
Ch36. Meeting Narcissa 2

"You searched through my mind." Harry accused her dryly as he squinted his eyes at her.

It was less of a question and more of a statement, making her slightly wince.

"I don't regret it." She confessed with a straight face but then her expression fell and she quietly added. "I just had to know your character."

Harry was conflicted about how to go about this. On the one hand, she invaded his privacy. On the other... she is still alive and well. If she meant any harm by it, the contract would stop her. Painfully.

He could understand. After over a decade with Lucius... yes, he could definitely understand why she did it. That, however, didn't make it any less unsettling for him.

In the end, he sighed and decided to take it in strides.

"Okay..." He said, his voice showing his conflicted feelings. "While not appreciated, I think I can get over you shuffling through my head. Just... ask if you ever want to do it again."

"Thank you." Narcissa beamed and offered an olive branch. "How about I tell you the story of my life as an apology?"

Getting a nod and amused eye-roll in return, she started describing her life.

Her happy childhood with her sisters. Her privileges and difficulties as the youngest Daughter of Blacks. The harsh upbringing of proper Lady. Her school-years at Hogwarts and interest in Runes and Alchemy.

From then on her story gained a tinge of depression which only increased the more she talked.

She narrated the bride auction set forth by her Aunt and parents. How she was bought by the Rosier family and was even happy it was them that acquired her but due to her sister, Andromeda, running away and breaking the contract before its activation by marrying another, she had to marry Malfoy.

She continued describing her 'marriage' to Lucius, spitting it out with vicious venom lacing her voice. She skimmed over how Lucius relished at giving her to his friends. Described that due to the contract, sex with other men than her 'husband' brings her untold suffering, and the pleasure turns to pain. Apparently, the only worse feeling she ever felt was a full-blown Cruciatus courtesy of Voldemort.

Narcissa angrily gritted her teeth as she recalled the delighted expression Lucius had every time he made her go through these pains and humiliation. Explaining how it changed her for the worse, robbing her of the last spark of innocence she had.

She hardly droned it out with great reluctance, not willing to remember the more... vivid details.

Then, the first Wizarding War started. She told Harry how Lucius moved his beloved Master to Malfoy manor. How her suffering only increased hence on.

How Bellatrix, of all people, the last person Narcissa expected to be even sane enough to care, begged her master for mercy for Narcissa. The punishment Bellatrix received and her deranged screams. How she wept for her sister that day.

The miraculous opportunity that arose and how she took it, becoming unofficial Death Eater.

Her face flushed in shame but her eyes revealed firm resolve and not an ounce of regret as she described the atrocities she caused. The torture of children. The rendering of humans for potions. The sick pleasure Voldemort displayed as he made her into his pleasure toy for no other reason than it hurt her. The countless crimes she was forced to commit in his name and how it yet again completely changed her world view, making her more... realistic.

The oath Voldemort forced Lucius to swear. The feelings she had when she was given young Draco and was told he is her son and she is expected to act like it. Her eventual acceptance and effort to be the best mother for him.

The happiness at Voldemort's downfall. The elation when she understood she may not be free but is safe and sound and in partial control due to the oath. The giddiness at annoying Malfoy Sr. almost daily.

And... the fears of her Master's eventual rise from death.

The disappointment she felt as she was forced to watch Draco becoming a copy of Lucius without being able to intervene. How even the last sliver of her self-imposed feelings for the child died completely when she watched Draco enjoy killing old house-elf in cold, deranged joy as Lucius tried to make him used to blood.

And ending with describing her smug elation when Lucius gloated about his profitable business venture and her return to House Black.

When she ended, they both looked at each other, unsure of what to say. In the end, Harry just leaned forward and embraced her in a tight hug, trying to comfort her. Narcissa's body sagged against his, completely engulfing him. Her tensed muscles relaxed as her head rested on the crook of his neck. While both relished at the closeness, Harry noticed their magic pushing against each other gently, almost merging, eventually entwining and staying that way.

He did not feel any difference outwardly nor inwardly but his perception told him, screamed almost, something irrevocably changed. In both of them. He now possessed a sliver of Narcissa's magic and she possessed a sliver of his.

Before he could contemplate more on this new discovery, Narcissa pulled out of the hug.

"Thank you. I needed that." She told him with a greatly satisfied smile, her eyes following him happily. "Harry, I think we should return to our earlier discussion. What do you expect from me as your wife?" She asked worriedly.

Harry smiled in reassurance.

"I have only one rule. Albeit it may be divided into multiple smaller ones." He said. "My foremost rule is, no betrayals."

Narcissa bobbed her head in acknowledgment and waited. When after a while he didn't do anything she unsurely asked.

"Are you not going to make that an order enforced by the contract?"

"No." Harry shook his head. "Maybe someday you will have to do something behind my back for my good. I won't order you."

"I am gambling and putting my trust in you, wife." He returned her earlier teasing, knowing his trust is more due to the unexplained 'bonding' he perceived. What betrayal did he have to fear from her? They were now irrevocably connected. Despite the fact, she seemed to not realize it as of yet.

"My next expectation is quite simple and obvious. While our... marriage was quite frankly unexpected, unplanned, and complete surprise for both of us, I am sure. You are my wife first and foremost." Harry took her hand in his, displaying his sincerity. "I do not want you to put House Black or your position as Lady at the forefront of your responsibilities. I want you to further yourself in Runes and Alchemy. Reach greater heights in magic. Become someone who can support me and advise me. Someone I can be proud of."

Narcissa smiled and squeezed his hand in gratitude.

"You know. For all of your expectations of me, this is the most freedom I had since I was born." She reminisced. "There were always heaps of duties thrown on my head. Expectations. Lessons. Gude how-to trophy wife 101." She shook her head sadly.

"If not, then it was Lucius's desires or his friends. And lastly my work as an unmarked Death Eater. There was always something caging me, constraining me. I could never study magic to the extent I wanted... Yes, I agree, my Lord. I will become one of your support pillars. For as long as you will have me." She happily leaned forward and gently pecked his cheek.

"I'd like you to manage the Black estates." He blurted out and tried to distract himself from his embarrassment as he gained a red hue due to the kiss.

Narcissa gave him a knowing look.

"Sure. No worries, I won't even leach the profits away this time!" She cheekily agreed, making Harry share a chuckle with her. She looked him straight into the eyes with dedication and honesty. "I will show you my worth and make you the richest wizard in Britain, Harry."

"I don't care about money." He informed her. "My aim lies somewhere else."

"Interesting." She hummed and saucily winked. "So, what do you need of me, then, husband?"

"I want you," Harry grinned at her pleased expression as he said that and continued. "to carefully and subtly drain the coffers of the Death Eaters you are aware of. You will have the full financial might and political pull of House Black at your disposal, of course. Cause as much chaos and mayhem as you can to the economy of Wizarding Britain. Just go wild but don't be discovered."

Narcissa couldn't help the full-blown happy grin appearing on her face. She hardly believed her luck! Not once did she think she would be given an opportunity such as this. It was time for some long-overdue righteous revenge!

She grabbed Harry's hand and tightly pressed her lips to his. When she realized she just snogged a kid she turned crimson-red, trying to cough her shame away.

"Ahem, care for some refreshments, husband?" She asked, averting her eyes from Harry, covering her slight smile.

"I see, offering refreshments already. You must take your duties as Lady Black seriously indeed." Harry teased, deepening Narcissa's blush. "Makes me wonder what kind of wifey duties do you take just as dutifully!" He cheekily quipped, still relishing at the softness of her lips.

"You cheeky little..." Narcissa good-naturedly scowled and weakly slapped his shoulder, trying to restrain her smile. It took them a while to get out of a pleasant atmosphere and Narcissa decided it was time for tea. "Kreacher!"

The house-elf popped out near her.

"Yes, Mistress Narcissa?"

"Be dear and bring some refreshments." She ordered in a no-nonsense, cold tone.

"The refreshments are already prepared." Kreacher replied indifferently and snapped his finger and two teacups with a stream coming out of them appeared alongside a tray of cookies.

Narcissa arched her elegant eyebrow at his attentiveness and decided to be more polite to him.

"Thank you." She lightly thanked and Kreacher looked like a kid who just realized Santa is not real. Harry guessed he never expected a Black... any Black to ever thank him for his work.

"My pleasure, Milady." Kreacher bowed in appreciation and quickly disappeared to hide his embarrassment.

Before Harry could react, Narcissa was leaning towards the table and handing him one of the teacups.

"Here you go." She told him as she sipped her tea.

Harry nodded and tried it.

"Wow, this is quite good!" He exclaimed.

"Yes. Blacks have their tastes well sorted. A pity it only applies to food." Narcissa almost snorted in ridicule.

For the next twenty minutes, they bantered and drank their tea, just leisurely enjoying the presence of each other. They tried to get closer and get to know each other better. While neither of them actually could say there was any love between them just yet, the spark of affection was clearly there.

If Harry didn't know Narcissa couldn't harm him due to the contract, he would have to be a hell of a lot more careful around the witch. The woman definitely had the making of a skilled manipulator. And now he knows she is actually beyond master at Legilimens. She was dangerous. That much was obvious.

Fortunately, she was a Black, and lying to Lord Black in the ancestral house of Blacks is a foolish notion at best. His family magic showed him exactly how sincere she is and he was flabbergasted at how much she meant everything she said. Yes... Harry could trust her. And he was infinitely glad for that.

As he thought these thoughts, he suddenly started to feel dizzy and his view went dim. He tried to blink a few times and groaned at the momentary sickness he felt.

"Do not worry, dear. It will be over in a moment." He heard Narcissa's tempting voice but couldn't quite yet see where it came from.

She uncaringly leaned closer and reached her hand and casually took his cup straight out of his hands and put it back on the table. Harry could not move and was only able to observe as her eyes started to gleam with a predatory glint as she licked her lips hungrily at him.

"What did you do to me?" He asked her with wide eyes.