
Ch35. Meeting Narcissa 1

Harry was sitting on a couch in the Library, he shamelessly used for meetings, and awaited the arrival of Narcissa Black. His... wife.

He grimaced thinking about the blunder with contracts and was unsure how to behave around her. He wanted her as a secretary, not a wife, dammit!

Putting his head on the table, Harry groaned, completely nervous and unable to focus on the book in front of him.

Suddenly Rowena flew in through the wall, disregarding the wards and perched on his shoulder. She cawed in reassurance as if she felt his distraught emotions.

Harry smiled at her and thanked her for her caw of confidence. Deciding to not waste time moping around he started practicing the magic he focused on momentarily.

He tried to mimic the intangibility of Rowena.

Intently concentrating on Rowena, he felt the shift between tangible and intangible forms as she showed him her ability. And while it still baffled him, Harry tried to imitate it.

He straightened up and put his hand on the opened book on the table in front of him. He started gently pushing his hand into the book as he channeled the magic through it in the exact same way Rowena just did. His hand slowly sunk into the book, going past it, reaching the table and sinking in as well. It was an exhilarating feeling. Knowing he could probably bypass anything with an ability such as this. Alas, he heard Rowena reproachful caw and had to quickly jerk his hand away or even the best healer in the country wouldn't be able to help him put it back together.

Hadrian was not yet skilled enough to maintain the flow of magic for long durations, nor could he make more than his hand intangible. He couldn't even feel when his hand became tangible again so Rowena had to alert him when to pull out. Well, for three days of practice, he was quite satisfied with his results so far.

His raven was very thorough with explaining the finer details of becoming intangible. Needless to say, Harry was goggle-eyed at how much knowledge he needed before Rowena allowed him to try! For hours he had to listen to her cawing the facts at him... The things he does to become OP!

As he pondered how to make the flow of magic in his intangibility spell smoother, Kreacher suddenly popped into the room.

"Master Hadrian, Mistress Narcissa arrived. Shall I bring her here?" The house-elf asked in a raspy but strong voice.

Harry looked at him and appreciated the new style of the elf. He wore attire akin to a butler uniform and white silky gloves. His back was straight, proudly lifting his chin, he regally waited for Harry to answer.

'Maybe it was not such a bad idea to give him those books about proper butlers...' Harry thought, slightly awkward at the instant change.

He gave Kreacher an acknowledging nod and the house-elf popped away to escort Narcissa to the library. Harry pushed his senses out, trying to get a feel for her. It took him a few seconds of intense concentration since the place was filled with magical artifacts and discerning was hard but he managed. He felt a tug of a familiar magical presence behind the door. Narcissa was about to enter.

The door opened and Kreacher led her inside.

"Lord Black, may I present Narcissa Black?" He stated more than asked and waited for dismissal.

Harry gave him yet another nod, making him pop away and redirected his gaze at Narcissa.

There she stood. A stunning woman who looked to be in her late-twenties. He was albeit pleasantly but nevertheless surprised at her appearance.

She was a lot smaller than he imagined. While he briefly spotted her in Diagon Alley, he didn't think she would be of quite so small stature. Her height was barely reaching five feet and three inches.

Her pale blonde tresses were set up into one intricate braid that flowed from her left shoulder forward, lying across her chest, ending in the middle of her torso. Multiple hairpins, looking like soft-blue snowflakes, decorated her braid. Harry had no doubt these 'decorations' were pointy and sharp enough to be weaponized quite easily.

Her attire was a black frilly Victiorian-like dress with bare shoulders, emphasizing her chest. Like her hair, the dress also sported many catchy decorations, mostly of black color which, in the dim places like the ancestral house of Blacks, highlighted her pale skin, making it almost shine. Harry had no doubt she was trying to make a good first impression. Even him, a child was enchanted by her looks.

The next thing that took him by surprise was her eyes. They were icy blue and naturally freezing but the second they landed on him her disregarding and cold gaze shifted. Harry saw her eyes in the Alley and remembered the harsh coldness and disregard of her eyes. The contempt she projected as she watched the world around. The unveiled 'I-am-better-than-thou' spark in her eyes. Yet, now her eyes held a certain warmth to them. Happiness. Gratitude even. Needless to say, it baffled Harry. Her eyes certainly showed how relaxed the woman in front of him was. Narcissa, while slightly surprised, quickly became completely unfazed. No predatory glint of realizing her prey is inexperienced. No manipulative flash. No scheming twinkling. No, her eyes were serene and quite frankly amused when they connected with his. Yes, Harry was definitely surprised... and disconcerted.

Narcissa's gaze unwaveringly bored into his eyes, without even blinking and he was certain she also was appraising him.

Yes, very disconcerted.

At long last, she confidently strutted closer, her nose held high as is proper for a Lady. She gave Harry a short bow while raising her skirt and gently smiled.

"Narcissa Black, my Lord."

"Harry Potter." Harry returned her smile and in satisfaction noted the slight widening of her eyes. That was all the reaction he got though.

"Be seated, my Lady." Harry told her after seeing her lackluster reaction to his identity.

Narcissa wasn't one for humbleness. With self-assured gait, she hightailed it close to Harry, and before he could protest, instead of sitting opposite him, she sat on his right side, pressing her shoulder to his, enough to make him able to smell her sweet and alluring fragrance. She slightly turned to his side, so she could look him directly in the eyes, waiting for her husband to start the talk. Exactly as the etiquette of purebloods dictated.

If she wanted to unsettle Harry, she definitely managed.

"Narcissa, may I call you that?" Harry asked and received a small nod. "You may call me Hadrian, then."

"I assume you heard from Lucius why you are here?" He continued asking and felt quite out of place. He, eleven years old kid questioning a woman over forty who did her damnedest to look bewitching.

"Yes. Of course, I know. It would not be Lucius if he didn't gloat at how he 'cunningly' used the situation in his advantage in order for me to infiltrate Blacks and become his spy." Narcissa quipped, sarcasm flooding the room. "The idiot still thinks he can order me around even without being my 'owner'." She slightly rolled her eyes in amusement. She started to caress her hair, directing a slight smirk at Harry.

Harry could only give her a wry grin at that, contemplating if there is something wrong with Lucius. Well, of course, there was something wrong with him! He willingly threw a woman like her away.

Either he plays for the other team, or there is something seriously wrong with her that would make her beauty a moot point. Harry fervently hoped it was the former though...

"My Lord... Harry, what I want to know is, what do you expect from me." Narcissa pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Expect?" He asked her, not understanding what she means. When she saw his expression she nodded.

"For example, when I was married to Lucius, I had to follow 216 stipulations set by him." She explained and an understanding dawned on Harry's face when he suddenly blinked owlishly at her.

"Wait. Are you seriously telling me you managed to leech ninety percent of profits from Malfoy's estates away while being bound to follow over two hundred rules?" Harry looked at her, his jaw almost hitting the floor.

Narcissa gave him a proud nod as a vicious gleam appeared in her eyes.

"I am just that good." She sneered in imitation of Malfoy.

She reached towards him and put her smooth hand on his cheek, her expression relaxed, startling him yet getting his undivided attention as he subconsciously relished at her gentle touch.

"Yes, Harry. You should always remember. No matter how strong a contract, vow, or oath are, there is ALWAYS a loophole in them." She told him, suddenly getting serious. "For example, the marriage contract Lucius signed over to you was a done deal. Unbreakable and unchangeable. I am pretty much a slave. And it is forever and ever. But that doesn't mean I won't be able to make the encounter as unpleasant as possible for my owner. As long as he is not aware and I know how to exploit my position..." She didn't finish but gave him a sincere smile as the light in her eyes danced mirthfully.

"Why are you telling me this?" Harry asked quietly, putting his hand on hers as it cradled his cheek. Only now he felt the echoes of the original, physical-attention-starved Harry Potter. He did not feel lust towards Narcissa. No, he was too young for that. He instead felt a need, an insatiable desire for her gentle touch. His transmigrator's sense was really getting alarmed at that but he just could not pull away from her hand.

Narcissa smiled at his gesture, relishing his touch even though her expression stayed unchanged.

"I was married to Lucius Malfoy for over a decade and a half. I am tired, Harry. At the end of my wits and completely exhausted." Her eyes dimmed, becoming absentmindedly soulless. "So exhausted..."

She blinked and refocused her gaze on him and teased.

"I am gambling and putting my trust in you, husband."

"Are you sure that's a good idea though?" He asked back playfully. "Who knows, I may be worse than Lucius. I may tie you to a bed and... well, you know." He finished, his cheeks dying themselves deep red.

"In that case, you would already be an infinitely better husband than Lucius ever was." She flippantly told him with a derisive snort. "After my life with my previous husband, something like getting banged while tied up would be a dream come true. In fact, when you grow up, we are definitely doing something that, husband!" She finished with such an unshakable conviction and fiery passionate look Harry shuddered.

Her brows suddenly furrowed and her expression twisted wistfully before it considerably softened in resignation. A guilty look marred her face, her eyes for the first time since she sat down and left his. She gazed downward nervously.

"I will be completely truthful so please, do not overreact, okay dear?" She whispered to him pleadingly.

"Okay?" Harry, quite weirded out at her quick switch from playful to remorseful, half-asked, half-answered.

"I KNOW giving myself to you is a marvelous idea." She told him and as he was about to open his mouth she quickly put her index finger on his lips in a shushing motion. "I know it because..." She took a reassuring breath. "Because I am a very gifted Legilimens."

Harry stiffened.