
First Number

{Time: 9:45 AM}

I walked into class and looked at all of the seats that were available. I walked toward a seat in the top row and sat down. I took this seat because I was less visible and was able to communicate to Rhea easier. I set my bag on my desk and sighed softly.

"First day. Always the most grueling days because this is the day you make a name for yourself." Rhea said and smiled at me.

"I hope so." I mumbled.

I noticed more students entering the class and noticed one student in particular...It was Isabella. She seemed to have noticed me as well as we locked eyes. She smirked and walked up the small set of stairs to take a seat next to mine.

I looked at her and smiled. "I wasn't expecting us to have the same class. How did I manage to beat you here?"

"I ran into a good friend of mine coming here. I guess I can tell you're the early bird of classes?" Isabella chuckled softly and looked at me.

"Nah not really. I just decided to get here first so I can actually y'know get accustomed to the classrooms and everything." I said.

"Makes sense, makes sense." Isabella nodded. She set her backpack on the floor then took out her laptop. "Hopefully our Professors aren't too strict. I can't learn in a boring environment."

"Me neither." I said and set down my bag then took out my laptop.

We talked for a little more and soon became acquainted with each other. We watched as more students walked into the class and took their seats.

{Generating choices...}

{Choices Generated!}

[Ask her about her schedule (Friendship Points Increase!)]

[Ask her about her major (Friendship Points Increase!)]

[Ask for her number (Neutral)]

"So, what's your schedule looking like?" I asked.

{Isabella's Friendship Increased!}

"Nice." Rhea smiled and nodded.

"Oh, well right now with you is AP Algebra which starts at 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM. Next I have Music Appreciation at 1:00 PM until 2:45 PM and finally I have Astronomy at 3:00 PM until 4:45 PM." Isabella answered. "You?"

"AP Algebra is the same as you. I have Psychology at 12:30 PM until 1:40 PM and finally Digital Art at 1:45 PM until 2:50 PM." I answered.

"What is your major?" Isabella asked.

"I'm majoring in Psychology and minoring in Art. I do draw a lot and the human mind fascinates me so I can put both worlds together." I said.

{Isabella has become more interested in you...}

"Hm...You don't seem like the kind of guy to want to dig into people's mind." Isabella answered.

"I get that a lot, but I am pretty good at knowing what one can be thinking at anytime." I smiled and sat back in my chair.

{Isabella's Friendship Increased!}

Isabella smiled and chuckled. "I'd like to see that."

The professor walked in the class and the bell rang signalling for classes to start. He didn't go over much other than asking around about what everyone did over the summer break and what their goals were. It was a little ice breaker to start off the class on a good and healthy note. He soon pointed at me.

"You! Would you like to share with us what you did?" The professor asked.

I was a bit hesitant.

{Generating Choices...}

{Choices Generated!}

[Tell The Truth (Reputation Increase!)]

[Tell A White Lie (Unknown Effect)]

I decided to tell the truth. "Honestly I didn't do much over the summer as I've been in the hospital for most of the summer due to a car crash I was in recently."

"Oh really? You seemed to have recovered well! I'm glad you did, wouldn't want to miss the first day." The professor said in a joking way. "Anyways, what about your goals? What do you wish to achieve."

{Generating Choices...}

{Choices Generated!}

[Tell A Lie]

[Tell A Bigger Lie]

"Yeah you wouldn't want anyone to know of your actual goals." Rhea said and crossed her arms.

"I actually want to become a famous painter one day by using Psychology as a way to express my art in ways that will have you think. Like painting art that has many meanings and messages. Like painting things that has mystery behind it." I answered.

"Ahhh, deep messages conveyed through art. I like that." The professor smiled.

Isabella watched me sit back down and crossed her arms. "You seem more interesting than I thought. I think we might be able to get along."

I smiled at Isabella and chuckled. "I think so too."

{Time: 10:50 AM}

"Alright, that's all for class for right now. I'm gonna let you all go early. We will meet again Wednesday and we will start that class with some refreshers and some activities for us to do to refresh our brains." The professor said. "Everyone have a nice day! I'll see you all Wednesday!"

The class began to pack up and began to make their leave from the class. I also packed up and stood up from my seat.

{New Choices Available!}

[Ask her to join you to the Cafeteria (Friendship Points Increase/Route Progression Possible!)]

[Part Ways (End Route for Today)]

'Of course I'm not gonna end the route for today! I'm on a roll with Isabella!' I thought to myself.

"Hey, Bella." I started.

Isabella stood up and placed her backpack over her shoulder. She stood up and looked at me. "What's up?"

"Wanna come to the cafeteria with me? Get something to eat and y'know sit around at the courtyard area until my next class starts?" I asked.

{Isabella's Friendship Increased!}

"You just met me and already asking me on a little date..~" Isabella teased. "Sure I'm down."

I smiled at her. "Great, let's go."

The two of us walked out of the class together and headed out of the main building to reach the Cafeteria/Library building with the courtyard outside of the Cafeteria.

{Location: University Courtyard}

{Time: 11:00 AM}

Kofi and one of his friends noticed me walking with Isabella and Kofi whistled to get my attention. Isabella and I looked at Kofi and he gave me the thumbs up and smiled proudly at me. I raised my hand toward him and chuckled.

"One of your friends?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah. That's Kofi. He's an amazing football player. He actually got a scholarship here as he was the MVP of our old highschool." I answered.

"Your friendship seems weird on paper, but I can definitely see your dynamic working well. The Sports Master and the Smart Guy." Isabella smiled and held the strap of her bag.

"He helped me a lot during my senior year. I'll always appreciate him and my other friend, Adam. He's also a football player who got a scholarship here." I said.

Isabella looked at me and noticed my happy face. "I can tell you three had some great memories together. To even have such a great friendship with them today. I can see your happiness when talking about them."

"They're my bros. We were the Dynamic Trio." I chuckled.

"Dynamic Trio. That's cute." Isabella chuckled.

We walked inside the cafeteria and noticed a few shops open. They had a Starbucks, a Subway, a Chick-fil-A, and a Panda Express inside. It was definitely a large cafeteria that seemed like a perfect hangout place and study place despite the chattering happening.

We part ways so she could get Starbucks and I was feeling some Chick-fil-A. Once we ordered and waited a good five minutes for everything to come out, we met back up in the courtyard. We sat at a table and set out backpacks on the empty chairs.

"So, you were in a car crash. How long ago was it?" Isabella asked.

"A week after me and my ex broke up. It was nothing to do with her at all. I can't remember what happened that led to my car failure, but I do know that my engine was tampered with and my breaks were cut. I was resting for a good while before getting back on my feet." I answered then ate a waffle fry.

Isabella looked at me and tried to find some scars on my body. "You must have the best doctors in the world."

"Well I have a scar that I hide under my hair and my shoulder is still a bit fucked, but other than that, it was a miracle that I didn't sustain any major injuries." I said.

Isabella smiled and took a sip from her mocha iced coffee. "I was once in a car crash. I was younger when it happened. Suffered a major concussion that left me out for weeks. Doctor's said because of my age I wouldn't make it, but I proved them wrong."

"Miracles happen in many strange ways huh.." I chuckled.

"They do.." Isabella said and smiled at me.

We talked for a little more about plans and goals for the semester. We grew even more accustomed to one another and seemed to like each other's vibes.

{Route Progression Possible!}

[Ask for her number (70% Chance!)]

[Play it out more (Route unavailable until Wednesday)]

"Here it is, Champ. Time for the decision! During these routes, your chances of completing a certain route depends on the Friendship Points a certain woman has. You can check Friendship Points once you register a desired woman in the system." Rhea said.

I looked at the time on my phone and noticed I had twenty minutes to do this. "Bella?"

"Yeah. What's on your mind?" Isabella said and looked at me.

"Can I have your number? I like talking with you and I would love to invite you out for maybe some coffee or anything sometime." I said and looked at Isabella.

Isabella rested her cheek against the palm of her hand. She stared at me then smiled and reached over to grab my phone. She began to put her number in then gave me my phone back. "Luckily for you, I like talking to you as well..~ I will definitely see you sometime for some coffee or lunch..."

{Isabella has been Registered!}

[Isabella's Information]

[Name: Isabella Cross

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Birthday: ???

Friendship Points: 159

Favorite Gifts: ???

Favorite Location: ???

Favorite Trait: ???

Least Favorite Trait: ???]

I smiled at Isabella then stood up. "Thank you, I'll be sure to text you soon."

"You better. I don't hand my number to just anyone~" Isabella smiled as she watched me stand up.

"Then I'll be sure to make the most of it." I chuckled and picked up my trash and bag. "I'll catch you later.."

"See you Wednesday." Isabella smiled at me.

{Isabella Route: 6% Clear}

"That's how you do it!~ You got her number so now you can learn more about her and clear her Route and add her to your harem! I guess you do have game, but I give most of the credit to the Black Lust System." Rhea giggled.

"Whatever." I chuckled and rolled my eyes then walked to my next class.

Talking with Isabella more did help me forget about Georgia more even though I still cared about Georgia. I do have to thank Kofi and Adam for encouraging me to talk to Isabella. I just need more confidence and I'll make sure to find a way to get that boost I need.