
Submitting to the Demon within : A journey to the throne series book 1

revamped Warning 18+ mature content Bdsm ,cheating ,revenge ,rejection. Attentive suicide ,blood gore. Insinuation of sexual and physical abuse. But does not show detail of acts. Blurb : He can't get rejected right now. It will kill him for sure.    Before I could protest both of them completed the rejection.  It looked as if accepting took the only oxygen he'd had.  His eyes shut as it seemed ge stoped struggling to breath his hole body went limp.  Caydon no stay with me .  Josh moved to the other side still very naked but no on was worried about that.  "Caydon! stay awake" Footsteps approached behind us I didn't have to turn to know it was the understudy.  Caydon stay with us the doctor is almost here ." My voice shook as I spoke the words. Just then  a black and red smoke went into Caydons mouth and nose. His blood slowly moved off the grass.  Reforming into the droplets as if some pressed rewind on time.   The blood disappated into a crimson smoke . Wrapping around Caydons still body as if it where a cocoon .  Then his body disappeared.  Making me feel as if the wind was knocked out of me. "Caydon!"   A growl of fear and furry erupted from me ,filled by an angry grumble under out feet. Grass and rocks, shot up what seemed to be 50 feet high. As the ground shifted apart.  synopsis Caydon Wes is your typical nerd,or is he . He is bullied all through grade and high school. Upon turning 18some secrets come to light from his past. Letting everyone know he's not you run of the mill guy. * Sexual acts are depicted graphically throughout this book. As well as bulling and the occasional death blood shed.

Brittney_Flint · 奇幻
8 Chs


   December 4th 2003

             Adrianna's pov 

          A constant low beeping was heard as I opened my eyes. Wich was Impossible task of it's own. They felt as if they were glued shut. Blurred vision greeted me along with the most amazing scent I've ever smelt. Unable to help my self I took in a deep breath and moaned . Chuckle made my blood run cold ,as a growl made my heart stop. My eyes shot the corner of the room were both sounds resided from. He smell of Japanese Blossom and citrus came from the male on the left . Who was staring at a equally large lake in the corner ,covering his mouth seemingly trying not laugh. Staring was not the right word .Glaring with murderous rage was more accurate. 

     My heart skipped a beat as my my throat went dry and an ach surged through my core. His red eyes turned to me as a light growl left his lips. ' Mate' Audrey purred . What no no that can't be right. He's an Alpha literally the the sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on . No way hell accept a slave like me . He stood his figure was well over six foot . He had crystal blue eyes Milk chocolate brown hair. Broad body that threatened to rip own his button down at in second. A slight whimper passed my lips as the true definition of perfection walked toward me. My legs moved together as if they were magnetized. A sigh left my lips, " Please just reject me and get on with it." I begged not wanting to ach for this perfect man id never have any longer.  Pain or confusion maybe both shown in his eyes . Why on earth would I reject you ?you are my mate ." His voice Made the ach grow along with adding goosebumps. " I am a wofless slave not worthy to mated to an Alpha . " I looked down as I spoke . He looked into my eyes the pain in his deepening. " Tell me who told you that and I'll rip out their heart and make them choke on it!" He growled out. You are perfect ,and were made specifically for me Their for your more then worth you are perfect for me. " He stopped At the side of the bed. Lifting my chin to look at him with his pointer finger under his chin. "You are mine and no one will hurt you again." His crystal pools swirled With furry pain and determination. "I uh .. " I started to argue however his lips silenced me. A moan left my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck . 

       Caydon' s Pov

   Seeing the two of them in such a passionate kiss made me feel multiple things . The first was pain if I hadn't been rejected id have that. The second was a hunger I've never had experienced before. Silently I stoop slipping away. My heart raced , as I walked down the long . My vision began to blur as my head began to grow fuzzy .  Head straight dow the hall take a left. " A Deep voice coaxed me in the direction of a room at the end of the hall.  " Enter Caydon!" A pain shot through my hole being as i tried to pull away. " What the hell is happening ?" I growled in pain and frustration. You didn't expect to live for nothing did you? You must feed me!" " Feed you? .....what are you talking about?" A demonic Growl was heard It sent a cold shiver down my spine. Suddenly I felt something take over my my body . My vision faded to a grey haze. The creak of a door was heard. Just before I heard a voice that made my heart leap. "Caydon what are you doing in here?" The familiar voice asked.