
Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead

OC that has seen the anime and is thrown into the highschool of the dead world. Romance will be late in the story, no lemons.

Naier_Serpfire · 漫画同人
82 Chs

Riverside pt2

"...Where, is he?..." I whisper as I keep scanning around the nearby street, kneeling on the top of the fence wall that was next to the house that we got ambushed from. The house that the fence I was on to my left. Or well, it's messy front yard.

"There's only one body here..." I sigh as I look at the remains of the bowman I shot some time go.

"Where's the fucker that shot Rika..." I narrow my eyes as I keep looking around...

(There is a lot of blood around, so I can't really make out if any of it is his. Hmm, no chance he could run away, his leg got shot. So...)

With a sigh, I get up. Take a few steps back, then dash forward and jump over the alley that separated the two houses, landing inside the yard of the hostile house.

The first thing I noticed, was it had several 'dead' corpses inside. The second was a trail of blood, leading from the wall next to me, and into the house through a full-body-sized window. Said window now closed.

"Hmm..." I silently walk up to the window, glancing inside.

"The trail keeps on inside" I whisper as I open the window, or well, try too. As it ended up being locked.

I groan as I take a step back.

(I can just smash the window, but if there are hostile people still inside, it will warn them. And these guys got the jump on us once. Not happing twice.)

I fold my arms and look around. Then, look up, spotting the open window that I shot the second archer from. The curtains still floating through it.

(That could work...)

I nod and take a few steps back.

The window was obviously too high up to wall run, but. There was a small room that extruded from the first floor a little further to the left, creating a small roof that I 'could' reach.

With a nod, I run up toward the wall of the outer room, and using the lip of the window on the wall, I climb up to the small roof. After that, I dash towards the open window to my right, jumping off the roof, and grabbing the lowers edge of the window.

Though. I might have gone a bit, too fast. As the momentum made my grip slip as I kept going forward.


I quickly grab one of the flowing curtains and...


While the curtain did not rip, the pole it was attached to did not like the newly added weight. Causing it to detach from one side. What followed was that I found myself falling. Before a quick, violent stop. The curtain now slightly ripping from the force...

(Bah! So much about being silent...)

After hanging like a damn monkey on a pendulum for a few seconds, I start climbing up the curtain, finally reaching the window.

Before entering, I throw a quick glance inside. The guy I shot sprawled on the floor, his bow next to him, broken in two. Along with a couple of arrows, a pool of blood under him.


I nod and enter the building. They walk up to the body and check it.

"No pulse. As dead as you get." I whisper as I keep searching. Before turning it over and opening the bag it still had on it.

"...Uhh, nothing of use..." I groan as I glance at the broken bow.

(Did I end up shooting through the bow as well? Oh well, never took bow lessons. What with me being dead broke. I got no idea how to pull it without I dono, passing the arrow right through my thumb by accident.)

I sigh as I get up, ignoring the bow, for now at least.

With that, I ready my handgun and head towards the closed door ahead of me. The moment I reached it, I crouched down and open it. Then slide to the side and let it completely open while taking cover behind the wall next to it.

Once it was fully opened, I glance through. A wide rectangle hallway with two doors and a staircase. The staircase to my right was in the center of the hallway, one door adjacent to the staircase, the other door straight ahead of me. But most important of all.

(The blood trail goes up the stairs and into the room on the far end of the hallway.)

I take a deep breath and head next to the stairs, then glance towards the first floor, before turning towards the closed door to my left. And procced to open it the same way I opened the last door.

Inside, ended up being the bathroom, bathtub on the far end. And while I was still crouched I could see a hand sticking out of said bathtub.

(Oh, ain't that just perfect.)

I pull my hunting knife and carefully walk towards the bathtub, standing up when I reached about halfway into the bathroom.

Inside the bathtub. A blond, long-haired girl, she couldn't have been much older than me, her eyes closed, her face extremely pale. Her clothes sticking to her body. As the bathtub was filled to the top with water, water had turned red. The reason? Several deep cuts on the girl's wrist. The bloody scissors on the lip of the bath showing the culprit.

(At least she died human, I guess.)

I throw a last glance at the girl before turning around, crouching down again as I head back to the rectangle room, closing the door behind me.

(The downstairs looked empty from the window below, so...)

I turn to the final door. Ready my handgun, and head to the door.

After stopping in front of it. I carefully turn the door handle, the moment the door was open slightly, I let go. Then used the handgun to open it completely, while at the same time aiming down the sights.

The first thing I saw, other than the blood trail, was the wall to the right, which was made of wardrobe doors, then, a window on the far end wall ahead of me. And finally, a bed that had its head rest against the wall to the left, the blood trail leading behind the double bed to my left.

I glance at the floor before silently entering the room. And then instantly head 'my' side of the bed, which instead of a nightstand had a dresser with a mirror on the far end. After getting next to the dresser I then lean down and look under the bed. Two legs visible on the other side, along with two hands resting on these legs, one hand holding what I think was a bow, the other, holding an arrow, a bag in front of the legs.

(Ok. Somebody is there, big chance the guy who shot Rika. He, seems to not be moving...)

I lean back up and look over the bed. Yet, could not see the guy, the bed was too high.

(Fuck it.)

I let out a breath, and climb the bed. Much to my surprise, the bed did not even creek. And now, I had a full view of the guy.

His head was bent down, swaying lightly. The hand that was holding the arrow was playing with the tip. And, very bloody, bandaged right leg. Proving he was the guy that shot, and got Rika shot.

(You bandages you little fucker?)

I silently moved right next to him, yet the guy didn't respond. Not that it's that surprising. He had a splintered knee considering the bandage location, must have hurt like a bitch. Plus all the blood loss...

Without speaking, I lean forward. Raise my hand, and quickly launch it forward at the guy's arm, the one holding the arrow. Before as quickly pulling back, lifting his arm up with a tight grip.

"Huh?! Wha..." The guy quickly turns to look towards me, only to find himself staring at the barrel of a gun.

"Sup." I motion with my head as I keep holding the guy's arm.

The guy's face turns into a scowl.

"Here to take your revenge for turning your friend into a zombie asshole?" His lips turned into a slight smirk as he kept looking at me.

"So you 'were' aiming for it huh. And yet I'm the asshole here." I narrow my eyes.

"Fuck y..." Before the guys could finish, I quickly lower the guy's arm on the bed, and press the gun against his elbow...

His eyes go wide as he sees my finger pulling the trigger.

"Wai!..." His shout getting cut short by the sound of a single gunshot, followed by a loud scream...

"Language..." I add as I push his now ruined arm off the bed, the guy hugging his arm as he leans against the wall to his left.

"Now, should I even ask why?" I ask as get off the bed, and kneel a safe distance in front of him.

"Ha, haha! Why not!? It's not like there are any rules left to tell us not to!" The guy spits on the floor in front of me as he shouts.

"So rules are the only thing that stopped you from being a monkey. Guess your other three friends must have been the same, seeing how they ended up." I just shake my head as I take the arrow off the bed. Then glance at the tip.

"Three? Μath ain't your strong point hah? There were three of us, with me. Or did you go and off some random bystander by chance." As the guy spoke with a grunt, I picked the arrow he dropped on the bed after I shot his arm, dried blood visible on the tip.

(So there 'were' three of you. Thanks for the info douche-canoe)

"I take it you used infected blood huh?" I ask as I turn my sight back to him.

"Huahaaauuughh. A genius too ain't you." The guy scoffs as he winces.

"Smarter than you at least." I respond as I get up. Picking up his bag and glancing in to see an open half-used first aid kit.

"Since I know that blood itself does not carry the corpse virus. No idea about conventional illnesses though, so thank you for the first aid kit. My friend will need it more than you." I lift his bag slightly as I speak. The guy turned to look at me with a pained expression.

"Knowing that did stop you from shooting my arm though you fucking sadist!" The guy screams.

"Just because you're a damn retard and used the wrong fluid as poison, does not mean you did 'not' try to use it as a poison. Same deal to my eyes." I respond as I back off.

The guy just kept cursing, before folding over, guess he made a sudden movement that spiked his arm pain.

With a small sigh, I lift my handgun, aiming straight at the guy's head.

"H,hahh, really now?" He grimaces as he looks at the gun.

"Leaving loose ends is a good way to get you killed." I answer.

"Then why didn't just shoot me for the get-go you fucking sadistic fuck..." The guy hisses.

"I needed to vent..." I retort, and before the guy could respond, I pull the trigger. His head hitting against the wall behind him as he finally shut up for good. I casually throw the bag over my shoulder and turn to leave, leaving the door to his room open before heading downstairs.

(You know, I wonder what I would have done to Shimada had I not known that in the manga he was at least willing to try and redeem himself by sacrificing himself. Though the kid he did save was the reason everything went to shit in the first place...)

With that, I exit the building through the window door that I first found. After searching the kitchen and grabbing some packaged bars consisting of energy bars and halva that is.

And, upon climbing the fence wall. I come face to face, with a large group of corpses. Corpses that had surrounded the house.

"What did I expect to happen, I shot a gun, twice..." I sigh as I look around.

(Hmm, guess I can use the same path as before with Rika, going towards the car wrecks while staying on the fence.)

I nod to myself and start to walk towards the back end of the house...

And less than a minute later, I was by the cars.

(Hmm, a lot of corpses are missing from the left side, which goes to the river, guess after they went on the main road they joined the other roaming corpses. Good for me.)

I quickly jump down and run to the road by the river. This time around, the road was, well, not so corpse free...

"Ok, without Rika here, I can just return the same way I came." I whisper as I run to the side of the road, passing the second bag over my shoulder after closing it. Then vault over the guard rail, but keep holding on to it, ending up with me hanging behind the railing.

(Steady now...)

I carefully grab the street under the railing, lowering myself even more.

(Ok, let's go before I stop feeling my fingers.)

Using the guard rail pylons that were embedded in the street as grabbing points, I start to 'pass' the street, throwing an occasional glance under me, towards the river.

While I was not exactly silent, the rail guard was about waist high for most corpses, so by the time they ended up leaning over it, I had long past em...

And like that, I reached the four-way intersection between my road, the bridge, the toy store, and the road that led to hell knows where.

Since I was still handing off the edge, all I could do was grab on the road that headed to the bridge, so that's what I did, and I kept going. Until I reached the first Bridge support where the bridge arches started. Which in truth were my target from the beginning. Since corpses had no real way to get on the arches, and even if they did, they could not deal with slopes to save their unlife.

So, after climbing up to the arch and moving a bit higher from any unwanted hands, I look around me.

(Hmm, I could just jump on a car from here and dash to the back of the toy store...)

I nod to myself and get up, and with a stationary jump, I arc over the corpses that had gathered under me, and land safely but very loudly, on a car away from them.

Without wasting time, I jump down the car and break off into a dead run, straight towards the toy store's parking lot...

After trading paint with a few corpses, I finally reached the parking in the backside of the toy store.

(Uhh, shit, more corpses around the truck Rika is on. Most of them are dressed in storage worker clothes. Guess they came from inside the store?)

Rika was still casually smoking on the roof of the truck while staring at the sky.

(Uhh, the front of the truck does not have any corpses.)

I nod and run up to the front of the truck, then use the front bumper to quickly climb up. Rika, upon hearing the noise, turns around to find me halfway up.

"Huh? Why didn't you say you're here? Come on." She holds her cigarette with her mouth and slides to me as she extends her arm.

"You didn't hear me stomping about?" I ask as I get up with her help.

"Nope." She casually responds.

"That must have been a very interesting sky then." I shrug as I walk up next to her, then sit down.

"So?..." She asks as she glances at my new bag.

"The guy you shot was still alive." I answer.

"What? Please tell me you didn't let the fucker go." Rika's expression turns into a glare as she stared at me.

"I said 'was'." I respond as I open the bag. Rika just lets out a sigh as she closes her eyes, the glare leaving her face.

"He had already used some of this, but you might be able to use the rest." I add as I pull the first aid kit from inside. Rika opened her eyes to look at the plastic box

"Hmm, let me see that." She responds as she grabs said box.

She shuffled about a bit, before letting a displeased groan.

"No antibiotics here, only half a bandage..." She mumbles,

"...Ohh?" She then pulls a transparent empty vial. The label on it writing 'Morphine'

"Somebody had fun. Junkys?" I ask I fold my arms.

"Could be. It's not like you need Morphine if you get bit by one of these things..." She responds as she motions at the corpses below us.

"Still, we need something to stitch that or the bleeding stopped?" I ask as I look at her thigh.

"Nope, still bleeding. But this bandage will help with that. Or well, it will help better than a damn shirt at least sight it can get a tighter grip. So, help me out a bit here." She says as she gets up, takes off the now bloody shirt. And tosses it towards the corpses under us, one of them getting the shirt right into its face...

I don't know if it was the warmth of the blood, or the smell, but the corpse actually reacted and started, eating the shirt.

Turning my head back to Rika I find her. Stripping...

I blink a couple of times as she pulls her arms out of her overalls, then pulls her 'pants' down. Essentially staying in her T-shirt and her underwear. The whole thing would have had a very different, feeling. If she didn't have a bleeding hole in her thigh.

"Grab me the bandage." She casually extends her hand at me as she motions with her hand. I just nod and do as she asked.

She takes the bandage and quickly starts wrapping her leg.

"Plehh, did he really have to shoot me there, this better not leave an ugly scar. It's too close to my butt.." She mumbles as she finishes setting the bandage, then dresses up, well, almost dresses up. as she left her overalls unzipped.

"So, are you going to tell me if I'll live or turn into a hungry corpse now?" She asks as she sits down next to me.

"Well, they were ruthless, but thankfully for us, idiots. They tried to poison you with the arrow, but used corpse blood instead of saliva." I respond.

"Ahhh, guess the pinkette ain't gonna rest easy yet." Rika chuckles.

"Though I do think we need antibiotics. Corpse blood is still blood from a decaying corpse. Other diseases still exist..." I continue.

"The kit did not have any." Rika answers flatly. I just sigh as I look inside the toy store's storage, spotting a forklift...

"Hmm, guess that place is all that's left. Areas with heavy machinery should have first aid kits by law." I point at the toy store's storage.

"I already told you. You are not going in there." Rika flatly answers.

"We can't risk having the wound getting infected." I respond.

"We don't know how bad it is in there. I was not spouting hot air when I told the pinkette that I'll bring you back alive." Rika repeats.

"I'll just search the place that is already visible. I won't go deeper. The last thing I want is to deal with literal ankle biters. Because you know, toy store and all." I say as I get up.

"Do I have to push you down? Sit your ass down Naier." Rika lifts her head to glare at me.

"Nope." I casually answer as I run off the truck, and jump into the building.

"Hey! Come back here you Hero complex moron!" Rika shouts as she slides to the edge of the truck.

I just wave at her as I look around the building.

From what I could see, which was not a lot because of the darkness and no windows.

About twenty meters from where I was standing, to my right, where most of the building continued, was pitch black darkness. The place had all the shelves against the walls, metallic vents running along the corners and ceiling of the room, the center was essentially a loading ground, some big boxes and forklifts scattered about, and that's that. T

To my left, on the wall straight ahead of me and to the far left side. Was a door that led into the front of the store. And finally on the actual left wall, two doorframes, each leading to a bathroom. Left being guys, right being females.

Also, next to the door that led to the main building. A first aid wall cabinet.


I grin as I run-up to the door, avoiding the corpses in worker clothes on the way.

After reaching the cupboard, I notice that the door to the front was slightly ajar.

Without thinking too much I grab the door and close it, then turn to look at the first aid cabinet.

I quickly open it and...

"...Bullshit..." I mumble as I look at the empty cabinet. I then turn to glance at the bathrooms...

(Bathrooms usually have first aid kits right? And this is a high-risk area so having two or three of these cupboards would make sense right?)

I glance towards the exit, Rika was not visible from here. Then glance at the bathroom doorways.

(...No door so still counts as, 'this room'...right?)

I take a deep breath and run towards the bathrooms. Opening my flashlight as it was getting a bit, too dark for my liking.

(Male or female? Female has more chance for female corpses, and as this is a warehouse, less chance for female workers. I also don't want to be in a tight space with a burly corpse man thank you very much.)

I nod and ran up the doorframe to the female side.

After a sharp turn to the right, a small corridor, and another turn to the left, I find the actual bathroom. The insides were just a long corridor, stalls to the left, sinks to the right, along with a wall made of mirrors over the sinks.

Also, all stalls were closed. And finally, right next to the first sink, on the wall, another first aid cupboard.

(God this better have something...)

I quickly run-up to the cupboard, fling it open. And...

It was full.


Not knowing what to take, I just pick everything that looked like a bottle and quickly turn around.

Only to find that the door of the stall behind me had opened. A single, female corpse, dressed like a secretary. Wearing protective headphones, hair covering her head and neck, standing there, Unmoving, swaying...

(Oh holy f!)

I instantly freeze as I spot the ghost, I mean corpse...

And while still standing still, I slowly reach for the stall door with one arm, and lightly push it to close it. The corpse disappearing behind the now closing door...

(There go three years of my life...)

I let out a sigh as I turn to look at the exit. Then carefully head to the doorframe, and lean in to look at the corridor.

(Still empty. Let's get the fuck out, last thing I need is getting pushed back to a dead-end...)

With that, I exit the bathroom, and head straight towards the exit.

The moment I got near, I saw Rika with one hand holding a cigarette in her mouth, looking toward the inside of the building. She actually looked worried. Well until she noticed me, then she looked released, then annoyed.

"Get your ass up here you damn retard!" She shouts the moment she spots me, leaning over the edge and motioning with her hand. Three corpses under her trying to reach her to no avail.

"Are you 'trying' to get very corpses on us?" I ask with a low whisper as I run-up to the three corpses under her.

With the momentum of my run, I stomp the central one on the back, sending it into the truck's box. Then grab the second one before it could turn around, and yank it towards the third one before quickly grabbing Rika's arm and climbing back up.

And, the moment I was up.


A strong slap to my helmet.

"You intend to ignore everything I tell you?" Rika asks with a rather calm voice.

"Only the stuff that conflicts with what I want to do." I answer just as calmly. Rika just lets out a loud groan.

"I should have expected that the guy that is crazy enough to deal with the daughters of the two most influential men on the map at the same time is a hard-headed idiot." Rika sighs.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I respond as I start taking out the pill bottles. Rika turning to stare at them...

"Maybe I should just tie you up and carry you to the outpost." Rika folds her arms as she keeps looking at the bottles.

"...What's with people wanting to tie me up? I ain't even into that shit." I groan as I finish taking the bottles out of my pockets.

"If somebody else said that it proves my point even more." Rika answers as she picks a bottle.

"Or that you and that person have a weird bondage fetish." I shrug.

"Ehh, depends on the partner." Rika shrugs back.

(Figures she'd have tried that too...)

"...Antiseptic. I'm too lazy to strip again..." Rika mumbles as she picks another bottle.

"Ohh, antibiotics~" She then exclaims as she opens the bottle and pops a pill.

(I know I'm gonna regret that...)

"...You need to apply that antiseptic too you know." I point at the bottle she was holding before.

"You just want to see me in my underwear again don't you." Rika chuckles.

(Called it.)

"Just rip the pants and apply it." I shrug.

"You want to rip my pants? That borders sexual assault you know." Rika answers again.

"...Do whatever you want..." I groan as I let myself fall back with a groan, ending up with the sky taking over my field of vision.

It took a few minutes, till I heard clothes scuffling, and shortly after.

"Aaachhh, damn that stings!" Rika exclaims.

"Means it's working and you needed it." I answer.

"No shit Sherlock." Rika chuckles as she lies down next to me.

The only noise now being the corpse moans under us, plus the occasional bump as a corpse headbutted the truck.

A few minutes passed in silence like that...

"Hey Naier..." Until Rika speaks up.

"You hungry?..." She asks right after.

"Please don't tell me you're hungry again. You have been munching on something nonstop while we were at the house." I chuckle.

"Whaaaat, here I am trying to do a good deed to thank you. And you think I have ulterior motives? I am, so hurt right now..." Rika responds, though the tone of her voice, didn't sound 'too' hurt.

"What do we have?" I ask as I get to a sitting position.

"Nuts." Rika plainly responds.

"Nuts?" I ask again as I turn to look at her, only to find her still sprawled on the roof. Hands behind her head and overalls still fully unzipped.

"Enjoying the view?" Rika asks as she opens one eye with a smirk.

"What's with you women always targeting guys that are no longer alone..." I groan as I shake my head.

"Because the goods have been tested and approved." Rika laughs.

"Are you 'trying' to get Saya to orbital nuke us?" I ask as I fold my arms.

"Hmm? So you mean that the other one won't mind?" Rika chuckles as she also sits up.

"No, the other one will probably take matters to her own hands, you don't want the other one to take matters to her own hands." I answer as I shrug.

"Ohh, dangarus~" Rika chuckles as she opens the bag she filled with stuff from the other house. Then pulls a small plastic bag filled with mixed nuts.

"Ye...Wait a sec..." I frown.

"Did you just bait me in order to change the subject so you can just start eating again?" I ask as I fold my arms.

"Of course not~" Rika responds as she lifts both eyebrows, glancing at me as she starts munching.

"Do you always eat that much? I mean, hell, where do you even put all that..." I ask with a low tone.

(Considering your boobs and butt are actually smaller than Shizuka's, or Saya's...)

"Nowhere, did you forget my work commando?" Rika casual answers. I just take a deep breath and turn to look at the corpses under us, hands still extended, their blind stares aimed towards the sky.

(Well, her body does seem to match Saeko's considering they are both athletic, it could make sense. No way I'm telling her that though, it'd be like I'm handing her free ammo to shoot me with.)

"You sure you don't want some? These are some good nuts." Rika asks as she grabs the bag and extends it towards me.

"Well, never say no to free food." I shrug as I take off my headgear and gloves. Then grab a handful.

"Words to live by." Rika chuckles.

A few more minutes then passed in silence. If you don't count the sound of crunching, and corpse moaning...

(Hmm wonder what time it is...)

As we kept sitting, I took the expensive-looking watch out of my vest pocket...

(Almost eight huh...)

"Damn, that's a gaudy looking watch if I have ever seen one. Who did you steal it from?" Rika asks as she leans towards the watch.

"What makes you think I stole it?" I ask back.

"This brand's cheaper watch is more expensive than your Scar-H sweetheart. You're telling me you dropped thirty-four and four hundred thirty-four thousand Yen for a watch? " Rika chuckles.

"That's, a lot of numbers. And no, I didn't buy it, I didn't steal it. Or can corpse's file for theft?" I 'ask' back.

"To corpse cops." Rika chuckles.

"I better get ready to deal with corpse lawyers then..." I shrug.

"By the way, since you pulled it out. What's the time?" She asks back.

"Eight." I answer back as I pull the radio out and look at it.

"Hummm? Want to call you girlfriends?" Rika asks right after with a small smirk.

"Yes." I respond flatly.

"Ohh? I expected some sort of 'I'm focused on my mission' hard-ass approach." Rika tries to imitate a 'fat truck driver' as she speaks, only to end up laughing at her own joke.

"If they're worried about me five, I'm worried ten." I answer as I sigh.

"You know, speaking about it, it really got me wondering. What, exactly are you going to do?" Rika then relaxes as she leans on her arm.

"What do you mean?" I ask back.

"With those two. Sure, we might not return to 'normal' normal any time soon. But we are definitely taking steps towards a 'better' tomorrow. Restarting infrastructure, cleaning blocks, hell your little idea with the giant hole might even earn you a medal with how efficient it will be if we manage to pull it off. But what I want to know is what you will do if these two decide that it's time to, you know, make a decision." Rika shrugs.

"Honestly, I, don't know. I can't see myself denying either of them." I sigh.

"Oh come on, you must have a favorite~" Rika chuckles.

"No. It's like telling me to decide between ice cream and a cream cake. Both are equally awesome, and one can not replace the other." I respond as I drop my head.

"Ohh? Whos the cream cake?" Rika chuckles.

"Saya." I answer with a shrug.

"Hmm? How come?" Rika arches an eyebrow as she asks, though the smirk was still on her face.

"Simply because ice cream is colder, matches Saeko's cool personality better, the process of elimination." I shrug, again.

"Ha, so I guess she melts in your hands huh~" Rika chuckles before grinding at me again.

"You know, I'm thinking of betting that you can't last a day without shooting off sexual innuendos." I fold my arms as I turn to look at her.

"What? Oh come on, do you take me for some sex-crazed weirdo?" Rika frowns slightly as she also folds her arms. I didn't respond. I just kept staring at her...

"Ahh, my delicate feelings. To think that you'd think that I'm such a deviant." Rika closes her eyes puts her hand over her forehead as she turns her head away with a dramatic sigh. Actually, scratch the dramatic sigh, the whole essence was an overblown picture of dramatism.

"Yea, tell me about it. How did an outlandish idea even pop in my head. By the way, you lowered your zipper so much I can actually see your panties right now." I chuckle.

"Yiaw~ Pervert~" Rika tries? To play the embarrassed schoolgirl as she moves her zipper up just enough to actually cover her underwear. Though with how she was smirking and trying not to laugh. She had failed, miserably.

"Uhh, I'm really surprised how nobody tried to actually rape you with how provoking you are. Seeing how half the survivors we found so far were drooling over at least one of our female team members." I sigh as I shake my head.

"Because the first guy that tried to get a bit too touchy-feely without my consent after I arrived at the airport. Ended up with two broken arms and three fractured ribs." Rika casually shrugs as she answers.

"...Why am I not surprised neither by the fact that somebody 'did' try it. And that he also ended up a vegetable..." I shake my head as I chuckle.

"Hey! He didn't turn into a vegetable. He could still walk, short distances..." Rika folds her arms as she leans towards me with a frown.

"Aaaanyway. Keep going?" Rika starts zipping her suit up fully up as she puts the nuts back into the bag.

"Can you walk?" I respond as I get up.

Rika, instead of answering, stands up as well, and leans on her injured thigh for a few seconds.

"I'll be fine. If that much was enough to stop me I'd be fired a long time ago." She adds as she starts getting ready.

"You sure? We can wait some more. It's not like we're in a time limit." I respond as I fold my arms.

"My, keep being this caring and I might seriously swoon over you. Or I might just take advantage of you and make you do all the hard lifting." Rika laughs, yet sits down again.

"By the way, since we will have to move sooner or later. How are we going to move? Other than the handgun, we're all out of ammo. And well, I might be fine with walking around, but close combat? One single wrong step can lead to a pain spike, and that could lead to me to the ground while a fugly is chewing my face off." Rika leans back while placing her hands behind her back as she asks...

"Hmm, yea. You will hold on to the handgun for now. We will aim to avoid combat. Hopefully, the outpost is not too far." I respond, then take my radio out again.

(Let's see if they are awake...)

I open the radio and press the speak button a couple of times. No reaction.

"Y'all still snoring?" I ask as I bring the radio closer to my face.

"Minus ten points in romantic wake-ups for you." Rika snorts.

No response.

"Can't be a ten at everything. Gotta leave some stuff for others to excel at." I chuckle as I close the radio.

"And you left out the only thing that some handsome playboy can use to steal your girl under your nose?" Rika laughs slightly through her nose as she tilts her head.

"Well if we are talking about the same type of playboy that comes to mind. Depending on how successful he is, his 'handsomeness' will equally decrease, in courtesy of me." I answer back.

"Ohh, violent~" Rika puts her hand over her mouth as she tries to act shocked.

And so, we spent about another half hour on the truck's ceiling.

Either with some small talk, or in silence. With me occasionally checking the radio...

"Hmm, didn't think they'd be sleeping for this long..." I tilt my head as I keep looking at the radio. The talk button still pressed.

"Maybe they're having a nice dream. You did tell them to sleep together did you not? Who knows what they could dream about~" Rika chuckled.

"I meant together in the same room..." I groan. As I let go of the button.

(Though if they did sleep on the same bed...)

I shake my head.

(Focus Naier...)

"Soo, should we..."

"Naier?" And just as Rika was about to speak, the radio spoke up. Saeko's voice...

"Saeko? Did I wake you up?" I ask.

"No, I just returned to the room. Both me and Saya have been awake for an hour or so..." Saeko responds. Her voice sounded rather, tense.

And then, silence...

"Saeko? Did something happen?" I ask as I lower my head slightly.

"There, has been some events..." She responds.

"...I don't think I'm gonna like these events." I sigh under my breath.

"Electricity returned." She answers right after.

(Wait is that a bad thing?)

And as if to answer...

"And, we will all be moved to the civilian camps." Saeko adds right after.

"Oh. Wait what?!" I shout back.

"With electricity back. High-ranking officials are getting assigned here. Our rooms will be given to them. That is what Saya's dad informed us." Saeko answers just as calmly.

"So 'that's' all my work's worth huh. Fucking hypocrites, I'd like to see one of their fat lard politicians trek through damn a zombie horde for them..." I groan with a slight hiss in my voice.

"When will they move you?" I ask as I tap my helmet

"The officials will start arriving the day after tomorrow." Saeko answers.

"And when will they move you?" I ask again.

"They already moved us..." She responds...

"God fucking. MOTHERFUCKERS!" I nearly tossed the radio off the truck as I shouted. Rika going wide-eyed as she stared at me.

"Why, are you so scared about staying in a camp though?" Saeko then asks back.

"It's not the camping that scares me, it's the lack of locks in your sleeping room." I respond as I let out a deep breath.

"My sleeping room?" Saeko asks again.

"Yes, your's, and Saya's. Or you wanna count times when the people we met thought with their dicks instead of their heads." I answer.

"Aren't you overthinking this though? You know I can defend myself. I'll make sure nothing happens to either me, or Saya." Saeko answers back.

"I didn't know you could defend yourself in your sleep..." I say as I take a deep breath. Saeko, didn't respond.

After a few seconds of silence...

"Where is Saya?" I ask.

"She was with her father last time I saw her." Saeko calmy answers.

"Maybe, I shouldn't have told you about it. You sound anxious now." She adds right after...

"No, it's fine. Just means we don't have as much time to waste." I respond as I shake my head.

"But hey, look at the bright side. If we are sent to the camps, they can no longer force me to go anywhere. More free time." I add as I take a deep breath.

"That, does sound nice." Saeko answers, letting out a small giggle, some tension in her voice disappearing.

(God, this was some fucking news I did NOT need. And with Rika telling me that the camps ain't exactly 'safe'.What with how they caught Captain fatso peeping multiple times, hell knows what else has happened there that has 'not' been mentioned...)

"Well, if worse comes around, we'll just up and leave. I'd rather have to deal with corpses and bandits. At least they can not push their weight around because of 'status'." I add with a groan.

"Hmm, if that is the case. I think there 'might' be a solution you might like." Saeko answers.

"I'm listening..." I answer as I tilt my head.

"It's something my father seems to be thinking about. I can't exactly tell you what, since he has not actually told me so myself. But he seems to not be too keen on being overly dependent towards the army for his survival..." Saeko responds.

"I, see. Well, let's take things one at a time. First, I should focus on returning here before tomorrow. As I doubt they will have helicopters to spare once they start bringing in the nation's 'hope'..." I chuckle with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"And remember to pack up everything. Hell take even the damn curtains and if you can. Leave em four empty walls for all I care." I add right after, Saeko just chuckles at me...

"Ok, guess we got no time to lose. I'm closing the radio." I continue as I lower the radio.

"Very well. Just, be careful Naier. If something happens to you now because of what I told you..."

"Don't worry. Still got a full day ahead. It's not like the outpost is on the other side of the city, and we must be past the halfway point already." I cut her off. Saeko just responds with a 'hum' before I finally turn the radio off.

"...So much about not being on a time limit huh?" Rika adds as I sigh.

"I said it, I jinxed it..." I grumble under my breath as I get up...

(Hell knows I'm not leaving them alone in a camp where they caught Saya's stalker peeping. I'll swim my way back if I have to.)