
A Few Dates

"Be careful." Misha kissed me as we finished dinner. "We will go on a rampage if you aren't back by ten." She added. I kissed each of the girls for a few minutes and then headed over to Lem'tril's.

"God's dammit you are sexy." He said when I got to his shop. I was wearing a tight strapless dress with a long slit up the side. It was black like my hair and it made it to my knees.

"Thanks, lets get you cleaned up. I brought dinner. Need to have you fully refreshed for me to have my way with you." I said smiling at his soot covered face. I had him stand in the back of his forge and blasted him with water and he scrubbed himself off before I gave him a pair of black boxer briefs and a button up shirt and slacks. After he put them on, I sighed. He was a ten. I knew he was sexy, but I wasn't ready for him to look this good.

"These are unique clothes." He said as I tucked his shirt in and finished buttoning it up. "Did you make these?" He asked me.

"Consider it payment for services yet to be rendered." I said as I tugged on his waist and kissed him.

"Now, lets go." I led him into the outskirts of town and laid out a blanket before I pulled out a basket with some food Niko cooked for me. As we sat, I decided to start at the top.

"My girls and I are building up a chunk of land. I want you to come work for us." He started when I said that. "It's not a proposal or anything, they know you like me, and so they decided you should be the first blacksmith we ask. We will pay you a fair wage, and your apprentice is more than allowed to come. Hell, we have five or six girls all fighting for the same guy right now, so if he came, he could probably fall in love." I said looking at him. I lifted up some of the food and took a bite. It was sweet and salty and tasted like Niko knew exactly what she wanted when she made it.

"I mean, I have a forge, and an apprentice. Hunters and explorers come to me to repair their gear. It's a boring life but it's mine." He said as he took a sip of the wine.

"I'm not forcing you. Like I said, we know we will need a smith and the others believe we can trust you." I answered him without looking away.

"Do you?" He asked. When he realized I didn't understand his meaning he continued, "do you trust me?" He asked. I felt my cheeks turn red. I didn't trust people, it was kind of my thing. I looked over his face and smiled.

"No, not yet." I said honestly. "I want to, but I have a tragic backstory that means I don't trust people I don't have something on. I have something to hang over all five of my girls. T'anya and Misha both love me, Niko likes exploring this world and I'm her way to do it. Ly'anna has decided that I am her wife, and Lori'dae is the newest. I don't really trust her, but I would kill for her." I added

"Hmm, would you kill for me?" He asked leaning forward, so our noses grazed for an instant.

"If you asked? No. If someone hurt you? Yes." I said calmly. He leaned in and kissed me then. I felt his tongue on my lips and kissed him back. I took his face in my hands and kissed him and opened my mouth for his tongue to enter mine. As we batted our tongues together, I opened my eyes quickly and saw his were closed and his handsome face was right there. I felt his hand wrap around my waist as he pulled me in closer and kissed me harder. He fell onto his back and we made out for a few minutes. I didn't want to stop kissing him and he didn't seem to want to stop either. After at least thirty minutes we stopped to catch our breath. I laid out over his chest and looked at his face. He was panting but smiling.

"My wife told me I would find her polar opposite and fall in love." He said locking eyes with me. "She was weak, sensitive and full of sunshine. She was modest and wouldn't even let me talk to female customers. She also, although she enjoyed it, would just lay in bed for sex. She would hardly move at all. The more time I spend with you, the more I think she was right." He said as he ran his hand through my hair.

"I can't honestly say I love anyone. I would raze a country to the ground for my girls, that isn't even a joke." I looked at his face to see his reaction, "But, with all the shit that happened to me as a kid, I have a hard time with feelings." I said looking at him. "But, if you do fall in love with me, know I wouldn't turn you away." I clarified myself, so he didn't think I was being an asshole.

"Even the opposite there." He smiled and slid me up his body. He kissed me again, but this time as he sat up, he laid me on my back on the blanket and slid to my waist. After sliding my panties off he stuck his head under my dress and kissed me again. The short hair grazed my legs and tickled and hurt just a bit. He continued to sensually kiss my pussy and only occasionally licked my clit. I could tell he knew what he was doing and enjoyed it. I reached down and took his hands in mine as he kissed and licked me. I felt his hands tighten whenever mine did. As he continued to eat, he slowly sped up and eventually brought me to climax. As I came, he continued to lick away and made me cum two more times before he pulled away. When he did, I unbuttoned his shirt and ran my hand down his bare chest. His six pack and pecks really stood out and were already damp with sweat. I kissed my way down his chest and made my way to his stomach before I unbuttoned his pants and tugged them to his knees. I looked up and kissed him and then pulled his pants off the rest of the way. Looking at him in just a pair of boxers reminded me of how handsome and fit he was. I quickly pulled his boxers off and started to wrap my mouth around his cock. As it engorged in my mouth, I felt his body shift and he started to play with my pussy again. I slowly ran my mouth up and down his shaft as he ate my pussy. As his dick grew, I used one of my hands and ran it up and down opposite my head as my other hand fondled his balls. As his cock started to throb, he pulled away from my crotch, but I just waited and guzzled down his semen as he came. I licked up the remaining bits that came out, and after giving him a minute to get his head back on, I turned and sat on his cock. I wasted no time and started to lift my dress off and as my tits spilled out his eyes sparkled, and he moved his hips opposite mine. I felt his cock running inside me as he pulled back far enough so just the tip was in, to ramming it all the way in. As I heard our bodies slapping together, I leaned forward and kissed him. I wrapped my right arm behind his head and he sat up a bit as we rocked each other to climax. He had his hands on my waist and was rocking me forwards and back as I came and gyrated on his cock. I slid my hips front to back on his shaft and he came without warning. He started to apologize, but I just kept riding his dick. He had fallen back so he was flat on the blanket, but I didn't stop. I saw his breathing was irregular, so I used 'Analyze' and saw his 'Stamina' was empty. Niko had leant me her spell, so I cast it, and in a few minutes, he was back to ramming me. I turned myself away to the reverse cowgirl position and he grabbed my waist again. I could feel his thumbs just above my ass as he lifted me to the proper height and then he proceeded to thrust as fast and hard as he could. I could feel his cock running along the inside of my clit as he thrusted himself as far into me as he could and then withdraw back. I felt waves of heat and electricity flow through my body, and before long, I was in a state of constant orgasm. I let him take lead as I tried to get my senses back, but he didn't relent. I finally got my senses back in time for him to blow his load inside me again. This went on for several hours as I would refresh us whenever we were low on 'Stamina', and we were fucking solely to make the other cum. Finally, I took his face in my hands again and after he laid me down, he took the top. He slid his cock inside and then leaned over me and kissed me. I rocked my hips up and down as he rocked forwards and back. He ran his tongue over my lips and kissed me over and over. As we rocked each other this time, we felt each other out and at once we both came, and he grunted as he finished.

"I've never had an experience like that." He said as he laid out over the blanket. I could feel his cum dripping down my leg, so I stood to flush myself out and check the blanket. I brought a few, so after kicking his ass off of it I put a new one down and laid back down.

"I may have cheated." I said as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt his hand cup my breast and smiled.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You were amazing, but I cast a spell to help you keep going, a few times." I said smiling. He didn't complain only laughed.

"Okay, that makes sense. I thought I had become a god or something." He said with a small laugh.

"You're not mad?" I asked turning in his arms. He kissed me and smiled.

"Mad that you wanted to fuck me more than possible?" He kissed me again and looked down my body.

"Honestly?" I eyed him up and he laughed.

"Have you seen how sexy you are? If you had just kept casting whatever that spell is until I died of dehydration or starvation, I probably wouldn't have cared." He laughed again, and I felt his hands squeeze my ass.

"I would love to keep fucking you for a long time." He said honestly.

"Then come work for us." I said giving him one last pitch. "Anything you want to bring you can, and anyone. I know I said I don't trust you fully, but I think I could. Not to mention I have a few more girls that wouldn't mind sharing." I said as I kissed him again.

"I'll come, but only if you promise that when we have sex, it's just us." He looked into my eyes and smiled. "I don't need it every day, but I would like to be with you, and just you." He seemed so genuine I was kind of embarrassed for him.

"If that's what you want, but just so you know, I can't have kids. If you have plans for that, you will need to take another woman into your bed." He looked upset, so I finished. "I will never judge you for wanting an actual family, but I can't give you that." I ran my hand down his cheek and looked into his eye.

"I'm not really worried about kids and that, but I do find myself drawn to you. So, if I decide I want kids I will talk to you then." He said before he kissed me. We laid in each other's arms until sunrise and then we got dressed and went our separate ways.

When I got back to the Inn, I was pleasantly surprised. Everyone was still asleep, so I changed and sat down and started working on the lingerie I promised the seamstress. After finishing a few different kinds, I also saw my starch was dry and started working on a few things. I kept some of it for Niko. When I finished my fourth idea, I heard movement in the bed and looked up.

"Hi Pinkie." I said smiling at her. "Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Alyssa?" She rubbed her eyes and crawled out of bed just to slump in my lap. "I missed you." She said before pulling my face down to kiss her.

"And I missed you." I said before I kissed her a few more times. "Lem'tril said he would come work for us." I told her after we laid together for a bit.

"How was it last night?" She asked me.

"He knows his way around a woman's body. That much is for sure. He said he would come but he isn't interested in sleeping with anyone other than me." I told her.

"I mean, that's how most of us are." She gestured to the girls all sleeping in the bed. "I'm sure he will change his mind when he walks in on us a few times." She rolled over, so she was on her back looking up at me.

"What's wrong Pinkie?" I asked as I ran my hand through her hair.

"I plan on sharing you with anyone you want, but I don't WANT to. I am quite fond of Misha and Niko, and even like talking with Ly'anna and Lori'dae… It's just, how many do you plan on having eventually?" She looked into my eyes.

"The number doesn't exist. I care about each of you six. I'm not just fucking you and leaving right?" I asked, and she nodded. "I just can't bring myself to trust others fully. That's why I make it so you can't lie or betray me." I took her hand and continued to run my other through her hair. "As long as you will have me, I would like to have you." I said in almost a whisper.

"Alyssa?" She reached up and pulled my face to hers but didn't kiss me. "Is forever a good enough time frame?" She asked me with a smile and winked at me.

"I think that's fine." I said back before I kissed her. As we made out the others started to wake and came over to cuddle on the couch and make out. We didn't actually have plans and with them not letting me enjoy their bodies, we stuck to just heavy petting.

"So now we have a blacksmith?" Misha said as we took a break from each other's mouths.

"Yeah, he said he would come but I don't know what he plans on bringing. Plus, he said he only wanted to sleep with me." I answered honestly.

"Although I don't want him, he will change his mind when he sees any of these ones naked the first time." She replied back.

"Aww, thanks Misha." Niko said kissing her softly. "I won't let him lay a finger on you now." She said flexing her arm.

"I wasn't worried about it anyways." I said. "I think he is a bit scared of me." As they looked at me confused, I continued. "I told him about the stamina spell and he said it was fine, but there was something in his eyes…" I trailed off.

"I'll deal with it." Ly'anna said. "Don't worry Wife." She said.

"So sweet." I said as she leaned and kissed me and then finally, we got out of our nighties and went for breakfast.

"I thought you would never come down." The chef said when we reached the dining area.

"More testing?" I asked. She looked over me and went to Niko.

"Come, come." She said taking her arm and dragging her into the kitchen. When we entered there were about eighty or ninety dishes laid out across the island counter top and they all looked pretty good.

"You sure have been busy." Niko looked at everything and tried a small piece of seasoned meat. "Good job, it's good." She said smiling.

"Thank you." The chef said bowing. "I have been working on these dishes for a while. Help yourself and let me know what needs fixing." The chef left the kitchen and we dug in. There were quite a few different types of food and I could see some were from different countries.

"You really know your way around the kitchen huh Niko?" I said as I sat in a stool and she sat on my lap.

"I was a normal girl in middle and high school. Even college I was always learning new recipes and what not trying to impress any potential suitors." She said somewhat depressed. "Unfortunately, I never did land a guy."

"You have something better." T'anya said taking her hand. As Niko looked at her, she smiled and nodded.

"So, what are we doing today? We don't have anything to do, and you guys won't let me play with you…" I trailed off.

"Still no, sorry Love." Misha kissed my cheek and continued, "Ly'anna and I are gonna be busy so you, T'anya, Niko, and Lori'dae can do a group date and look for anything else in the marketplace that might be useful." She went to kiss my cheek again, but I turned my head and kissed her back.

"I'll miss you two then." I said looking at them both. Ly'anna came over and kissed me with a red face and I couldn't help but smile at her bashfulness. "I was hoping to make some cards for games and possibly get my hands on some more paper to make a few types of recreation. One thing I hate about this world is that if you aren't fucking or fighting, you're bored." I looked and Niko and Misha both lit up.

"If you can… Could you possibly make a 3D drawing of a guitar for a craftsman? I know it isn't your specialty, but you are an excellent artist." Misha asked. "They have lutes and lyres here, that's it. No flutes, no guitars, and definitely no pianos. I need music." She pouted. I reached into my bag and pulled out some scrolls.

"Here Misha." I handed it over and her face lit up when she saw it. I had drawn about twenty-five different instruments for future use and she scanned them into her head. She wrapped me and Niko in a hug before she kissed me. Now I just need to find a craftsman and figure out how to properly make the strings. I know how they were made in theory…" She trailed off and the scrolls vanished.

"I need more paper and something better than charcoal to write with." Niko said next.

"Yeah, I've been working on ink and I almost have it figured out, but it's still a bit sloppy. Definitely not a finished project and I may be going down the wrong path anyways." I said to her. "I did find graphite for pencils so that might help, though we need to buy it still." I said giving her a squeeze.

"I just want to spend time with you." T'anya said leaning on me. I took her hand and after we ate, we headed in separate directions than Misha and Ly'anna. We had decided that we would head back to De'arc tomorrow morning, so we had to look over everything in the marketplace to make sure we could get some of the things we wanted done.

Our first stop was to buy the graphite for pencils. When we walked up to the shop the shop keep was a pleasant older woman with bluish hair and two cat ears sticking from it. She smiled as we entered, and I looked at the different types of stones on display. I grabbed up a few soccer ball sized orbs of graphite and looked to find sulfur and coal. With these I could maybe make some explosive items later although magic would be just as useful. I saw Niko grabbed some white stone and when I raised an eyebrow she came over.

"It's rock salt. If it is refined properly, we will have salt. I prefer sea salt though…" She trailed off. We took all of the stones to the counter and after looking them over the shop keeper rang us up with a total of sixty silver and sent us off.

Our next stop was to a craft makers shop. I wanted to see if I had to make the cards myself, or if I could get lucky. When I walked in the majority of the shop was just different types of wood and leather worked into different forms of boxes and bags.

"Hey old man?" I said to the man at the counter. He just looked at me, so I continued. "Do you have any small thin pieces of wood about this big?" I asked, and he smiled and bent over. As he stood, he had thinly sliced pieces of wood and I saw there were at least a few hundred. "I'll take these if that's okay." I said to the man and he smiled and set them to the side. "I just want to look over the shop before I buy them." I told him.

I looked through the shop and other than a small place with a few carvings of different monsters, it didn't have anything of interest, so I left with just the cards.

"This place is really backwards." Niko said taking my arm as T'anya took the other. "They have these magical lights, but they don't even use special ingredients in their cooking. They have these amazing spells, but they never experiment with them to see what else they can do…" She trailed off. I looked and saw T'anya was biting her lip.

"What's up Pinkie?" I asked her.

"It's weird, but I never once worried about how my meals tasted. I can't talk for the magic since I didn't have any before, but most people are so focused on staying alive that they don't have time to worry about extra stuff." She said trying to explain. "My mom was a mage and she said that her magic was useful for cooking and cleaning along side fighting monsters. She probably thought she had really gone and found something out since I don't really see many mages doing things like that, but I know you managed to use your knowledge of magic to make a spell staff on your own which is impressive on its own." She finished.

"Thanks, T'anya, sorry if I hurt your feelings." She looked down and then after we walked a bit further spoke up again. "I think I am more pouting about missing home than I am upset about this world." She explained to her next.

"I just miss how populated the city was." I said next. "I loved just disappearing into the crowd." I got a look from everyone and raised an eyebrow.

"You are way too pretty to just blend in." T'anya said. "It would take a flood of people to have you 'disappear'." She finished.

"I think people were just to busy to notice you Alyssa." Niko said hugging my arm a bit tighter. I felt Lori'dae rest herself against my back as she wrapped around me.

"The beauty of not just you, but all of the women in this party is incomparable. I find it hard to see any of you going missing." She said before she kissed the back of my head. As she released me, we found ourselves outside a tailor.

"Miss! Miss! Can you tell me where you got these interesting clothes?" A man came running up to us.

"She made them." Niko said looking to me. The man came up to me and after nagging for a bit brought me into his shop.

"Where did you come up with such interesting designs?" He asked. We were all wearing normal casual wear, so it made me chuckle a bit.

"Sorry, these are normal back home. They are actually considered more of a casual thing to wear." I explained.

"I see, and where do you hail from?" He asked. After giving him the usual run around about our origins we started discussing ideas.

"So, if you ran the fabric like this and sewed it here you could have a leg and then you attach it to another here and with some string or fasteners you have a pair of pants." I said showing him how to make a pair of generic pants. "Obviously if you were to make a pair of pants that fit perfectly like these." I turned Lori'dae around and showed how the fabric clung to her bigger butt. "You could help accentuate women. If you went with a looser fit, maybe using a sturdy material, it could be used to help with bites and scratches from weaker monsters." This went on for a while and he ended up letting us leave after finding out we were from De'arc.

"You just had to show him my butt?" Lori'dae had been flushed red since I did that and finally yelled at me when we left.

"What's wrong? It's a wonderful butt and in those jeans, it looks even better." I said genuinely confused.

"Flattery will not save you now." She said angrily. "You can't just show off other people's bodies, whether we are lovers or not!"

"Sorry Lori. I apologize." I lowered my head a bit and when she saw I was truly sorry she let up.

"As long as you don't do it again." She said before hugging me between her massive breasts. I let that go on for a while before she finally let me go and we continued onward.

"I just realized, how are we going to get a house?" I asked.

"We aren't going to build it?" T'anya asked. When I looked at her, she continued. "We can use the earth magic to create stone. If you focus on what you want to build…" She trailed off and a small grey and perfectly smooth shape appeared in her hand. "The shape and size are dependent on intelligence and mana pool respectively though." She said looking at me.

"Oh? So, we could probably make the whole house and the extra facilities in a few hours then?" Niko asked excitedly.

"Whatever do you mean? How many of you have earth magic?" Lori'dae asked.

"Right… Sorry one sec." I rummaged in my bag for some string and after enchanting it put it on her ankle.

"What just happened?" She asked.

"I am actually extremely powerful. More than you know." I explained. We stepped off the main street into an alleyway and I explained my abilities to Lori'dae and gave her, her own spells and stats. She wasn't as powerful as the rest, but she could take out any humans that caused trouble.

"So, you made me a slave, so I can't tell anyone?" She asked.

"You can't betray me or lie to me. That's it." I said calmly.

"I see. That's fair I suppose. You did just make me much more formidable than before." She made a small gesture and a flame appeared over her hand. She closed her palm and when she opened it, she had a stone floating.

"You're already getting it." I said smiling.

"That is unfair." She said as she let the rock fall and kissed me gently. I kissed her back and we made out for a bit before she finally pulled away and looked at me. "I think I should tell you some things about myself." She said before we left the alley.

So apparently I already hit 75,000 words. This was supposed to be a quick dive into lewd stories but I must have gotten side tracked somewhere. I also saw my first review so thank you for reading. I still have plenty of ideas for this story but wanted everyone that has read this far to know how much i appreciate any and all feedback.

Anonismcreators' thoughts