
The Rescue

{Time: 1:15 PM}

{Location: West Equinox: Mom's House}

After resting at Mom's house, I immediately got up to tell her about what happened during my fight against Nicholas.

"So that man was Nicholas..? I see...and Frederick is in Matsugaya City. I'm disgusted in them both for betraying the loyalty I and my people gave them! And he called me a revenge driven monster because Ketsuko killed our clan and just went off hiding?!" Mom asked began to grow even more angry.

I held Mom's shoulders and calmed her down. "I'm pissed too. He hurt Freya and tried to kill me, but in a situation like this we need Intelligence and not emotion. I need you to tell me something. Who is Akari?"

Mom looked at me and was surprised. "How—"

"Mom, just tell me. Is Akari a Bio-Weapon?" I asked.

Mom looked down and sighed. She was silent for a bit then decided to answer. "Akari is a Bioweapon, but I only planned to use her to kill the Matsugaya Clan whenever they decide to show their face again."

"Allow me to care for her. I want to finish this rivalry. Shiro and I are meant to fight and right now I am not strong enough to take care him down. I want to be the one to defeat him.." I said and smiled at Mom.

Mom looked at me and gave in. "Okay, Sunshine..~ Let me take you to her so you two can officially meet and you will finally have the three Mitsuki Legends."

The Mitsuki Legends: Miracles, Omen, and Balance. Mila, Rhea, and Akari are the three entities that the Ancient Mitsuki Members praised. They used Mila's power to receive blessings and miracles, they used Rhea's power for war and weapons, and they used Akari's to balance their souls. Each one have their own shrines in Equinox, their own role in our lives...all three are classified a Bioweapon, but in actuality they are all...Entities of Sexuality.

{Time: 1:30 PM}

{Location: Akari's Shrine}

"I do wanna warn you, just like Mila and Rhea, Akari is a very sexual creatures and you will learn the Equinox Technique from Akari if she likes you enough." Mom said.

"If Akari is like Rhea and Mila, what is she exactly?" I asked.

"She's a Yokai." Rhea answered.

"Yeah what she said." Mom giggled. She took out the three books and put them in their respective slot. The door shined and slowly began to rumble as it opened.

Once the door fully opened we were met with Akari meditating. Mom walked inside and I followed behind with Rhea and Mila. Akari's ears flicked as she sensed our presence inside the shrine.

"Akari~ I know you don't like to have many visitors, but I have brought someone who is willing to bond with you." Mom said.

Akari looked at Mom then looked at me, noticing I had Rhea and Mila with me. She had a serious look on her face then she stood up and walked over to me. She walked around me, sniffing and inspecting me. She stood in front of me and got closer then placed her hands on my chest and leaned against me. She listened to my heartbeat and her tail swayed. She hummed happily and smiled, blushing slightly.

"What is she doing?" Rhea asked, sounding a bit jealous.

Akari looked at Rhea and gave a smug smile. Rhea noticed and looked shocked. Mila watched the two and held her arms.

"Mmm~ I've been meditating in this shrine for years...and the first man I meet after so long is the Mistress's son~ It was meant to be.." Akari said and trailed her hands lower.

Rhea grunted and separated us. "Not happening fox! It took me two months to get used to sharing with Mila and it still feels awkward to have a threesome so Mila doesn't feel left out! I'm not adding another factor in this!"

"Ahh ahh ahh~ The rules specifically states that ALL three of us share the designated human~ You just happened to beat us to the punch..~" Akari said and held her arms. Her tail swayed from side to side.

Mom watched and smiled. "Ahh~ It's so nice to see my favorite son become so popular with the ladies~"

"This show was involuntary, however I'm not complaining.." I said and looked at Rhea, Mila, and Akari.

I got a text from Annette and looked at my phone. It seemed urgent and I knew I had to get to her as soon as possible.

"Okay ladies, let's cut the bickering. We have a serious issue afoot." I said and crossed my arms.

Rhea looked at me and tilted her head. "What?"

"Annette. She's in danger. She's been captured with her crew, she sounds panicked through the messages. She even texted me her location. We're gonna go save her." I said.

Mom looked at me and walked toward me. "Are you ready to head into enemy territory like this? Once you do this, the war truly starts."

"I am more than ready. I've mastered my Sin Mode and my Virtue Mode, plus I have allies now. I'm no longer alone.." I said and smiled at Mom.

Mom smiled at me then held my shoulders. "Right, be sure to treat Akari well..~ Be safe out there, I'll be watching the Platinum Fist Tournament from here~ Make the Mitsuki Clan proud, Sunshine.."

I nodded and looked determined. "I will."

{Time: 2:35 PM}

{Location: Ruby Central}

I parked my car and got out. Rhea, Mila, and Akari got out of the car as well then we made our way toward one of the bases of the Crimson Crows, the base where Annette was being held.

We walked into the warehouse and noticed Annette and her friends tied up to chairs. I noticed a man with short dark blue hair holding a gun at Annette's head. He seemed to be interrogating her. She wasn't giving any answers which was pissing the man off more. I noticed Roman, Jacob, and Ashton with the man.

"Hey!" I called out and my voice echoed throughout the warehouse.

Roman and the others looked at me and watched me walk forward. The man holding Annette at gunpoint smirked at me and lowered his gun. Annette looked at me with horror in her eyes. Raven and the others were also worried.

"Well well! The man, the myth, the legend...The Miracle Child as Nicholas would call you. You actually showed up.." The man chuckled.

"Lance. Let her go! Your fight is with me! You shouldn't drag anyone else into this rabbit hole!" I yelled.

Lance walked toward me and chuckled. "I shouldn't huh? Annette put herself in this situation. Roman let me know she's been seeing you and I'm pretty sure you two had sex. I can smell your scent on her."

"Kaden! Get out of here! It's a set up!" Annette yelled.

Lance looked back at Annette then chuckled. He looked at me then holstered his gun. "She is right, I lured you out here because I knew you'd come to her rescue immediately...It looks like you even came alone. What a fool.."

I smirked and placed my hands in my pockets. "I didn't come alone, Lance. I am never truly alone."

Lance looked at me and noticed dark green mist forming around the warehouse. He looked back at me and felt the air growing colder. He smirked and got into his stance then flames surrounded his body.

"You think you have what it takes to defeat a Matsugaya Clan Member like me? Your foolish decisions is what got you killed the first time!" Lance said and dashed toward me.

I dodged Lance's first strike then countered with an elbow strike then hit him with a staggering right hook into a palm strike to his stomach. Lance grunted and stumbled backwards. He looked at me and smirked.

He ran toward me and went for a left hook, but I blocked it and struck his face with a powerful punch. He groaned and grunted as I uppercut him, knocking him upwards. Rhea appeared as a phoenix and struck Lance, blowing him away. Lance groaned as he crashed into a pile of metal bars.

Kofi peeked into the warehouse and readied his pistol. "Shit he's handling him pretty well..."

"True to that...but as you've seen that transformation he does drains his energy. We gotta be ready for when he goes back to his base form." Adam said.

Georgia watched and bit her lip. She had a flashback of when Lance and I first went at it. She had to keep herself under control.

Lance stood up and chuckled softly. He wiped his lip and walked forward then unholstered his gun. He fired multiple bullets at me, but I dodged each one, surprising Lance and the others.

"He dodged that..?" Jacob asked in awe.

"Even with those techniques he is still a human, how did he dodge—" Lance started and began to notice the dark green mist surrounding him.

Using the dark green mist, I copied Lance's Alchemy and by syncing with Rhea, I was able to make use of her Ability Synergy skill which I used to mix my Bio-Energy and Alchemy together to create Esoteric Energy.

"And here we go!~" Rhea smirked.

I smirked then awakened my Gluttony Drive then dark orange mist formed around the warehouse. "There's no chance of you winning anymore. Prepare yourself for the worst beating you'll ever received."

"Roman, Jacob, Ashton! Go get him!" Lance commanded.

I created a Greed Field and my eyes shined brightly. Rhea smirked and her eyes shined as well. We watched Roman, Jacob, and Ashton run toward me.

Kofi and Adam ran into the warehouse to my aid. They began to fire bullets at them, but they took cover. Lance looked at Kofi and Adam then smirked.

"Hmph...if it ain't the Dream Team. Coming to Kaden's aid was your biggest mistake...Anyone who gets involved is automatically an enemy!" Lance yelled and launched a powerful bolt of lightning at the two.

Georgia ran inside and redirected the lightning to the ceiling and the bolt hit the ceiling. Lance looked at Georgia and had a flashback then chuckled and laughed. He clapped his hands and kept laughing.

"Gigi! The woman I was hoping to see when I came back! Ahh I've missed you a lot...Why did you ditch me for this downgrade?" Lance asked.

"He's a better man than you will EVER be! I'm with Kaden because I honestly love him! You manipulated me into trying to kill him because of his fortune and history! You can never take down The Equinox!" Georgia said and grunted softly as her body jolted.

"The inexperienced Alchemy User coming to aid someone who's leagues higher than her. I can respect the dedication, but this is where it all ends!" Lance said then grunted as he held his head.

I watched Lance slowly become drowsy and walked forward. I unsynced with Rhea so she could rest. I walked past him as he fell onto one knee.

He tried to conjure lightning but his powers wouldn't work. "What...the hell is happening to me..?"

"Seems like your unfamiliar with the Forbidden Drives, however I don't blame you. You wouldn't have known since power like this can only be wielded by one person at a time." I said and freed Annette and her friends.

I turned to look at Lance, who was struggling to stay up. "I'm not gonna kill you. Tomorrow is the start of the Platinum Fist Tournament. I want to kill you in the finals. If you make it that far, let us meet where Papa Gregory and Ketsuko had their final battle. Destiny Peak."

Lance grunted softly and passed out on the floor. Rhea smiled and warped all of us away to West Equinox.

Roman hurried over to Lance and noticed he was out cold. He looked up at Jacob and Ashton then heard someone walking into the warehouse. He noticed Nicholas and Beatrix.

"So he beat you all as well huh? Come to Matsugaya...We will get you all enhanced for the tournament tomorrow." Nicholas said.

{Time: 3:05 PM}

{Location: West Equinox: Home}

"Thank you so much...Thank you, thank you!" Annette said as she hugged me tightly.

I smiled at Annette and rubbed her hair gently. "You're safe here, but our war isn't won just yet. We still have to get rid of the Crimson Crows before I can move forward to my next target..."

Royal watched and crossed her arms. "This will probably be the hardest battle we will fight. Papa Gregory made the tournament a team tournament so we need to create the best possible team."

"I don't want those who just learned how to fight to join this tournament but I will need y'all's help with something." I said.

"What is it?" Isabella asked.

I pulled out the fourth book of History of Equinox then handed it to Isabella. "This volume holds the power to awaken anyone who reads this. Find Mom and have her awaken your potential. All of you. I doubt the Crimson Crows will play fair so I need you all to be on the sidelines when anything pops off."

Kofi looked over Isabella's shoulder at the book and crossed his arms. "The war is that serious huh? Well no matter, we will handle it."

Adam nodded and smiled as well. "You can count on the Dream Team to handle business bro!"

"We can help. You saved us so it's the least we can do." Raven said.

Rika closed her eyes and smiled. She crossed her arms and nodded. "I agree. We all need to play a part in this."

Griffin looked at me and smiled then turned away. "We've got it handled. You can count on us."

With our final set of allies with us, it was only a matter of hours before the Platinum Fist Tournament started. Everyone was going to help me in any way they could. West Equinox and my Summer City Harem was not planning to fail...neither am I.