
Werewolf Demonic (368 Words)

Bleeding out aint no pleasant feeling, especially if it is in some random back alley of a shitty bar surrounded by garbage and the two mangled corpses of your assaulters.

Well, maybe not the last one. Looking at their broken bones, popped eyeballs and bleeding gashes inflicted with he very same knife that had also spelled my own doom is quite pleasing if I can say so myself.

"Sig-*cough!* *cough!*, damn, shitty wound. Haa~ well, things happen." I mutter after my small coughing fit and close my eyes that have grown tired as the life drained out of me.

Just as the last bit of warmth left my body a distorted voice suddenly rings out in my ears. "WhAt aN iNteResTinG SpeCImen We HAve hEr." It says and the cold that already started permeating my body grew a few notches worse.

'Perfect, and now the devils here to give me an offer I can't refuse. Sigh, things really get weird when you die.' I think in amusement at my situation only to hear a distorted chuckle coming from whatever it was that took an interest in me.

"YoUr noT eNtIERLy wRonG, sO hoW aBoUt wE maKe THat DeAL yoUr ThinkInG ABouT?" It says with that clearly demonic voice of it.

My mind grinds to halt for a moment as the meaning of those demonic words sets in. 'Oy oy, your actually the devil aint'cha? Hahahaha!' I couldn't help but laugh in the coffins of my mind as all feelings of my body already left me by now.

'Eh, why not. Make me a monster and give me another chance at life in some fictional world I know about, and in turn I will do something in that world for you, how about it?' I say in my head knowing that whatever it was that is with me could hear it.

The deals obviously isn't a fair one, but it didn't really matter as I'm still not really convinced that this isn't just me hallucinating.

But despite that a certain anticipation starts to build up within my mind while waiting for the demonic voice to answer.

"KekEkEKeKE QuITe ThE BaLLsy OfFer YOuR making… … SuRE, I ACepT yOuR dEAl.