
Last Preparation

{Day: Friday}

{Time: 2:50 AM}

{Location: Home}

"It wouldn't have hurt you to help us get home?" I asked, still carrying Kasumi.

Rhea smiled and watched me. "You're beyond Peak Human~ I'm sure your stamina is better than ever..~ Take it as a test~"

I softly groaned as I walked toward the complex. I noticed my car parked in the parking lot and smiled. I knew Lexi and Elizabeth had made it safely back. I walked toward my car and softly knocked on the window.

Lexi heard the knocking and slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and noticed me then sat up quickly. "Kaden..!"

I stepped back and watched Lexi get out of the car. Lexi noticed I had saved Kasumi. She was about to speak but decided against it.

"Let's just go inside and get some actual sleep." Lexi said and looked in the car. "Liz..! Eliza!"

Elizabeth groaned softly and slowly woke up. She looked at Lexi then noticed I was with her. She quickly got out of the car and looked at us. She hurried over to us and noticed Kasumi.

"You really saved her?" Elizabeth asked.

"I did. Her heart is only put in the wrong place. She can change her ways." I said and looked at Lexi and Elizabeth.

Lexi sighed and crossed her arms. "I literally hope this isn't a mistake."

"It won't be, but I will need a bigger house..." I said. "Come on, let's go inside."

Lexi and Elizabeth followed me into my apartment.

{Time: 8:30 AM}

"Baaabe!" Georgia called out.

"What?" I asked as I walked out of my room.

Georgia looked at me and her eyes widened a bit. "You have heterochromia now? And your hair, it's like more red..?"

"Ahh don't worry about that. I just had to handle business and things kinda got out of hand.." I said.

Georgia was about to say something but didn't. She crossed her arms and sighed. "Okay, other than that...We don't have enough room for three other women."

"C'mon. I can just borrow a big house from one of my parents. Something that I can keep all of you in together so we wouldn't have trouble with Crimson Crows." I said.

Georgia sighed softly a bit then held her arms. "I guess, but whatever you plan to do, run it by me alright?"

"Alright. Alright." I smiled and chuckled as Georgia kissed my cheek then left.

"I don't see the problem." Elizabeth said after swallowing the cereal she had in her mouth.

Lexi looked at Elizabeth then chuckled softly. "I don't know how Kaden puts up with you."

Rhea watched them and chuckled. "I'll stay here and keep watch of Kasumi. If you run into any trouble your Sin Mode is free to access by syncing with me at any time."

{You can now freely Sync with Rhea}

[Sin Mode: A form allowing the user to access their inner demonic prowess in the form of Sin. Sin Mode has Seven Drives: Lust Drive, Gluttony Drive, Greed Drive, Sloth Drive, Pride Drive, Envy Drive, and Wrath Drive.]

"Seven Drives. I wonder what Drive I used yesterday.." I said.

{You didn't really use a Drive. You tapped into Sin Mode and used the basic Incubus Skills. Your Drives are determined of which Sin you wish to use. Rhea is the only Succubus to be able to mimic all Vice Forms due to her copying every species of Demon.}

"Oh I thought that was going somewhere else knowing how demons operate." I said.

"I may be a succubus, but I am not a whore~ The only man I've slept with is you~" Rhea said and kissed my cheek. She giggled softly and gently pushed me to the door. "Now go~ The three of us can handle ourselves."

"Alright~ I'm leaving.." I chuckled and walked out of my apartment.

{Time: 11:30 AM}

{Location: Summer Slammers}

"It's been a while, Kaden. Glad we can finally spar again." A woman said as she got into her stance.

I smiled as I hopped up and down. I fixed my karate gi then got into my stance. "Likewise, Miss Valerie."

"So this is where Kaden learned to really fight." Isabella said as she watched with Chloe and Brianna.

"He's working really hard for our safety. We should put in as much work." Chloe said.

"Begin!" Papa Gregory said.

Valerie dashed toward me and went for the punch, but I dodged it and countered with an elbow strike then a back wrist strike. I pivoted into a kick, but Valerie dodged it and countered with her own kick. I rolled backwards from the kick then recovered onto one knee.

I stood up and smiled. I got into my stance and dashed toward Valerie. I ran along the wall then propelled myself toward her. I went for a 540 kick, but she dodged it and grabbed my leg. She spun me around and threw me. I groaned as I hit the wall of the dojo. I fell to the ground and coughed.

"That's enough! Valerie wins!" Papa Gregory said.

"One down, 19 to go~" Royal chuckled as she watched.

"You wouldn't be laughing if I was against you." I said and stood up.

Isabella watched the interaction between me and Royal. She did feel a bit jealous, but knew we had a special bond with each other.

"Grandpa! I want to use my second fight against Royal. She likes to talk a lot it seems." I said.

"Oh I've been waiting for this~" Royal said and cracked her knuckles.

My grandfather chuckled and watched us. "Alright, I will allow you to battle against Royal for your second fight."

"Alright!" Royal said and hurried to the other side of the battle area of the dojo.

I stood up and fixed my karate gi then got into my stance. "Gives me nostalgia sparring against you again. This time things have changed."

Royal laughed and got into the Flash Stance that Papa Gregory taught her. Royal smirked and her veins began to shine and electricity crackled around her arms. "You're his number one student, I want to see if you're still worthy of such a title."

{She can also use Bio-Energy...Be careful.}

"We should've went outside if I would've known you were gonna take it serious." I smirked. "I love when women get serious..~"

"Flirt all you want..~ You're got getting in my head!" Royal yelled and ran toward me.

I blocked her first punch and parried her second punch then struck her with a body shot then a right hook. I dodged both of her jabs then noticed her channelling her lightning to her feet. Royal appeared behind me at lightning speeds, going for a spinning kick.

I sensed her attack then ducked under it. Everyone was surprised and watched closely. I smirked as my pale gold eye began to shine. I countered with a hook kick then spun into a back fist attack. Royal groaned and rolled backwards. She recovered and looked at me with shock.

"How did you just do that..?" Royal asked.

"That's it! That's what I saw when he played basketball with me. He was able to see our moves before we did it!" Brianna said and pointed.

Papa Gregory looked at me and stood up. "Enhanced Instincts, but in our bloodline. The Mituski Clan had a technique that was not Precognition, but called Envisage. This is why he's my number one student. Envisage is his number one skill. Sadly even at will, it couldn't save him from the crash since all vauge sights aren't 100%."

{Combine that with your Enhanced Condition, your Envisage is nearly on par with Flash Precognition. But you can't spam Envisage since your brain will need a break from the usage.}

"Yeah I don't care about all of that. I couldn't learn Envisage since I'm not a part of your bloodline, however I am still faster and elementally stronger than you!" Royal said then ran around me at lightning speeds.

I looked around myself and used Envisage to predict her next move. I swung my arm at her, but she jumped over me and began to rush me with attacks then appeared in front of me and grunted when my pheromones began to affect her. She became sluggish then groaned when I kneed her stomach. She slid back and coughed.

I smirked and ran toward her then went for a high spinning kick, but she ducked under it then groaned softly as she was still sluggish. She fell on one knee and panted. I released her of my spell and smirked.

"Tired already?~ C'mon Royal~" I chuckled.

Royal slowly stood up and looked at me. She noticed faint aura flowing from my left eye. She got chills down her spine then began to generate more electricity. She ran toward me at lightning speeds and went for a punch, but noticed I caught her fist.

Faint orange aura surrounded my hand and I began to use my Gluttony Drive to drain her Bio-Electricity. She grunted and pulled back then jumped backwards. She looked at her hands and felt that some of her energy had been sapped.

"She looks freaked out." Chloe said.

Isabella looked at me and held her arms. "Kaden's energy feels a bit different..."

I grunted softly and felt my heart thump. I unsynced myself from Rhea and my faint aura disappeared. I fell onto one knee and panted softly.

{Using Sin Mode when synced to Rhea does boost your abilities through the roof, but remember you're still a human and Rhea is still a demon. She will still drain your life force even while allies, plus you could be driven to insanity if you stay synced for too long.}

"Kaden!" Isabella called out and hurried to me. She held my shoulders and a chill went down her spine. She freaked out and fell on her butt.

I held my head and my hair went back to normal and my eyes went back to normal as well. I exhaled and opened my eyes.

Isabella looked at me and came toward me again then touched my shoulders. "K-Kaden? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Sorry about that..." I said and stood up. "How about you all start the lessons? I need to go lay down.."

"I'll go check on him." Royal said and followed me out the dojo.

I walked into the back room and walked toward the lounge chair then collapsed on it. "Ardent...do a full analysis on me.."


{Scanning Kaden Wright...}

{Scan complete!}

{No known viruses or errors found. You just need to rest.}

Royal walked into the back room and noticed me laying on the lounge chair. "Are you alright there?"

"Yeah I just need a little break..." I said.

Royal smiled and crossed her arms. "I can tell you did...You performed well until you decided to use those Forbidden Sin Drives."

"You know about that?" I asked.

"Do you realize who we were trained by? He let me know he knew of Rhea's presence. The Sinful Imitator is what he calls her. She's classified a Lust Type Demon, but she knows every Sin Drive and nearly every technique known to us humans. She can copy any being and ability. When I saw your eye, I was finally convinced." Royal explained and sat in the chair beside me.

"I wonder how you all learned the Scroll Techniques so easily and I still haven't even learned one." I said.

Royal smiled and crossed her arms. "Well back then you weren't really strong enough to maximize your inner spirit. Our body produces energy that can lead into things like Fire, Water, Air, and potentially Earth generation and manipulation. It takes more than being a Bloodline Prodigy to learn it..."

"I know that much.." I chuckled and looked at Royal.

Royal smiled and looked at me. "I'm just saying...if you wanna be good as me~"

"Shut up." I said and pushed her head away.

{Time: 12:10 PM}

Isabella was training with Valerie over the basics of combat. She was a fast learner, already learning the basics of combat. Valerie went on to teach Isabella more intermediate lessons.

Chloe watched Isabella train and smiled. "It's nice seeing someone like Isabella grow like this, at the same time kinda sad."

"At least she's gonna be protected if anyone tries to mess with her, plus Kaden's grandfather isn't charging us a dime..~ This is an absolute win for us." Brianna smiled and chuckled.

Chloe nodded. "I agree..~ Wooo!~ You got it Bella!~"

"Wooo!~" Brianna cheered on Isabella and smiled.

{Route Progression Possible (Isabella/Chloe/Brianna)}