

It's been three years since she saw her sister last as they separated to face their dreams and accomplish all they desired, Iris finally got the chance to meet her most beloved twin sister who happened to be her only family member. The joy was short lived though as an accident claimed her sister's life. She loses her memory and got to live as her sister for only a week before regaining her memories. With her memories regained, she is faced with a painful truth of how her sister had gotten her first love and man hooked in a relationship by replacing her. Her sister was dead living her a message of how she was also in love with the same man and sort after him with her identity when she met him. Their relationship was not in a good shape at all as she cheated on him and they were close to getting a divorce. Stuck between being moral by letting the man know as he was filled with anger towards the fact that he was cheated on and staying with the man she loved as well as preventing her sister's son from becoming an orphan. Will she be able to endure the hate he had for her that was directed towards her late sister whom she now impersonates or could she break free regardless of the little cutie who needs his mother and the man whom she is the only man in her life?

Omiglow · 现代言情
20 Chs

Chapter Two.

"WHATTTTTTT!!!!" Shouted Iris "That is impossible! I can't do that, you are going nowhere just stay with me I'm getting us far away from here" Iris says while trying to get Ivy out of the car. When she saw a spark of fire, she became frantic and she started sweating profusely but she knows she cannot get both of them out before the car explodes.

Ivy knowing she cannot make it, made up her mind and pushed Iris out with all the strength she had left while shouting with all her might. "Go Iris go, run get out of here, save yourself leave me alone, I love you go please promise not to come back, please be the Mother of my child Ta...Take care of my…my…my family and yourself. I Lo….Lo… Love you." she said while crying.

Meanwhile as the result of Ivy push Iris was far from the car, when she try to get closer to the car, the car exploded. And the impact made her to lose her consciousness.

At that time in City F. A Man with a face so handsome looking that he look like a reincarnation of a Mythological Greek God, was sitting on a chair of a penthouse, going through some documents when he had his phone ringing with an unknown number.

"Hello, yes. What? Where My Wife got involved in an accident? You got to be kidding me, is she alright. Okay I will get there soon. Thanks. Please take good care of her, nothing must happen to her. Okay."

The Man that just got a call is Adrian Campbell. One of the Richest Billionaire in Country B and also Ivy husband. He left for an important Business Trip abroad, that was the reason he was not at his Home Country.

He never imagined that the next news he was going to hear about his wife after the dispute they had together, before his departure City F, was not going to be about her signing a new endorsement for a large Cosmetic Company but a News about her fatal accident with her Twin Sister, claiming her sister's life in the process.

Now he had to dump everything he had going on here and get on the next flight available for his home Country, Country B. But first he had to call his Personal Assistant to book him the flight. Adrian picked up his phone and dialed his Personal Assistant phone number. Ring ring ring "Max book me the latest flight to Country B as fast has possible, My Wife got involved in a fatal accident and I have to get there fast. Okay. Thanks"

By the time he got off the flight, it was already early morning of the second day of the accident. Immediately he left for the Hospital, after he got their he got to know about the severity of the accident. How both the driver's and his wife Twin got burnt with the car beyond recognition. Meanwhile fortunately his wife go little to know injury except for the injury on her head. The reason for her suffering from little injury was because she was a quite far from the car when the it exploded.

According to the Doctor she's still unconscious and it will be a while before she regain her consciousness. She need to rest because she suffered from a hit on her head, and she needed to rest. When she will regains her consciousness is still uncertain.

After the report from the Doctor, Adrian decided to go and see Ivy in her VIP Hospital room.

On getting there, he saw her laying on the bed connected to the heart monitor machine with bandage wrapped around her head.

Looking her at her in her current condition he felt pity for her. He can still remember the first time they met, it was a day he never forget and the memory was in a perfect condition in his brain without any blemish.

Recently he started to wonder how it all got wrong? How the Beautiful Pure girl turned into a Liar and a Cheater. He knew and provide anything she want for her not to lack anything. He makes sure set aside to spend with her so she will know he is always around as a support for her . Anything she needs gets even what she did not need she also get. But still she Cheated on him, not Once or Twice but several times.

Since then became someone he cannot stay in the same presence without having the urge to vomit his gut, because she disgusted him.

Looking at her now, he felt nothing for her but pity because, when she wakes up and found out that her Twin sister that she was so excited to come visit, died in accident she was also involved in. She will be so miserable and sad because her twin is all she had left as Family.

After looking at his wife for a while Adrian left the hospital room and left the hospital.

Few hours after Adrian left the woman on the bed open her eyes with difficulty. She started wondering where she was as she was looking around the Nurse that was looking after her noticed she regain her consciousness and called for the Doctor.

The Doctor came in and examined her while also asking the women series of questions, during this process the Doctor discovered that the woman cannot remember who she is and how she got there. The Doctor then decided to conduct all sort of test to know what lead to her forgetting all about her self.

Later the result came out the she had a mild case of Amnesia.

Back in the hospital room the woman was eating her food while asking the nurse question. "Please nurse what I'm I doing here? Who brought me here? Please can you tell me why I can't remember anything about my self?"

As the Nurse started to answer Adrian entered through the door band said "You are Mrs Campbell and also my Wife" baffled the woman instantly denied "No I'm not and I'm sure I have never seen you before".