

An MC with an unknown background find himself between the embrence of the abyss... a higher entity finds him... 'so who are you?' "who am I ?, that should be me that asks who the heck are you ?, for a higher being like me to not be able to read a dead soul's memory, is something unexpected for me." 'well not like I, myself remember anything either' "That's a problem.." 'why?' "well, let me put it this way, a soul that died need to come to this place to be washed of there memories " '..and..?' "A soul that had their memories washed, won't have a consciousness, but here you are having a conversation with me, so you must have had your memory sealed, I would understand if it was after you reincarnate, but they sealed it before you come here." want to know what happens after.. come and read.

world0first · 其他
2 Chs


Soul washing zone, the border of abyss.

In this dark space, a humanoid light was roaming around.

passing by flickering little lights that soon disappeared.

it continued roaming and roaming around, until it suddenly stopped, turned it's head to a far away place where it sees a bright light, shining more then the other.

when it reached there, it found a soul seating, and looking at it.


the entity's POV

I've been doing my job in this darkness for alot of years, and today an unexpected situation happened, a was wild awake and looking at me. souls aren't supposed to be aware or have conscious in this place.

"who are you..?" the soul asked me, now that is more shocking.

"who am I ?, that should be me that asks who the heck are you ?, for a higher being like me to not be able to read a dead soul's memory, is something unexpected for me." i said, surprised.

"well not like I, myself remember anything either". the soul replied

"That's a problem.." i said while frowning.

with a confused tone the soul said, "why?"

"well, let me put it this way, a soul that died need to come to this place to be washed of there memories "


"A soul that had their memories washed, won't have a consciousness, but here you are having a conversation with me, so you must have had your memory sealed, but the question is, who?, why?, and prisesly why YOU?. I would understand if it was after you reincarnate, but they sealed it before you come here."

" I don't know."

' Something's wrong with this guy's emotions', i thought, as i couldn't feel any emotional fluctuation from him.

" I will try to unseal your memory, i will try just a little, i don't want to know what will happen if i destroyed it. "

" ughgggg.....arghgh" the soul screamed in pain.

" bare with it for a moment."

" ummmm... so this is as far as i could go."

"do you know what weird?.."

" huff..huff... what....?"

" your memory were sealed to 2 layers of nine levels each with a tenth one in the last level of the second layer. And the ones i opened now was the first and the second level as they where the most easy ones, it's as if they made it so even you can unseal them with time.., so?."

" so... what??"

" what do you remember now".

the soul didn't answer me, but i did nothing and just waited there.

---END OF POV----

------------ after 3 or so hours --------

After the waiting, the soul moved.

" it seems you finished..... tell me what you remember, as 'till now i can't read your mind".

" Well, i don't remember who i am or what my death's cause is, or what happened after i died. but everything else is ok".

'his emotions are back... ', the entity thought.

" I will be calling you FIRST for now, as in the first abnormal situation to happen in here. I'm soll by the way".

" nice. now then, what's gonna happen to me.. ?".

" hm?.. ah,... well, ....wanna reincarnate??"

" I would appreciate it if that's the case"

" state your wish"

"ah... i got wishes??"

" yeah, you have two."

" well it seems i was prepared for such a thing my whole life. For the first, [Adaptability]: no matter what it is i will adapt."

' this kid's smart, he didn't give a specific description, but gave an order that can't be denied as a wish. this ability will definitely be on the realm of occultizm-level powers.', " go on.. "

(A/N: please read the auxiliary chapter, i will put every setting related to the novel.)

" for the second, [THE STORY]..."

" Elaborate, please "

" [THE STORY] : - {story creation} ---> i just need to put the setting of the story, how it begins, the powers, the world's order and how it ends, and it's pillars like the protagonists and antagonists, and a full story will be created.

- {story's existence} ---> i can make a story of my choice to exist in the world.

- {belong to story} ---> can myself or make a thing or a being exist in a story, be it an already existing one, a future one, or one of my creation.

- {story analysis} ---> i can analyze anything, as long as it have a story, and as long as it's known.

- {story overwrite} ---> a story is under my control." first, finally finished.

"..." soll kept staring at him with a blank stare, saying nothing.

"what?" first became confused by the stare asked.

".....sigh....this wishs are bullshit you know that?...well, i will be putting some limitations on it."

" it's ok."

" here check them out...

but wait to the next chapter "