

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · 漫画同人
72 Chs

Chapter 48: Huge Update

In the frigid winter night atop the snow-covered mountain, the serene forest was shattered by a cacophony of snapping sounds that echoed through the air, reminiscent of bones breaking and sinew tearing.

In a specific area, the once pristine white snow had transformed into a grotesque tapestry of crimson, stained with the essence of spilled blood. At the heart of this macabre scene lay a writhing mass of flesh, pulsating with a perverse vitality that seemed to teeter between life and death. It contorted and convulsed, as if attempting to reclaim its original form, a futile struggle against the inevitable.


A piercing scream shattered the eerie silence, ripping through the night. Yet, as quickly as it emerged, the scream waned, only to resurface once more. It was as if the individual responsible for the agonizing cries was trapped in a relentless cycle, trapped in a state of consciousness that flickered in and out, trapped in an abyss of unimaginable pain and suffering.

As the hours passed by, a remarkable metamorphosis unfolded within the grotesque pile of flesh. The writhing mass began to shrink, gradually taking on a discernible shape. From the depths of the fleshy cocoon emerged a figure that defied conventional human anatomy.

The being that emerged possessed an otherworldly allure. Their hair, as dark as coal, cascaded down in untamed waves, framing a face that bore the marks of transformation. Pale skin adorned their features, as if untouched by the sun's gentle caress. But it was the eyes that captured attention—an enchanting golden pupil that have a draconic traits, glistening with an ancient wisdom and hidden depths.

The transformation started with a bone structure that deviated from the norm, a ribcage resembling a protective shell, encasing the vital organs within. Each rib appeared as a solid piece, seamlessly interwoven with one another, granting exceptional durability and resilience. The skeletal framework hinted at a strength beyond that of ordinary human limitations.

As the process continued, the once undulating muscles within the fleshy cocoon underwent a profound alteration. The fibers, while outwardly similar in appearance, possessed an inherent fortitude akin to metallic wires, granting the emerging figure a power and endurance that surpassed the confines of mere human capability. Each strand of muscle, like a tightly coiled spring, held within it an untamed force waiting to be unleashed.

And finally, the culmination of the transformation revealed its true form. No longer obscured by the grotesque mound, Lukeas stood upright, his figure a testament to the arduous journey he had undertaken. Every aspect of his being emanated a quiet strength, a harmonious blend of the ethereal and the familiar.

A soft smile played upon his lips as he marveled at his rebirth. "Another painful transformation," he mused, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "So that's why I took over. The kid, Lukeas, will be ecstatic when he discovers this."

Aware of the passing time, Lukeas knew he needed to depart. With a gentle chuckle, he allowed himself to succumb to unconsciousness once more, his body finding solace upon the ground. As he did, his once coal-black hair gradually reverted to its natural dark brown hue.

When his eyes fluttered open again, a profound change greeted him. The once Draconic Golden eyes that glimmer with ancient glow now glimmered with an innocent light, brimming with determination and purity. Lukeas rose to his feet with a low groan, still grappling with the haze of his memories after Muzan injected him with blood.

As he surveyed his own body, a realization washed over him. "I... I feel stronger," he murmured, 'Did i turn into a demon??' astonishment lacing his voice. The implications of his newfound power weighed heavily upon him, raising questions about his own nature. But for now, he dismissed those concerns, knowing there were more pressing matters at hand.

'Lets worry about that later!' and he just as he have expected he easily spotted the house even with the snowstorm. 'My senses got stronger too' he squinted his eyes and sprinted to the direction of the house.

His speed alone blew the snow in his path away. And whats more was, he could already get a smell all the blood coming from the house.. 'The time line didn't change..' he thought as he gave condolences to Tanjiro in his heart.

And once he reached the house Lukeas checked inside and saw all the mangled body of the Kamado household. He was sad and felt pity towards them. But at the same time he couldn't help but think they look kinda appetizing.

And with a swift wave he gave himself a firm slap. 'FUCK! I DID BECOME A DEMON!!' after calming himself down.

He turned around, his eyes scanning the area with keen awareness. His gaze fell upon three distinct observations. First, a colossal basket stood before him, an imposing presence that hadn't been there before. Second, Nezuko was nowhere to be found. And finally, a fresh set of footprints marked the snow-covered ground, leading away.

"That means Tanjiro must be carrying Nezuko on his back, heading towards the town," he deduced, his mind racing with urgency.

A resolute decision settled upon him. "Let's chase after them, shall we?" he murmured to himself. With a swift thought, he activated his [Second Gear], but this time something remarkable happened.

Astonishingly, the activation completed in less than a second. A realization dawned on him—his abilities had undergone a remarkable evolution. Previously, it would take a painstaking three seconds for the process to unfold, but now it was almost instantaneous.

Furthermore, he noticed distinct changes in his body. The billowing steam that once enveloped him had diminished, and his skin no longer flushed as intensely. However, he emitted a palpable heat, a radiant aura that shimmered and distorted the air around him.

He marveled at the sight of his surroundings wavering in the heat, even the snow melting in his wake. "Neat!" he couldn't help but giggle, reveling in the newfound sensations.

His attention refocused on the fresh footprints in the snow, fueling his determination. With unparalleled speed, he launched forward, surpassing his previous records. His heart pounded like a war drum, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Overwhelmed by the exhilaration, he couldn't resist utilizing one of his skills—'[Second Gear: Outburst]' he screamed in his mind, channeling his mana into his lower body.

In an instant, he propelled himself forward, soaring through the air with unprecedented velocity. Astonishingly, he retained his perception of the surroundings, a feat he could never accomplish before. The thrill of his acceleration intensified as he realized he was hurtling toward a tree at an alarming speed. Acting swiftly, he contorted his body, executing a nimble twist, and activated [Outburst] once more.

In the span of a heartbeat, these events unfolded—a testament to his newfound power. A giggle erupted from him, echoing through the forest, reminiscent of a mischievous goblin who had stumbled upon a great prize. He had traversed a hundred meters from the house in a blink of an eye, yet he maintained his incredible speed as he continued his rapid journey.

Leaping from tree to tree, emulating the ninjas from a renowned anime in his home world, he marveled at the fluidity of his movements. The world blurred around him as he ventured forth, propelled by his extraordinary abilities.

But deep inside he knew he have much more to discover in his new vessel.. Many more abilities he wasn't aware of yet.. And that excites him even more.

Author here!

This wont be fully about Demon Slayer fanfic dont worry hahaha..

Once again.. If you liked my story please leave a stone lol.. And also a review of you want! It will greatly help this book to develop!

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