


Perhaps not physically, but it felt like every bone in my body had crumbled to jagged shards. Like huge pieces of gravel with sharp, pointed edges. No, it didn't hurt but felt immensely heavy instead. All this weight. This heaviness, that possessed me, left no room for breathing, let alone any movement. I wondered how I was alive at all.

Then perhaps I was in a nightmare. And that made me happy because this will be over soon.

"The weather today is nice." I closed my eyes, trying to shut the tears in. The slap of reality is never too kind.

Wind blew softly through the leaves when I opened my eyes again. While the dusky sky, a shade of faded pink, looked like dawn. Or was it dawn? Time had slipped away, just like everything else in my grasp.

"You have to be very lucky to have such pleasant weather."