
Chapter 75: Sniper World

After quickly cleaning up the battlefield, Luo Zheng, carrying the "Jili" camouflage suit equipment, and Lan Xue, carrying Blood Wolf's equipment, set off. Having taken out these two snipers, the gloom on Lan Xue's brow had cleared, and her mood had also improved greatly. While walking east towards their homeland, they ate the rations they had captured.

On the way, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue talked about recent events. During the conversation, Luo Zheng learnt that Lan Xue had found Shan Hu and others. Shan Hu and his team had searched along the river for three days and three nights, looking more like ghosts than humans, three days without food or drink, resulting in two people falling ill, and they were sent back by the helicopter Lan Xue had ordered, while she stayed behind alone to continue searching for Luo Zheng and eventually encountered an ambush by a large group of armed militants.