
Volume 3: It Will Not Take Much Effort To Drown You Shorties!

When Ethan returned to the forest of Westshire, he didn’t appear in the clearing where the entrance to the Epic Legacy Domain was located.

Instead, he was deliberately sent a mile away from it, as requested by his Other Half from Queen Celestia.

‘Right now, dozens of powerful Wizards, Witches, Elves, Fairies, Beastkins, and Dwarves are gathered at that clearing, waiting for you to arrive,’ Ethan’s Other Half said. ‘It would be best to scout to have an idea as to how they will react when you make your appearance.’

Aria, Nika, and the Thirty Fairies who were ordered to accompany Ethan were also aware of their Master’s current situation.

‘Sebastian and I will do an experiment, so lend me your body for a bit,’ Ethan’s Other Half stated. ‘Although I’m sure that Professor Barret and maybe the Grand Archmage, Edmond, is on your side, it’s still best to be safe than sorry.’

Ethan nodded his head in understanding and allowed his Other Half to take over his body.