
53. First makeouts (Mileven)

A/N: take a shot every time I wrote "tongue".

PROMPT: Mileven makes out for the first time, Party interrupts (MC)/ Mike's voice cracks because of puberty. Nancy and the boys make fun of him (DAYLENK)

They were supposed to be playing outside with the others, but laughter led to staring and then staring led to touching and then kissing and that required privacy, so there they were.

It was around noon. Mike, Will, Lucas and Max had arrived at the cabin at 9 am, accompanied by Nancy (who was still fruitless in her search of a summer job) per Hopper's request. He did not trust the Party to play chaperones by themselves, and it was a good thing, although Nancy wasn't doing any preventing either.

Her bed was soft, the radio was on, playing an upbeat song that she couldn't recognize yet but was enjoying listening to, and Mike's hands felt firm in hers.

It was nice, the discovery of his lips again. He had been busy with school but now that it was summer, he was free to kiss her all the time.

Again, it was nice, but sometimes she found herself... needing more? She didn't know what else to do, though. Was there any other base in kissing? Dustin had kind-of explained the "bases" thing in touching but he never said anything about kissing.

"What's wrong?"


Mike chuckled, his lips pink and puckered. "You stopped. Kissing me, I mean. You stopped kissing me." He explained as he fingered the ends of her hair.

"Oh," she hadn't even realized. "Can we do something else?"

Mike's face pulled down into a frown, blinking confusedly, before it erupted into a blush. "Oh, okay. Uhmmm, we can go back outside with t—"

"No, I mean with kissing." She interrupted quickly, grasping his hand again and pulling him back from turning towards the door.

He frowned again, shifting as he faced her on the bed. "What do you mean?"

How could she put it into words? "I... I like kissing you," she started slowly, watching the pink reappear on his cheeks. She felt her face warm up too. "A lot. But, uhm, is there more? Is there any other kissing?"

She hoped she had transmitted her feelings into the right words. Mike was staring at her, his eyebrows drawn together in deep thinking as he analyzed her words.

His freckles looked adorable against the fading pink. He was beautiful.


She nodded, running her thumb on his wrist. His pink turned redder and redder, and her own eyebrows furrowed as he avoided her eyes for a few seconds.

He cleared his throat, shifting on the bed again, and his fingers clenched on hers. "There's..." he looked up, biting his lip, before he suddenly got a lot closer to her. He put one hand on her chin, fingertips skimming her jawline, and then he pulled her lips to his. His nose blew warm air against her face, his lips felt firm on hers, and she wanted to sigh. "I'm going to try something. You just... go with it, okay?" He mumbled against her mouth, and she managed to hum her consent.

He kept kissing her as he normally did, his other hand clenching hers, for so long that she thought he'd forgotten. "Open your mouth." He coaxed quietly.

She frowned a little, but nonetheless dropped her lower lip. She started in unexpectedness as his tongue tickled past her lips, and caressed hers, and then she really gasped, pulling back.

Her eyes were wide, her heart was beating fast, but she couldn't deny that she liked the tingling on her tongue.

"Was that okay?" Mike asked breathless, eyes equally wide. "I've never... was it okay?"

"Again." She pulled his mouth to hers.

Their lips pressed against each other, and she waited with a still breath for... there, his tongue rested on hers for a second before it rolled against it, tickling her taste buds.

"Press yours to mine." Mike plunged his tongue back in after he spoke, and it took a moment for her to process his words.

She waited for him to do that tongue thing again, and then she pushed back, feeling restrain on the digit as his tongue rolled against hers.

If she thought about it for too long, it was weird. They were... licking... each other? But inside their mouths? It was weird, but it felt good, and it was that something else she wanted, so they kept doing it.

Until they were reminded they weren't really alone.

"Ew! They're sucking face!" Lucas' voice yelled from the doorway, and in her panic, she slammed the door on his face with her mind.

"Ugh, Jesus." Mike groaned, getting pink in the face again.

The door was pushed open and Lucas' disgusted face was now accompanied by Max's curious one.

"You guys got lost on your way to the lemonade?" The redhead snickered. El shot her a glare.

"If the Chief knew you two were making out while I was supposed to be watching you, I'd be sued! Get out of here." Nancy huffed, rolling her blue eyes as she pushed Max and Lucas away from El's room.

"Shut up!" Mike snapped, getting up from the bed and helping El up too.

"You guys suck." Will deadpanned, giving them a disapproving stare as they walked out into the living room/kitchen.

"Yeah," Max snickered again. "They suck hard."

"I saw some tongue," Lucas jumped in with a smirk. "They definitely suck."

"Shut up!" Mike snapped again, and his higher tone made his already distressed voice crack.

"God, Mike, you shut up. You sound like you swallowed a cat." Nancy teased him, poking his shoulder.

"Nancy!" He shoved his sister's hand away with a glare, getting even more laughter from his friends as puberty betrayed him and his voice cracked again.

"Maybe you should tongue him again, El," Lucas snickered. "It sounds like his throat needs some soothing."

The brunette frowned. "That helps?"

"No, no, don't listen to him. That doesn't help and the cracking can't be stopped." Mike explained, blushing to his neck as even Will giggled. Mike growled, shooting everyone a glare. "Let's go back outside." He snatched El's hand in his and he marched to the door.

"Wait, you two can't be trusted alone." Will smirked, getting up from the couch and trailing after the couple.

Lucas and Max chuckled into their cups, draining the last drops of the lemonade Mike and El were supposed to be getting like, half an hour ago, while Nancy shook her head.

"These kids." She muttered in exasperation.