
Chapter 606: Abducting the Princess, La La La

The Five Guardian Dragons, locked in an eternal battle of good versus evil, hatred spanning millennia, present a spectacle rarely witnessed by mortals. For the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians below, it would be a sight to behold—if not for the impending doom it could bring.

Alas, this is no IMAX drama, and there's no safe place for an audience to munch on popcorn. The aerial clash between the ancient Dragon Aspects can easily rain down catastrophic detritus—scales or corrosive secretions from Deathwing's body—wiping out anything it touches.

Pandemonium reigns in Lordaeron City.

Duke has seriously wronged Deathwing and King Terenas. If he doesn't flee, he's a fool.

But the situation is complicated.

For he's holding Princess Calia Menethil!

Her dress, almost bridal in its sheer whiteness, her bosom heaving within its low-cut confines...

"Stop tempting me, Princess! I've long moved past my days of endless fantasies!" Duke pleads internally. But Princess Calia seems deaf to his silent cries. Her arm around his neck, drawing her even closer.

Blinking through the air is not an option, as debris fills the sky. Clutching the princess, Duke runs.

"Duke! You finally came for me. Just like in my dreams..."

"Wait, what's with the romance?" Duke thinks.

Realizing they're in a room filled with dead guards, Duke quickly closes the door, placing the Princess down. "I need to get in shape," he vows.

"How can you free me?" Calia asks, eyes filled with hope.

"I've calculated the corrosive effects of Deathwing's acid. I need some of your personal items to fake your death," Duke explains.

Calia starts removing her jewelry. To Duke's surprise, she also begins removing her gown.

She trusts him, completely.

Duke hands her a mage robe, which she quickly dons.

"What now?" she asks.

"I'll open a portal."

Minutes later, they're discovered by Morleve, the captain of the Royal Guard.

"Hand me over to him, Duke. He's our captain," Calia says, trust shining in her eyes.