"FUUUUUUCCCK! Dig! dig, dig! DIG! You retarded mining laser!" I shout as I punch the recharging laser gun in my hand.
"Punching it won't make it recharge faster!" The blue scaled, blue-haired dragon girl shouts at me. Her greatsword on the ready as she kept staring at the dark cave corridor that extended behind us...
And, with a 'whirring' sound, followed by a 'click'. The laser gun's lights flared up.
"Finally! God I don't know why I came down to this fukin planet..." I groan as I point the laser gun at the wall ahead of me and pull the trigger. The rocky wall quickly evaporating, creating a circular uphill tunnel as the laser dug deeper and deeper..
"Because you wanted the loot! Now move your ass! The ground is shaking again!" The dragon girl shouts as she runs past me.
"Huh?! Wha?! Why are you running? Why are you running?! You're the close-range fighter here!" I shout as I stop using the laser and start running after the dragon girl.
"Like hell I'm fighting these things!" She shouts as she disappears into the dark, uphill tunnel…
"You're supposed to be my protection damit! I'm a gun user!" I shouted as I kept running up the tunnel, but got no response...
"Raina dammit! Don't outrun meaaAA!" Yet, before I could finish my sentence, something tripped my leg, causing me to fall face flat on the ground…
"The, hell…" I shake my head and turn to look behind me, towards my leg. A small tentacle warped around it…
"... I'm, screwed…" I whisper. And the ground, start to slowly shake…
While still on the ground, I roll to my back and ready my white, fire elemental sniper rifle. And then switch its mode to 'flamethrower'...
A few seconds pass, and the ground stops shaking…
Only for it to burst open right below my feet, a giant, rocklike worm blasting off the ground with a loud screech, towering over me as its single, glowing yellow eye locked itself on me.
"Burn you fucker! Buuuurn! AHHHRRRGG!" I scream as I pull the trigger, a giant stream of fire engulfing the worm…
The giant monstrosity screeches as it sways backward, then screeches even louder as it dove straight into the flames, making a beeline towards me…
"Shit!" I reflexively close my eyes and look away, waiting for the thing to tear me apart…
Yet, nothing…
I open one of my eyes as I turn to look towards where the worm should be at. But, no worm was there. Instead, the thing was now warped around me, weighing me down….
"The fu…" Before I could even blink at the weirdness, the worm tightens its body around me. A, flowery scent? Coming off of it?…
"The fuuuuuu?" And then, I felt my neck, getting wet. Even though, I was wearing full body armor…
"Rape, whi, stle…" I groaned as I started to feel my consciousness fade…
Soon, I could feel nothing. Other than that wet feeling on my neck that is. And that something, was weighing me down…
And after some time, slowly, my consciousness started to once again return…
As I opened my eyes again, the first thing I saw. Was a purple-haired head. Well ok, the 'first' thing I saw as a white ceiling, but who cares about that. Then, I figured out 'why' I kept feeling weighed down, as that purple-haired head, had a body. And that body was on top of me. I'm also pretty sure by now. That that head, in other words Saeko, which was 'nibbling' on my neck right, was also the one that was giving off this 'flowery' scent…
I blink a couple of times as I glance around. The occasional, wet 'smack', being heard as the culprit on top of me was uhh, molesting? My neck…
(...Uhh, she's, really going at it. You mean to tell me she has been doing 'this', while I was still asleep?...)
As if to respond to my thought, Saeko lets out a rather, thought-provoking moan…
"If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you're trying to provoke a certain, 'reaction' out of me right now…" I whisper at Saeko's ear as I lightly run my fingers over her spine.
Saeko then stopped being all provocative at my neck, and lifted her head until it was completely over mine, before locking her eyes with me.
"Good morning~." She chimed as she lowered her head, rubbing her nose on mine before lowering her head even more, our lips touching shortly after. Not even seemingly bothered by the fact that she got 'caught'...
(I'm giving this wake-up call, an eight. Two points lost because of that weird-ass dream)
After a few seconds, she lifted her head, only to snuggle up against my shoulder…
"Normally, I would be disappointed that I lost my whole day sleeping…" She says as she closes her eyes.
"But I slept so peacefully that I don't really mind. I, even had a nice dream." She adds with a small chuckle…
(At least 'you' had a nice one. I got molested by a giant worm 'thing' because of your neck nibbling...)
"Any idea what's the time?" I ask.
"Still pretty early I reckon." Saeko answers.
"Hmm, you think? How come?" I ask again.
"Saya did not come to wake you up. It is 'her' day after all, I do not think she would waste a lot of time waiting after she got up. And, I also do not think she would let herself sleep late either. I know I would not, if I was in her shoes." She added as she lightly poked my chest.
"I see. You, got a point." I nod slightly as I pass the arm she was laying on under her, then rest it on her waist.
"There, is also something else that I wanted to ask you." She says as she lifts her head again, bringing it closer to my ear.
"What exactly did you do to me yesterday, that needed me 'losing' my pants?" She 'asks' in a rather seductive tone.
(I fucking knew it…)
"Nothing, you took em off yourself." I respond with a deadpan face as I turn to look at her. Saeko just keeps looking at me with a slight smirk on her lips, and an 'oh yea?' expression…
"Really." I add as Saeko narrows her eyes, smirk still on her face.
And, just as she kept creeping her face closer to mine…
The door opened. Saya appearing behind the door. Her hair down with a black shirt and the school skirt. Same outfit as yesterday, except she was just wearing the unbuttoned white jacket she usually wears over the shirt. What's more, she now had a laptop open in her arm, playing some rather 'loud' music. I honestly could not even make it out because of the volume, sounded, classical?
(Daum, Saya just made an entrance...)
"Well, I guess I will be all by my lonesome now…" Saeko whispers to my ear. I just turn to her as my eyebrows end up making a straight line. She giggles in response as she gives me a quick kiss. Then gets off the bed and heads straight to the bathroom. Did, I mention she was not wearing pants?...Yea...
Did I mention Saya was in the room?...Yea…
Did I mention that she was now looking at me like a puffed up puffer fish?...Yea…
"You know it was not me who took off her pants, you were here yesterday when it happened." I say as I get to a sitting position, slightly lifting my hands in 'surrender'.
Saya grumbled something. But among the loud music, I just saw her mouth move…
(I think, she just called me a pervert...)
I was about to get off my bed, when I decided to quickly glance under the covers before taking them off.
(...Ok, I'm still wearing pants…)
I let out a small sigh as I got off the bed, while in the meantime, Saeko also re-entered the room.
"Well uhh, I'm going to the bathroom." I say as I pretty much bailout of the room after grabbing new clothes…
-Several minutes later-
After washing my face and changing to a 'new' set of the same clothes. I exit into the main room, Saeko, still with no pants on…
(...I swear, this girl. She just doesn't give a fuck. First the apron thing, now this.)
"Well, if you're about done lazing about like a sloth?" Saya lowers the music on the laptop as she turns to me...
"I can fix the room, you can go if you want to, just leave the keys to my room here please." Saeko adds as she glances at me, then at Saya. The pink-haired girl nods, and takes a key out of her jacket's chest pocket, then walks up to Saeko and gives it to her.
"I take it that you managed to open the pc from the fact that you are blasting us with flying bumblebees?" I 'ask' as I keep looking at Saya.
"Hum, of course I opened it. Because 'I', was working. While you two were being all giggly." Saya responds with a huff as she turns to look at me with a smug expression.
(Aww, somebody's being salty~)
"Ai, got you loud and clear. Today, all work. No giggly stuff and no cuddly stuff." I answered with a smirk as I lifted one hand and made an 'ok' sign. Saya blinked at me a couple of times, before puffing her cheeks, narrowing her eyes at me as she started to blush.
"I, I'm going to decide what we do today. Not you." She declares with a flat tone.
"Now move." She adds as she turns to leave the room. I just turn to glance at Saeko while slightly shrugging my shoulders. Saeko responded by giggling after placing her hand over her mouth.
"You can go, I'll take care of the room." She tells as she finally picks up her pants. I nod and turn to leave.
"Oh and, Naier." Saeko then speaks up again, causing me to stop and turn around.
"I, love you." She adds with a tender smile.
(Cheesy comeback time.)
"Not as much as, I, uhhh, do." I answer as I try to keep a straight face…
Saeko stared at me for a few seconds, before she quickly tried to hide her mouth behind her hand as she started giggling uncontrollably…
(...Really now?)
"I, I apologize. But, your, your face...khh…" Saeko spelled out as she kept trying to hold herself from giggling. And Obviously, failing…
(Where's my mask?)
After a couple of seconds, Saeko managed to regain her composure...
"It seems. You, might need a bit of work. On this type of thing." She speaks up with a warm smile once again.
"You think?" I 'ask' as I fold my arms...
"Naieeeer! Stop being a stupid snaaail! Hurry uuuup!" An annoyed voice shouts out from the hallway...
"You better get going. Girls can get really moody if you are not paying enough attention to them." Saeko then adds as she tilts her head, a smile still on her face.
"Well, I hope I paid enough attention to you then." I respond as I also tilt my head slightly..
"Naaaiieeerr!" Saya groans once again…
I lift both my hands with an apologetic smirk, then turn to leave the room.
(God, this feels weird.)
Once I got out, I came face to face with an angry midget. Sorry, I meant an angry pikette.
"Ugh, about damn time. Come on." Saya rolls her eyes and turns around to walk towards her room, hugging the laptop.
And so, we went into Saya's room. Not much of a difference compared to mine, except the computer desk was against the windowed wall that was ahead of us, instead of the corner that it was on in my room. And well, it had no computer on it.
"So, what did you find?" I ask as Saya walks up to the desk, placing the computer on it before opening it.
"Except that you're an idiot?" Saya 'asks' back with a smirk and a chirpy tone as she turns her head to look at me, bending over to tap on the 'touchscreen' under the keyboard in order to wake up the computer.
(...Why, I got that sudden urge to uhh, slap her ass right now? Probably because she's calling me an idiot. Yep, definitely that's the reason...)
"Yea, except from that." I answer as I fold my arms.
"The internet is not working, not much of a surprise really, as we are missing basic infrastructure for that right now." She then answers with a serious tone as she turns to look at the screen.
"Now that means, this is just a…."
"That guy played sims…" I cut her off as I leaned up next to her, looking at the screen.
"Can you not interu-EEEP!" Saya turns towards me as she starts to whine, only to end up throwing a Karate chop towards my head as she back-pedaled away from me…
I bring my hand to the spot that Saya just landed her hand on as I turn to her.
"Really now?" I 'ask' as I lower my hand.
"Y,you startled me! Not my fault…" She whines as she folds her arms, before looking away with a slight blush. I shake my head as I turn to look back towards the screen.
"Oh well…" I almost reflexively bring the cursor on the sims icon, and double click it. And after the logos and such run past, I pressed load game…
After a few seconds, Saya walks up next to the computer again. Arms still folded.
"What did you open?" She asks as she keeps looking at the black screen.
Her question got quickly answered, as a relatively big, seaside house appeared. Three people wandering inside said house. Or, well, two people. One named 'Naier Takagi', the other named 'Saya Takagi'. And, a dog...
"Why is that dog named 'Saeko the Bark-bark'?" I ask as I point at the dog on the screen. Ignoring the obvious reason which just made Saya's face go pale…
"L, let's just go outside!" She quickly slaps the laptop's lid shut, then grabs my pointing finger and starts dragging me out of the room…
(Huh. Funny how Saya's avatar looked a lot like her mother. I guess she wants to be like her when she's older? But, on the other hand…)
We exit Saya's room and make a beeline to the stairs…
(I'm pretty sure that I usually DON'T walk around, topless…
But, uhh. For some reason, I almost 'DRAW A PICTURE' of her. Sitting in front of the laptop, in the middle of the night...)
I turned to look at Saya who was in front of me, still pulling me by my finger as we walked down the stairs...
"Bark-bark." I blurt out as I try to stop myself from chuckling.
"S,shut up." Saya responds by tightening her grip on my finger.
(Heh, let's not tell her that she is more of a 'bark-bark' compared to Saeko. I mean, that girl barely shouts. Or, was it a subtle way to call Saeko a bitch?...)
And just as we reach the exit door, I stop dead in my tracks…
"Oh god. I forgot something really important." I say with a grim tone as my eyes go wide. Saya turning to look at me without letting go of my finger.
"I forgot my face in my room…" I add with a deadpan tone. I, could honestly see the three dots over Saya's head as she was 'processing' what I just said with a blank expression. Until, she narrowed her eyes and puffed her cheeks, leaning her face towards me.
"No. Mask." She flatly declared.
"No buts" She cuts me off.
"We left the safe zone the moment we went down the stairs, my minimap is flashing yellow right now." I respond as I look down and to my right, as if I was in a first-person game.
"Your who is wha…" Saya frowns as she opens her mouth slightly with a confused expression…
"My minimap, is yellow." I answer with a serious face. Well, as serious as it could get considering what I was actually saying right now…
"Are you stupid?" Saya asks with the same confused expression.
"Only on, uhh. What day is it?" I ask as I tilt my head.
"You are stupid." Saya groans as she rolls her eyes and turns to look towards the exit.
"Fine, let's go. But no cuddles. Cuddles are a 'room' thing only." I add with the same deadpan voice. Saya turned to stare at me for a few seconds, and then blinked a couple of times.
"W, what makes you think I even 'want' to something like that, stupid!" She yelps as she turns to look towards the exit again, letting go of my finger so she can fold her arms.
"Just making sure." I shrug as I start walking towards the exit. Saya grumbled something in a low whiny tone before following behind me like a pouty kid.
"So, where are we going?" I ask the moment we got out.
"I don't know…" She says with the same whiny voice as she keeps her arms folded, still not looking at me.
"Ok then, let's wander around until something happens…" I respond with a shrug, then extend my arm towards her. Which she didn't see, as she kept looking away…
"Saya." I called out to her, my arm still extended.
"What…" She groans as she turns to look at me. Then looks at my hand, and keeps staring at it.
"It's a hand." I say with a slight chuckle.
"I, I know that you idiot…" She responds in a low tone, then takes a few steps towards me before grabbing my hand, albeit a bit forcefully. Her face still looking anywhere but me.
(Moody aren't we…)
"Come on, let's go." I motion with my head towards the exit, Saya just nods.
And so, we exit the building, and start wandering. To where? No target really, we just walked…
-Some time of walking later-
After doing circles around the building for longer than it was necessary, we decided to wander mostly around the 'backyard' of the building. But...
(Shouichiro's men, keep eyeballing us…)
"Why do you keep glancing around?" Saya, whose moody attitude had thankfully dissipated by now, asks as she keeps looking at my face.
"Your dad's men are constantly glancing towards us." I respond.
"And?" Saya asks with a flat tone.
"And now I'm half expecting your dad to pop up and chase me with a sword." I answer with a chuckle. Saya just groans as she rolls her eyes, though there was a slight smile on her lips.
"Then don't do anything stupid." She adds with a smug look as she turns to me.
"Define 'stupid'." I respond as I turn to her with an arched eyebrow. Saya slightly narrowed her eyes, before throwing a quick jab at my sides with her free hand.
"Oi, what did you do that for?" I ask as I 'bend' away from her.
"You had the face of somebody who was about to do something stupid." She retorts with the same smug look.
"Jeez, just don't blame 'me' later. If I'm being all cuddly with Saeko. She has yet to 'jab' me for being 'stupid'." I answer as I turn to look at her. Her smug expression quickly disappearing as she kept staring at me.
"Uhh, that's. Uhhh. It's, uuuu…" She blinks at me a couple of times, before pouting slightly and lowering her head in defeat as she could not think of a comeback.
"Unfair…" She adds in a low tone as she keeps looking away.
"I'm being realistic. Or at least, more realistic than wandering around a house, topless." I add as I try to hold myself back from smirking.
"You don't have to mention that again you know! And for your advice. It just got late and I had to close the game before I could finish editing…" She loudly responded, though the sentence ended with a mumble…
"So? What would I 'normally' be wearing?" I lift an eyebrow as I smirk slightly.
"A penguin costume…" Saya mumbles with a slight pout…
Before I could say anything back, a couple of guards ran past us.
"Hurry! Bring the flamethrowers and two jeeps, there's another horde coming towards the west fence!" One guard shouts as he points at the jeeps parked in the distance, a second guard nodding and running towards the jeep as a third one turns to run towards the front part of the building.
"Hey! Go back inside! It's not safe to stay out right now!" The third guard shouts at us as he runs past us.
Saya turns her head to follow the running guard with a frown. Who didn't even bother to check whether we heard him or not.
"Let's go back inside." I tug her hand, causing her to turn to me.
"Because he said so?" Saya asks with the same frown.
"Because I don't want to get dragged into this. They mentioned that 'another' horde is coming. Meaning they dealt with more than one. They can handle this without us." I respond as I shake my head.
Saya looks at me for a few seconds, then lets out a small sigh.
"If you put it like that. Fine, let's go back." Saya responds. Though, in deference with her nonchalant answer, she quickly turned around and started pulling me as she headed towards the door that led into the main building. I think, I saw her smile too?...
(My, if I didn't know her any better. I would say that she was actually looking for a reason to go back inside...)
Not gonna lie, I did find myself chuckling slightly as we headed back…
After going back into the building, we headed up the stairs and towards the floor with our rooms. Until finally, we reached Saya's room and got inside. All the while, Saya was still holding my hand…
"Hmm, don't think I can get lost now." I spoke up the moment I closed the door behind me.
"Huh? What?" Saya asks as she glances at me, then back inside the room. I just tug her hand in response, making her turn to look towards her own hand.
"Oh. I, forgot it…" She adds as she lets go of my hands, then quickly folds her arms under her chest.
"W, well. We're here now…" Saya mumbles in a low tone.
"Yea." I respond as I turn to look at the pinktte.
"Y, you said. We can…uddle in a room…" Saya adds with a lower toned mumbling tone.
(Uddle? She means cuddle? My, could it be that she was grumpy before because she wanted to stay in the room, but could bring herself to say so after she dragged me downstairs?)
"I guess did." I respond as I walk up to her, then move a lock of pink hair behind her ear with my hand.
"H,humm. W, well. I guess, if you want to do this, this badly. I can let you. For a bit…" She adds as she keeps looking away, an obvious blush on her face.
(Let 'me' ehh? Want to make it sound like you're doing me favor don't you. Chundere to the maximum.)
"Hmm, no. That won't do." I take a step back, Saya instantly darting her head to me.
"W, what's wrong. I said it's fine…" She responds with an almost disappointed voice.
"Well, I don't want to feel like you're doing this just for me. I'll admit that it's going to be a bit disappointing. But I'd rather wait until you feel comfortable with this." I answer as I lift my hands slightly, turning to look away. Mostly, because I was trying not to smirk…
"I, it's not like I feel uncomfortable with this. It's, fine, really…" Saya mumbles as she lowers her head...
I turned to look at the sulking pikette for a few seconds. Before I finally shook my head and walked up to Saya again. And with a quick pull, I wrapped my arms around her. Saya letting out a short yelp before turning silent again.
(You know. What Saya is missing in height, she gets in her front uhh 'assets'. Because I honestly can't fully hug her without squishing her breast on me…)
Saya then finally stopped acting like a pouty kid and unfolded her arms, grabbing on my shirt as she started grinding her forehead against my chest. She then lifted her head, and after looking at my face for a few seconds, she started glancing around.
"What?" I ask as I ruffle her hair.
"You're too tall…" She replies with a short whine.
(Or you're just too short.)
"Want to sit down?" I ask. Saya just nods.
"Uhh, well. I can't exactly walk right now…" I add as I tap her head.
"I'm not letting go…" Saya replies with a whine as she lets go of my shirt in order to hug me normally…
(Jee, our little spoiled princess. I 'was' aiming to head to the chair, but, uhh, fuck it. I can't pick her up like this and the bed is closer.)
And so, with Saya hugging me like an overzealous Koala that's bear hugging a tree on a hot summer day. I moved to the bed…
And. I know I said 'sit', but in the end I ended up about eighty percent lying with my back against the bed's headboard. Not unlike how I was with Saeko yesterday…
The moment we got relatively comfortable, Saya slid herself up towards my face, until her own face was in equal height to mine...
She then stared at me for a few seconds, switching her sight between my eyes, and, I think my lips?
"Umm. I,...umm" She stutters about as she lowers her head slightly, bringing her hands to her face to take off her glasses.
"T, this is going to be my first kiss…" She adds as she keeps looking down.
"Have you, already kissed Saeko?..." She then asks as she lifts her head to look at me, now without her glasses.
"Yes." I answer flatly.
(No point lying about this.)
"I, see. At least, you're being honest…" She adds as she glances away.
(Well, your other choices are Takashi, or Kohta. Kohta, in deference to the anime, has Asami now. And Takashi, even if you do manage to get him now, he has more than just 'kissed' Rei.)
"Did you, do anything else to her?..." She asks again.
"Else?" I ask back.
"Y, you know…" She responds as she glances around with an obvious blush.
"S, she was not wearing any pants…" She adds as she keeps looking away.
"Uhh, no we didn't do anything 'else'. She took her pants off herself. That was not me, remember?" I answer as I sway my head from left to right…
"I, see…" Saya nods slightly, then turns to look at me.
"I'm, I'm going to let you have my first k,kiss. S, so be grateful!" She adds as she tries to take a serious expression, raising her voice in the end. Though with her face being the same color as her hair, her 'demanding' attitude reminded me more of an overzealous squirrel that has it's cheek pouches full of acorns…
(Don't chuckle, don't chuckle…)
I turned to look towards the window as I tried to hide my smirk…
"H,hey, look at me!" Saya whines as she shakes me slightly.
(Damn you're one pushy princess.)
I let out a deep breath before turning to look back at the pinkette. And after staring at her for a few seconds, her 'serious' frown turned meek again.
"W, well what are you waiting for…" Saya whines as she glances away.
I shake my head slightly and I pass my hand to the back of her neck. Saya quickly becoming tense as her eyes went slightly wide. Though, she did start 'pushing' her upper body against me…
"Saya, if you keep looking away from me, the only thing you're going to get. Is headpats." I say as I lightly pat her head. Saya turned to look at me with a slight pout in response.
"Idiot." She whines in a low tone.
"My, are you telling me you want an idiot to take your first kiss?" I 'ask' with a smirk. Saya, just blinks at me a couple of times…
"What no, I, it's just. You, are uhh you...muuuuuuuu…." She stumbles around her words before finally giving up, announcing her defeat with a vocalized pout as she narrowed her eyes at me.
"Well?" I 'ask' as I tilt my head.
"Fine, you are not an idiot…" She sighs as she leans her face slightly towards mine…
I lean my own face closer to hers in response. Until our lips touched for a few seconds, before pulling back up. Saya then lowered her head slightly, licking her lips slightly…
"Sometimes…" She adds in a low tone.
"Sometimes?" I ask as I tilt my head.
"You're not an idiot. Sometimes." She adds as she makes a slight one-sided smirk, her face still lowered.
(What she's snickering for? Does she think she just pulled a fast one on me? Heh, cute…)
"Well, guess a 'sometimes idiot' took your first kiss then." I chime as scratch the back of her neck.
"Hum, be grateful…" She adds she buries her face on my chest.
I just laughed through my nose slightly before turning to look out the window…
And, I kept looking out the window...Until, I realized 'what' I was staring at…
"Uhh, is that, a military transport plane? Or I'm seeing shit?" I ask as I keep looking at the window, a plane slowly descending towards the airport. Saya then lifts her head to also look outside…
"...You're, 'not', seeing shit. That, or I'm seeing the same shit as you are." She responds as she keeps looking through the window.
"Please don't say 'Shit' so much. It's unbecoming of a lady." I say with a half-smirk as I keep looking outside. Only to feel 'somebody' pinching my cheek seconds later.
"Idiot." Saya mumbles as she lets go of my cheek in order to wrap her arms around my waist. Placing her head against my chest.
(Why, do I get the feeling. That our 'break' just ended?…)
I sigh as I turn to look at the pinkette, hugging her as I rest my chin on her head…
(Hopefully, I'm just being paranoid…)