
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · 奇幻
93 Chs

Chapter 80

Half an hour after the announcement of the 2.5 Phase of the Apocalypse something unbelievable happened. An enormous tower suddenly appeared in the sky without a warning. This tower was something that humans can only imagine but was not able to make

It was calmly floating there in the sky and who knows what sorcery someone made on it but the tower can be seen all over the world as if it was located just on top of you. At this time most of the humans already digested the information that the Angel transmitted the them and was aware of the existence of this tower. Even then all of them were shock at seeing its majesty

It was steady like a mountain, not moving at all. One will wonder how can a structure this big can stay afloat in the air. Even then the humans were both excited and fearful of this tower

Just like its name the tower was filled with valuable treasures. However, it was also a place that is either you came out alive or get killed inside

Inside the forest, Kence was looking at the sky where the tower was located. His blood boiling from excitement, just the thought of the things he can get inside it elated his mood. Of course, opportunities and danger were intertwined in this world but he was not afraid

Feeling fear will only hinder his advancement. The four immediately went to the central part of the forest to go see Kence and hear what his plans would be

Kence removed his gaze on the enormous tower and looked at his family, he knew precisely what they want. "My Lord, should we go inside the tower?" King asked in anticipation. The tower will give them opportunity to be stronger. In this world the stronger you are the higher your survival would be!

"I will go inside alone" Kence declared in a tone with finality. "My Lord, you can't! Please let us help you! Don't always take the burden on yourself, we strive to become stronger to help you!" King said with myriads of emotions. He naturally respected Kence but his attitude of always shielding them away from danger and doing all the dangerous things on himself greatly irritated him

The others nodded their heads and looked at Kence with serious expression. They have the same thought as King and wants to take aome burden off Kence's shoulder

"Don't worry, I will leave my Tree Body here. I will just check the tower to gauge its danger level. If I see that you have a high chance in surviving, we will all go inside the tower together. I won't die there, I have two bodies okay?"

Kence only wanted to 'Beta Test' the tower. He naturally won't court death and decided to leave his tree body inside the forest. Even if his Spirit Clone die he would still have another body and wouldn't actually die

"But we still want to go with you!" King insisted but Kence just shook his head. "Whether you come inside the tower or not, I can't stop you. But I will still leave my tree body here, if its by itself there would be a high chance that it would get killed"

Kence was obviously threatening them. By leaving his tree body, not only it would prevent him from really dying but it will also force the four to stay behind. Its like hitting two birds in one stone

"My Lord, you are really so unfair" King sighed in helplessness and Kence laughed at that. "Protect my body well!" The four nodded their heads and were very determined to not let any harm come to his body

Kence took his backpack first and put some of blue fruits inside before deciding to enter the tower. He also put a single pair of clothes on it in case his clothes were badly damaged. He don't want to roam the tower naked after all

"I wish to enter the tower!" Kence said and a blinding holy light appeared on his body before he suddenly vanished. The four was left inside the forest with complex emotions


"Welcome to the Tower of Treasures or Death First Floor: Forest of Wonders!" A mechanical voice that's exactly like the Voice of The World rang inside Kence's mind as soon as he entered the tower

When he opened his eyes stretch of trees appeared on his vision  and the abundant energy in the surrounding, particularly nature type brought a great sense of comfort to him. Just because he was excited to treasure hunt inside the tower doesn't mean he wasn't nervous at all

The tower was bound to be filled with danger and although he won't die but he will lose his Spirit Clone that he trained up to the Grand Knight Rank. He don't want to lose this body forever

"Now, how to survive for seven days while seizing treasures?" Kence muttered to himself. Everyone can exit the tower a week after they entered it. Before that, they need to survive first and its up to them to stay or not after a week

Kence raised his guard for any unknown dangers lurking on this forest. He walked deeper in the forest but he still wasn't able to take ten steps before the ground below him trembled as if something was coming out from it

He immediately surrounded himself with leaves and used his floating skill to fly a few meters above. But it seems like that was a bad decision and he should have flew higher

A worm as thick as a human body came out from the ground, it should be at least five meters long as it almost ate Kence's legs. Rows of sharp teeth with saliva dripping on it can be seen on the worm's mouth.  "[Innate Skill: Root Strike!]" Kence's right arm transformed into a long root with sharp end. He seized the chance and wants to end the fight as quick as possible

The sharp root penetrated the worm's mouth and killing it from the inside. Kence flicked his root arm to get rid of the blood before retracting it and he landed on the ground. "Its the first creature I've encountered yet its already at the peak of Knight Rank!"

A Knight Rank Supernatural might be nothing in front of Kence's power but the fact that a creature that strong was the first one he encountered means that this forest was really dangerous. If any creature he encountered was that strong then even if he is a Grand Knight its still hard to survive because of exhaustion

Without Kence knowing when he 'killed' the worm the wing mark on its soul flashed with a gentle light and the worm's soul vanished. The worm's body glowed with a dim light and shrinked in size and left a pearl like thing

Kence walked towards it and slowly picked the thing. "A-A Knight Rank Energy Pearl?!" Kence cannot believed what he saw and checked if it was really an Energy Pearl. But no matter how he looked at it its really that valuable Pearl!

"Just how is this possible?" He was in disbelief that this kind of thing happened. Does this mean that as long as he kill any creatures here then he will gain Energy Pearl?

Kence was not able to think deeper as the ground below him trembled again. This time the scope and intensity was higher than before. He used his floating skill again but this time he made sure that he fly higher as not let the same thing happened

Multiple gigantic worms crawled out from the ground, they numbered in about ten. The number of Knight Ranks in them was even higher than the Warrior Rank and one was actually at the Grand Knight!

"If its always like this, how can a human survive this forest?" Just thinking about how many humans who entered will die inside the tower made Kence to shudder in fear. Fortunately, the Rank 3 Worm was only at the early stage of Grand Knight

Kence locked his gaze towards that Rank 3 Worm and decided to kill it first. If he kill the lower level ones then he need to use more energy to dodge that powerful worm. If he were to meet with many enemies along the way then preserving his energy is the wisest thing to do

Thankfully, the worms had a habit of opening their mouths which made it easier to kill them. "[Innate Skill: Root Strike!]" Using the same skill, Kence's arm once again transformed into a long root that pierced the worm from its mouth

The worm might be a powerful Grand Knight and normally Kence needs to expend quite a lot of energy to kill it but too bad the worm always opened their mouths. No matter how strong you or your defense are if someone attack you from the inside what can you do?

The sharp root easily pierced the worm's insides and thus killing it easily. The same thing happened, the wing marks on the worm's soul flashed with a holy light and it vanished. The worm's body glowed with light and shrinked before leaving a Grand Knight Rank Energy Pearls. The energy inside it was richer than Knight Rank ones. Normally, an averagely powerful Grand Knight needs to use all of his energy to fill just one of this pearl, but now Kence gained one just by killing

He doesn't even need to put a lot of effort because of the worm's naivety. Kence turned his eyes to the others worms and look at them as if they were some treasures. "Come, come my Energy Pearls!"

As if the worms can understand his words they went to attack him. The worms although powerful but they only attack by using their mouth, which in front of Kence was a fatal mistake of them

He waved his hand and leaves appeared out of thin air. The leaves then flew inside the open mouth of these worms and caused a small explosions inside them

In no more than a minute all of the worms around Kence turned into Energy Pearls that he put inside his bag. He decided to keep the Knight and Warrior Rank Pearls for now but if he gained higher levelled one he will discard them

His bag after has a limit as there were also some blue fruits inside it. He will keep these lower levelled ones just in case he can't fill his bag with treasures and Rank 3 Pearls

Kence proceeded to travel inside the dangerous forest. Its just the first floor of the tower yet there were already these powerful enemies. Is he just unlucky or the forest was really this dangerous

On the way Kence saw a woman with tattered clothes and dirty body running away from a mutated red colored tiger. Her big breast were jiggling as she run away while her body were riddled with whip marks. Her hair was in a mess af if someone wants to destroy it. There was almost nothing covering her body and her white skin were exposed for all eyes to see

She was running away but her eyes were lifeless as if she was just doing it through instincts. Kence knitted his eyebrows when he sensed that the woman was only ay the peak of Warrior Rank

The information that the Angel transmitted stated that Knight Ranks has small chance of surviving while Warrior Rank Supernatural almost has no chance of surviving. Her, entering the tower only mean two things

First is, she is crazy and courting death or she was running away from something or someone. Kence shook his head and decided to help. He may not be a saint but its not bad helping someone in need

Plus, he can get a Rank 2 Pearl from killing the tiger. He's not sure if he can kill enough Grand Knights to fill his bag and decided to use the Rank 2 Pearls as back-up

Kence's figure cut through the air and he reappeared on top of the tiger. He put a bit of his energy on his foot and it glowed with a green light. He used his foot to smash the tiger's head and without a suspense the tiger's head cracked and bled before dying