
Friend II

"Woah, how convenient. Your Venevisium controls are surely precise."

Ruvian twitched his lip. He wanted to give her the cold silent treatment. But she undeniably has been nice towards him. "Anyway, thanks for the food this earlier morning."

She smiled sweetly. "No need to mention it. And … did you eat that much?"

Ruvian sighed. "Well, since you are already here. Would you mind making some fire?"

"Teehe, sure."

The flame roasted the fishes until it spit out an appetizing smell. Them both enjoyed the meal peacefully which is a strange occurrence since Adelle somehow being not so talkative.

She even didn't show any sign of wanting attention and just went about her meals.

'What's gotten into her today ….'

Decided to break the ice. "So, you still planned to follow me around?"

"Don't be full of yourself. I told you yesterday that we happen to follow the same route." She pouted.


" …. Well, then, I'll be going now. Thanks for the food." He then stood up and left right away.

Adelle seemed calm at first, kept on chewing. After that, she proceeded to use her Ordo.

Recently, she had observed and analyzed how far Ruvian would use his Sensus. Like the previous experience during their time escaping from the cottage, her Ordo would react as if it was burning something.

She shaped the white-gray energy into a small wall on her hand that would have enough surface area.

This would net some of Ruvian's Sensus that passed by. Since it was hidden to plainsight. The Vis of Ordo burned it and formed a thin silvery blaze.

As for Ruvian, he barely noticed that such a small amount of his Vis burned. If he wished, he may gain finer details even at the edge of his Sensus area.

However, it is just unnecessary for him to cover the entire area with dense Sensus all the time since it would only waste his Vis.

Still, for her, it was quite frightening for someone to use his Vis continuously all day long without it emptying their Vis pool. Which means, his Vis regeneration was still in surplus than the all day consumption.

'Just as expected for a six Vis cored.'

Later her Ordo stopped producing thin silvery blaze. She counted it, his detection range was about half a mile away.

It was no easy business for her to track a person with this minimal range. She indeed had lost track during certain times. All in all, she left with no choice after coming this long.

'Guess that, I'm undoubtedly a stalker. Hehee.'

Meanwhile, Ruvian just enjoyed the forest therapy that soothed his very soul. Not a single monster tried to eat him, unlike in the Nethereal.

He never felt starved or thirsty for a prolonged period. Even the gentle leaves that frictioned with other leaves create a relaxing sound in his ears. But the night cold still bites into his bones.

Now, he longed to see something more than a woodland, which surprisingly, Central Trensia had it so wide and full of life owed to the tropical climate.

Ruvian could not stretch his Sensus vision even with full Vis usage more than 30 miles in its narrowest shape.

It will be either he moves to find the place he desired or he cultivates to attain a higher Vis Level in order to reach more distance on his Sensus.

He chose the first option since the latter would be an arduous struggle and would not happen in a short timeframe.

After all, everything that happens now was something he should be grateful for. He had to fight for his life last week.

'Now I really couldn't tell if Adelle will be back or not. She would oftenly make an appearance within my vision.'

His guts told him to make things clear. So, Ruvian decided to look further. He expanded his Sensus area.

In the meantime, Adelle, who was following Ruvian's trail in the distance, was shocked to see her 'Sensus Detector' emitted bright silvery blazes.

She swiftly lunged backward. Yet, only made the blaze lessened by a little.

Being a quick thinker, Adelle stood still and swiftly enveloped herself in a protective cloak of Ordo Vis. The white-gray energy surrounding her quickly transformed into blazing flames, indicating that Ruvian had undeniably amplified his Vis usage.

'What happened? Did Ruvian find something? Ugh, I have to keep up!'

Having no clear estimation about the weight of Ruvian's Vis, Adelle concentrated a moderate amount of Vis to maintain her Ordo barrier. This surely made her invisible to Ruvian since his Sensus was unable to reach her.

On his imaging, Ruvian only saw a blank spot. It was too small for him to notice it compared to the rest of the other objects he perceived, thus Adelle was standing still.

'Hmmm, she was really gone. Well, at least that's good news. Oh, wait—'

He saw something that caught his interest and decided to intensify his Sensus.

It was the large dirt path called King's Road that connected the two neighboring towns, Rumabel and Katalan.

'Now that's interesting.'

Eager to discover the path ahead, he wasted no time pushing through the dense foliage and emerging onto the road.

After settling on that decision, he reduced Sensus Vis usage back like before.

"Haaah, haaah …."

Adelle left dumbfounded. Near the last moment before Ruvian's Sensus was lowered, it became much denser and caused her to panic.

As a result, she exerted so much Vis of Ordo. She was yet to fully recover from the Diluvism usage that time.

She looked for a tree and leaned to it. Her breathing was nothing sort of in a composure level.

'Argh, darn it. I think I will catch up later.'

As the night descended, Ruvian finally succeeded in creating a fire for himself. Fortunately, the branches he had gathered earlier were dry, unlike the previous day when they had been soaked by rain.

Utilizing his telekinesis, he swiftly spun the branches, generating friction to ignite a larger log adorned with dried leaves.

Giving himself an ample rest, another peaceful night passed by. Occasionally, Ruvian wondered if Adelle would be gone for good now.

She was finally nowhere to be seen, until the following morning.

"Yo! Found ya."

"Uhh … again …."

Ruvian was abruptly awoken from his good sleep.

"Why did you keep coming back?" asked him after reaching half sobriety.

"Rude. I told you that we just—"

"Enough!" Ruvian rose. "It's been three days! If you're so willing to throw away your life, so be it!" He then turned and walked away.

"H-hey, could you at least hear me out first!?"

"Screw it!"

Feeling Irked, Adelle shouted back at him. "You selfless wretch! Did you forget who tended you from the Behemoth's blood?! If it weren't, do you think you would be where you are now?!"

Hearing that slander, Ruvian stopped walking. He then raised his hand, used his telekinesis to raise a rock that was about his chest into the air.

Then, he clenched hand, accumulating the Praecantatio which later he released into a burst.

The stone that was held in the air, suddenly crashed into a big tree with a deadly speed. It was shattered into small pieces, leaving a big dent on the tree trunk.

"You are the one who didn't realize your position!"

After such a cold display of power gaps, Ruvian continued on his stroll.

Adelle admitted she was trembling inside. She can only gritted her teeth, closing her eyes to hold tears from such disrespect.

She just went silent afterward, glaring at him who kept getting further away.

'So, this is the end of my plan, huh. And it's been three days …. I don't have any other choice.'

She recalled the moment where she set her goals on the stone, that her plan has to work, no matter what. She means it literally.

Gathering all her guts, Adelle pushed herself to tail Ruvian again. It was the very first of her to feel scared of him. Yet, it still would not stop her.

However, it wasn't like she forgot to stay away from Ruvian's Sensus range. She intended it.

'How bold ….' Ruvian thought of her. This time, he would just let her be.

Seconds later, after being away from her beneficiary for a complete three days, the Venevisium in Adelle's neck began to reform.

The Rune of Obedience gradually resurfaced around her neck. At first, she stumbled. Adelle fought back by forcing her body to keep moving.

But it was in vain, as the Rune finally formed a whole circle, her body went limp and she fell hitting the ground.

Ruvian saw the whole process. However, his Sensus failed to make contact with the runes around Adelle's neck as they were thin, just like a pen writing. His vision could not grasp the rune's shape.

'I'm not gonna buy it.' Ruvian considered it as another of her bizarre attempts to make him feel guilty by playing victim.

Later on, during the noon, Ruvian would stretch his vision to where the last spot he saw Adelle, to make sure she had already given up playing victim and leave.

'Ugh, how persistent.'