked sad so I helped him to the couch and close the door. I sat in front of him after giving him a glass of water." Mike what's wrong" I asked but got no reply. He looked really lifeless. "please Mike tell me what's wrong". After a deafening silence, he started sobbing. "Mike please tell me what's wrong" I asked again. "Olivia broke up with me" he finally managed to say. " Mike tell me what happened" I asked

"....... Then Olivia broke up with me" he said."That b****, how could she break my best friend's heart. I'm going to really show her."I said in an angry tone. Mike started saying that he was pathetic. Suddenly, a slap echoed in the room. I had slapped him. "Don't think so low of your self. You are an amazing person and a good friend. Olivia is a fool to let you go. Now I don't want to hear you think otherwise"I said. He looked shocked but he reliased I was telling the truth. He looked a bit happier. "Thanks you're the best friend I could ever asked for "he said. We then watched the movie together. It didn't seemed scary anymore. After the show, I let Mike stay over as it was really dark and was raining cats and dogs. He bid me good night and flashed me a smile. I then went to my room as Mike slept on the couch. I fell on the bed with a thud. I recalled what had happened that day. From playing a game of truth or dare to healing a broken heart, my day was quite eventful.

The next morning, I woke up to see a cheerful Michael in the kitchen. "Someone looks happy" I said. "I thought about what you said and you're right" he said. "Okay so what are you cooking?" I asked. "Your favorite bacon and eggs."he said." Wow you shouldn't have" I said. "Is the least I can do" he said. I then helped to set up the table and he served the food. After eating, we went to his apartment to get his stuff.

After getting his bag, he thanked me once again. "It's nothing. what are friends for?" I said. We then headed to school together. We chatted all the way. When we entered into the school chatting and giggling like we don't have a care in the world, everyone looked in our direction but we didn't care. Suddenly we bumped into someone. I turned around to see Olivia. "Really Michael you're so pathetic" she said. Look girls the trash has found a new friend."That b****", I wanted to pounce on her but Mike held me back. She then went along with her minions. "Mike, why did you keep me back I needed to show that b**** her place" I said. "It isn't worth it" he said. I guessed Michael didn't want any trouble. We went to our class. Instead of Mike sitting next to Olivia as always, he sat next to me. I could hear the girls murmuring " OMG she's so lucky. One of the hottest guy in school is sitting next to her ". During the lesson I could feel Olivia's gazes on me. We then headed to the cafeteria for lunch. I was sitting with Mike and my two best friends, Emilia and Mia. Suddenly Henry approached us. Henry was Mike step bro. "Mike" he called out. "What do you want?" Michael said." I would like to introduce you to my newest girlfriend." he said but was cut-off by Mike. "Why would I want to know your girlfriend." Mike asked. "Well I thought it will be ,you know, okay to let you know my girlfriend so you don't try to win her over. "Why the hell will I try to win your girl over." Mike asked. "Well since she dumped you" he said. "What do you mean?" Mike asked. "I mean to tell you that Olivia is my girlfriend" he said. Mike was shocked and I was fuming with anger. "Now to read one of Mike, I mean lover boy's poems. He wrote it but was too chicken to send it. Henry pulled out a paper." Olivia my love for you is like honey. I don't mind giving you all my money. I like to sail across the sea with you if you say I do." he then ended the poem and everyone erupted in laughter. Olivia was begging Henry to stop.

Mike then rushed out of with a cafeteria. I snapped and shouted at Henry. "how could you do this to your brother and you b**** trying to act like you are defending him. This is too low even for you. I said and turned to storm out of there. I was held back by Olivia

"Mind your words b****. I got Mike wrapped around my fingers." she said. I freed myself and went to search for Mike. I found him sitting on the bleachers alone. I approached him and said "Mike why did you just stand there let them say all those awful words to you". "it's okay I just don't want to get in trouble"." it's not about getting into trouble it's about standing up for yourself. So man up". I said.

After school Mike walked me home. I bid him farewell and he gave me a goodbye kiss on my cheek. I then waved goodbye as I entered my apartment. I then got ready to go to my part time work at the restaurant 5 blocks away from my apartment.