

It's been three years since she saw her sister last as they separated to face their dreams and accomplish all they desired, Iris finally got the chance to meet her most beloved twin sister who happened to be her only family member. The joy was short lived though as an accident claimed her sister's life. She loses her memory and got to live as her sister for only a week before regaining her memories. With her memories regained, she is faced with a painful truth of how her sister had gotten her first love and man hooked in a relationship by replacing her. Her sister was dead living her a message of how she was also in love with the same man and sort after him with her identity when she met him. Their relationship was not in a good shape at all as she cheated on him and they were close to getting a divorce. Stuck between being moral by letting the man know as he was filled with anger towards the fact that he was cheated on and staying with the man she loved as well as preventing her sister's son from becoming an orphan. Will she be able to endure the hate he had for her that was directed towards her late sister whom she now impersonates or could she break free regardless of the little cutie who needs his mother and the man whom she is the only man in her life?

Omiglow · 现代言情
20 Chs

Chapter One.

Iris was happy to be back home after she left few years ago. She was ready to reunite with her sister and get to know more about her identical twin new family.

After waiting for some time in the Airport, she was on her phone when she heard someone calling her name .

"Iris! Iris over here, hey! Iris!" She looked up and saw someone that looks exactly like her,it turns out to be her sister that she was waiting for to pick her up.

The Lady was her identical twin sister. "Typical of you Ivy, I knew you would be late .I thought we agreed to meet here Thirty minutes ago and you are late why?"

Ivy pouted her lips trying to look cute, knowing that her sister will always fall for the same old trick. "I'm sorry Iris but I had to Meet up with some Company representative that wanted me to be the face for their brand." smiling sheepishly she continues "You know how forgetful I can be, because I forget that today was the appointed day we decided on, so o had to branch their before coming. Please I'm sorry I won't do that again."

Iris looked at her twins sister with her eyebrow raised and said "You never change Ivy and I wonder how you remember to check up on your child when you yourself behave like a child. Still pouting Ivy grabbed her twin arm looking at her with a puppy eye saying "Sister I'm I that unreliable in your eye? You wound me. After not seeing each other for some years you never change"

"Okay! Okay stop making that face at me,you know I can't resist let get going." Iris said while dragging both her suitcase and her sister in tow.

"Ivy where is your Car packed?"Iris asked while looking around the Carpark..

Ivy took her her suitcase from Iris and guide her sister to the Car. Inside the Car Ivy started to inform her sister on what babe has missed out off since she left for Country H. And she also told her sister about some of her achievements whilst showing some pictures, because she knew her sister is not on any Social media platforms.

While the sisters were bonding, Iris thought to ask her sister the question that had been on her mind

"Ivy where is my brother in law,you said both off you will come to the Airport to pick me up together,and don't tell me you forgot because you know that I have never seen him before. Heck! I don't even know what he looks like and that's the same for my Nephew"

"He went on a important Business Trip abroad, that the reason that he is not here, when he get back you will see him and you will see how lucky I am to get that good looking Specimen of a man and I hope you will be happy for me. And for your Nephew you will see him when we get home. Okay?" said Ivy

"Okay! I get it,I get it and we will see." As they were talking. Sundenly the driver started struggling with the steering wheel.

Iris noticed and asked what was wrong with the Car and the driver said he he doesn't have a clue. Ivy shouted "What did you mean that you have no clue,you know pretty well that I was going to go out today,you better pray we get home save and I'm going to fire your lazy ass". As she was still talking while screaming her sister was telling her to calm down,and she refuses. At time The brake failed and the car started getting out of the driver's control, moving from left to right then later tumbled a couple of times, before crashing into a tree in a nearby ditch beside the road. Iris heard Ivy panicked screams before she blacked out.

Iris woke up to the smell and sound of dripping petrol. Feeling pains all over her body she remembered that she just came back from abroad and she was in the car with her twin sister before the crash. With fear she started to search for her sister,which she saw right beside herself.

Seeing her sister trapped between the car seat in a very delicate and critical condition,with blood all over her body and unresponsive she became scared. "Ivy!Ivy please Ivy wape up answer me please Ivy don't…don't do this to me, please..please wak…wake up I…I…I beg to….you please" She struggled to get herself from what was tapping her,when she got released she hold her sister and started shaking and call her sister.

"Iv…Ivy please open your eyes please please" Ivy started coughing while trying to open her eyes with difficulty. "I...I..Iris" While she was trying to speak to her sister she started coughing out blood.

"No Ivy no don't speak please don't say anything I will get you out,driver driver don't worry Ivy I will get us out " She tried to wake the driver but she found out that he as already died because he suffered most of the impact of the crash.

"The driver is dead but don't worry I will get us out I promise,Okay Ivy stay with me"Ivy knowing she got no more time left hold her sisters hand with all her strength refusing to let go and said."I…Iris I…I got something to tell you" "No no Ivy save your strength please let me get us out of here and you will tell me later,the car will soon explode I got to save us"said Iris while trying to get Ivy out.

But Ivy was very determined to say what was on her mind refuse to let go and said."Iris! Iris please I have to say this please listen,I know I have wron…wronged and done bad things to you but I want to ask for your for…forgiveness." "Don't worry Ivy I have forgiven you please stop talking I have forgiven you"said Iris. But Ivy continued "Promise me Iris promise to grant me this..this one last wish. I can't let my Child to be Motherless,be the Mother of my child and also the Wife of my husband"

In disbelief Iris shouted "WHATTTTTTT!!!!?".