Karena Lopez is a very shy girl who works at her auntie's shop. One night, while reading a BL comic at a pirated site online, she come across an advertisement that summons ghost for $3! Thinking it was a silly ad, she signed up it that changed her life, forever.
"Can't you all see that the company's suffering? Why can't you just listen to me for once! I told you to work hard! Now, look at the ratings! Argh!" Mr. Wilson screamed at us, his employees. He shakes his head as he stares at the graph in the TV. He's frustrated for sure, I mean who wouldn't be? When the best and well-known fashion company just magically dropped from the market, and now on the ground stomped by some other company. We all stayed silent not daring to say a word.
"So, anyone of you here have better ideas? Ideas! To get the GOOD WIL back to its original place!" He screamed again and that made me lower my head. No one spoke up and that means we're in big trouble. "Okay, since no one is going to speak up and share their ideas, I'm going to pick." Damn, Deja vu, this reminds me of my school days. Where the teacher pick a student to answer a que--you all know what I'm talking about, right?
"Miss Lopez?"
"Miss Lopez!"
"Oh, yes sir! I mean Mr. Wilson!" I screamed and that made everyone to look at me. "What were you day dreaming about? Please, share, it might help our company." Mr. Wilson said to me sarcasm filled his words. I tried to look up at him and tell him that it was nothing but I have no courage to do so. "Well, um I was just thinking about the way you pick someone to answer and it just reminds me of my high school days. You know, where a teacher screams--" before I could finish, someone cut me off.
"Actually sir, what about we redesign the shirts? I remember you said you came up with that shirt design so that the old people can be comfortable wearing it. But think about, sir" Miss Choi said confidently. "Old people nowadays try to look younger so, they get clothes that are trendy. Also, young people like trendy clothes too. What I'm saying is, let's redesign the shirt to what young people like." Miss Choi finishes and everyone is clapping for her. Mr. Wilson stared at her for a moment then smiled.
"Not bad. What the are you losers doing clap your hands for Miss Choi! You know what? You should be more like her, okay? Well then, meeting dismiss." We all clapped and stood up then watch Mr. Wilson walks out from the room. Everyone was praising Miss Choi as I just smiled at her then went outside.
Why can't be like her?
Today's slower than usual, there has been only 4 costumers since we opened and it's 7 now. No one has come! I thought to myself while looking up at the wall clock, a mop in my hands. I just want to go home and read the new chapter of BJ Alex! I wonder if Alex-
"Karen! Oh my goodness! Look a car is pulling over in front of the shop!" My Auntie Dorothy said excitement filled her voice. I look at the car through the glass door and there is a black car, a man can be seen in the driver seat. I shake my head and continued to mop the floor.
"They probably just pulled over to take a piss around the corner Auntie. Speaking of that, some kid vandalized our sign to stop peeing at sh-" Auntie let out a squeal that caused me to stop from talking and cleaning. "What now?"
"He's walking in our shop! Stop cleaning the floor and start wiping the tables! Here he comes!" Auntie whisper-yelled at me. I smiled at her, happy for the costumer too.
I look back at the man walking towards the entrance. He's wearing a black suit and tea, and a white undershirt. That's really classy. All black. "Damn it, Kara come here!" I walk over towards the cashier.
"I need to take a piss, serve the man!" My auntie said before dashing into the restroom. I went behind the counter and I look at the man, smiling. "Hi! Welcome to Tea Pon! What would you like to order?" The man is in front of me, looking down at me. He's really tall. So intimidating.
"Is this a new shop?" He asked, I look up at him. He's got a good physique. He probably works out. "No, sir. This shop has been here for almost 2 years." I answered, still smiling and dying inside on how beautiful this man is. His voice is so deep but soft.
"Really? I thought you guys quit because of how low the costumers are." He commented as he looks around the shop.
Well, that's expected. We're here for almost two years and the shop's not that big but, my auntie believe to never give up. Having this tea shop has been her dream since she was in high school. After working as a math teacher here in Australia and saved up enough money to open a shop, she quit being a teacher. Now, we have this shop. Unfortunately, it's not really going well.
"Yeah...so, what would you like to order, sir?" I asked, hoping it would change the subject. The man looked at from me to the variety of menus behind me while grabbing something under his coat, his wallet. Black wallet. He sure does like black.
"Hm, well, I apologize for the rude comment before. So, can I get a bubble tea? Honeydew?" He apologized! That's nice of him. I can tell it's his first time ordering a bubble tea from the dazzled face he makes while looking at the menu.
"It..it's okay sir. Honeyde-"
"Actually, can I get the Winter Melon? It sounds interesting." He's looking at me grinning, I think he is happy he finally decided what to get. I nodded agreeing that it is interesting, the taste is interesting too. No, it is the most amazing flavor bubble tea you can get.
"Okay, what would be the sinkers be?" His grin vanished and he look more confused than before. He started going through the menu again. "What about Aloe Vera?" Aloe Vera? No one has ordered that because they think it'll be terrible. I tried it once and it's not that bad.
"Got it, sir" I said typing it on the screen. I look up at him and he's already looking back at me. I immediately turned around. He caught me looking at me! No, he's looking at me too! Why is this beautiful man looking at me! I need to chill, my heart's palpitating.
"How much sugar level, sir-" but before I could finish, a ringing sound interrupted me. His phone is ringing. "Just a moment, sorry." He said and turn to the side before answering.
"What do you want?"
Harsh. I wonder who could it be. What am I thinking? It's not my business. He looks frustrated while talking to the person on the phone. He really is a good-looking man, he's got tiny stubble on his face. His hair is all around, it's lustrous and thick. I kind of want to touch it. It looks so soft.
It reminds me of Alex, from the BL comic I'm currently reading. Speaking of that, this man would be such a good model for a comic. I should try writing, nah, I wouldn't be good at it. Besides there are great authors out there. Right, no one would notice my works. That's why I will just stick on reading various of art.
"Okay, I'll be right there!" I heard the man angrily shouted to the phone before hanging up. I wonder what happened but then again, none of my business. "I'm sorry." He apologized.
"It's fine, sir." I assured him. He gave me a quick nod. "So, sugar level?" He went from angry to confuse. I smiled, "It's the percentage or level of sweetness you would like for your drink, sir. Like this." I pointed at the small board on the counter.
"Ah, I will get 100% please." I turned around and made his drink. I handed his drink to him and he handed me a black card. Damn. He is loaded. I shakily took the card from his grasp. "This is really good." He said and I look at him, he took a sip of the drink. He likes it!
"Thank you so much sir! Here is your card." His fingers slightly brushed with mine and I swear I legs just went jello! You don't have a chance on this god like human being Kara! That's right.
"Thank you too...." He started his eyes trailing from my face to my name tag. "Kara, thank you Kara." He continued before walking away. I stared at his back until he drove away and that's when I started feeling dizzy.
Hi! This is my first novel here in Webnovel. I hope you like it! Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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