
Stories of Desire - Tasteful Smut Stories

Alright, so picture this: a collection of spicy stories that aren't just about the steamy stuff. We're talking smut with substance here. Each tale is like a wild ride through a bizarre adventure, where things might get a bit taboo and forbidden, but hey, that's part of the fun, right? So, grab a comfy spot and get ready for a journey where the plot is as juicy as the scenes. (M) - Male POV (F) - Female POV

Playwright · 奇幻
15 Chs

Taming Ex Boyfriend (F)

The shrill ring of my phone shattered the peaceful silence of the night, jolting me awake from a restless sleep. With a practiced efficiency, I reached for the device, already anticipating the urgent summons that awaited me.

"Dr. Elizabeth Stevens," I answered, my voice crisp and authoritative even in the darkness of my bedroom.

"Dr. Stevens, we need you at the hospital immediately," came the voice on the other end, urgency lacing every syllable. "There's been a car accident, multiple casualties, and we require your expertise in the operating room."

Without hesitation, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, my mind already racing ahead to the tasks that awaited me. As a renowned neurosurgeon, I was no stranger to the chaos of the emergency room, and I thrived in the high-pressure environment where split-second decisions could mean the difference between life and death.

With practiced precision, I donned my scrubs and white coat, my mind already calculating the best course of action for the surgery ahead. There was no time for hesitation or doubt—only swift, decisive action

As I rushed into the emergency room, my eyes scanning the chaos for the patient in need of my expertise, I never expected to come face to face with him—my abusive ex, lying unconscious on the operating table, his life hanging in the balance.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as I grappled with the conflicting emotions raging within me. Memories of our tumultuous relationship flooded my mind, the pain and betrayal still raw despite the passage of time.

But in that moment, there was no room for personal grievances or lingering resentments. There was only the patient before me, his life in my hands, and the solemn duty that bound me to do everything in my power to save him.

With a steady hand and a focused mind, I set to work, my years of training and experience guiding me through the intricate dance of surgery. Every incision, every suture was executed with precision and care, my attention never wavering as I fought to stabilize his fragile condition.

As he slowly regained consciousness in the recovery room, his eyes fluttering open to the sterile white walls of the hospital, he would have no recollection of the woman who had saved his life. No memories of the pain and suffering he had inflicted upon me.

As the hours passed and no one came to collect him from the hospital, I found myself facing a dilemma. It was clear that he had no one to care for him, no one to ensure his recovery and well-being in the days ahead.

And so, with a dark determination burning in my veins, I made a decision—one that would ensure that justice was served, even if it meant taking matters into my own hands.

With calculated precision, I arranged for his discharge from the hospital, guiding him out into the cool night air with a false sense of security. He was weak and disoriented, his memory wiped clean of our shared past, and I knew that he would be no match for me in his current state.

As we arrived at my secluded cabin in the woods, I watched with a sense of grim satisfaction as he stumbled through the door, oblivious to the danger that lurked within. He was like a lamb to the slaughter, unaware of the predator that lurked in the shadows, waiting to pounce.

And when the time was right, I struck with a ferocity born of years of pent-up rage and resentment. He begged and pleaded for mercy, but I showed him none, each blow fueled by the memories of the pain and suffering he had inflicted upon me.

"You thought you could escape, didn't you?" I hissed, the leather belt coiled in my hand like a serpent poised to strike. "You thought you could walk away from the pain and suffering you caused."

He trembled before me, his eyes wide with fear as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of his situation. "Please," he begged, his voice a desperate plea for mercy. "I don't know you"

But there was no mercy in my heart, no forgiveness for the man who had brought so much pain into my life. With a savage fury, I unleashed the full force of my anger upon him, each blow of the belt landing with a sickening thud.

His screams filled the air, a symphony of agony that only fueled my righteous anger. "You'll pay for what you did to me," I growled, each word dripping with venom as I continued to rain blow after blow upon his trembling form.

As the blows rained down upon him, I watched with grim satisfaction as the color returned to his face, the light of recognition dawning in his eyes. He gasped in shock, his body convulsing with each brutal impact of the belt.

"Remember me now?" I snarled, each word punctuated by the crack of leather against flesh. "Remember all the pain you caused, all the suffering you inflicted upon me?"

He groaned in agony, his memory flooding back in a torrent of pain and regret. "I'm sorry," he cried, his voice thick with anguish. "I don't know you, but whatever I did, I didn't mean to hurt you. Please, forgive me."

As the blows continued to rain down upon him, a flicker of recognition sparked in his eyes. His breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, the haze of confusion lifted, replaced by the chilling clarity of memory.

"You," he gasped, his voice hoarse with shock and pain. "It's you."

I paused, the belt frozen in my hand as I stared down at him, a cold determination burning in my gaze. "That's right," I replied, my voice icy and unforgiving. "It's me. The one you thought you could forget."

He winced as another blow struck home, the pain bringing him sharply back to the present. "I remember now," he whispered, his voice thick with regret. "I remember everything."

But there was no mercy in my heart, no forgiveness for the man who had brought so much darkness into my life. With a final, savage blow, I brought the belt down one last time, watching with satisfaction as he crumpled to the ground in a heap of brokenness and despair.

With a cruel smirk, I watched as he squirmed beneath me, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. "Do you need food?" I asked, my voice dripping with malice.

He nodded frantically, desperation written plain on his face as he pleaded for mercy. "Please," he begged, his voice hoarse with need. "I'll do anything."

But there was no mercy in my heart, no pity for the man who had brought so much pain into my life. With a cold determination, I removed my bottoms and straddled his face, pinning him beneath me as I lowered myself onto his waiting mouth.

"You won't get food until you eat my pussy," I said, my voice as hard as stone. "So you better start licking if you want to survive."

He hesitated for only a moment before complying, his tongue tentatively exploring my folds as he struggled to please me. But there was no escaping the truth, no denying the darkness that lurked within his own memories.

And as he buried his face between my legs, his tongue dancing over my clit with a desperate urgency, I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me—a twisted sense of justice that had been a long time coming.

With a commanding tone, I instructed him on exactly how I wanted to be pleasured. "Use your tongue," I ordered, my voice sharp with authority. "Start at the bottom and work your way up, teasing me with slow, deliberate strokes."

He obeyed, his movements hesitant at first but growing more confident with each passing moment. I guided him with firm instructions, telling him where to focus his attention and how much pressure to apply.

"Circle my clit," I commanded, feeling a surge of pleasure as he complied. "That's it, just like that. Now, suck gently while you flick your tongue against it."

He followed my directions with a fervent determination, his mouth and tongue working in perfect harmony to drive me to the brink of ecstasy. With each passing moment, the tension in my body grew, my breath coming in short, ragged gasps as I neared the edge.

"Keep going," I urged, my voice a low, husky whisper. "Don't stop until I tell you to."

And he didn't, his ministrations growing more intense as he brought me closer and closer to the edge of release. And when it finally came, it was like an explosion of pleasure, washing over me in waves of ecstasy as I surrendered to the sweet release of climax.

I watched as he pleaded for sustenance, his voice weak and desperate. "Please," he begged, his eyes pleading for mercy. "I'm starving."

I reached for his pants, pulling them down to expose his throbbing member.

I began to stroke him with slow, deliberate movements, my hand working his shaft with a relentless rhythm that left him trembling with desire. He was too weak to resist, his body succumbing to the pleasure despite his feeble protests.

And then, with a shuddering gasp, he climaxed, his release spilling forth in a torrent of ecstasy. I collected his seed in a cup, watching with a sense of grim satisfaction as it pooled at the bottom, a tangible reminder of his weakness and my power.

With a twisted sense of satisfaction, I watched as he eagerly reached for the food, his hunger outweighing any sense of caution. But as he lifted the first bite to his lips, I intervened, pouring the cup of semen into the dish with a cruel smirk.

"There you go," I said, my voice dripping with malice. "Bon appétit."

He recoiled in horror, his appetite evaporating in an instant as he stared down at the tainted food before him. "What have you done?" he gasped, his voice a mixture of disbelief and revulsion.

 I watched as he reluctantly took a bite, his expression contorting in disgust as he choked down the vile concoction. And with each subsequent mouthful, I felt a sense of grim satisfaction wash over me—a twisted sense of justice that had been a long time coming.

For in that moment, I knew that he had tasted the bitter fruits of his own actions, forced to confront the consequences of his cruelty and abuse. And as he swallowed the last bite, I knew that justice had been served, even if it had come at a terrible cost.

With a quiet determination, I approached him as he lay sleeping on the floor, his body vulnerable in the dim light of the room. With practiced efficiency, I began to strip him of his clothes, each garment falling away to reveal the scars of his past.

As I looked down at him, naked and defenseless, I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins. He had taken so much from me, inflicted so much pain and suffering, but now it was my turn to assert control.

With steady hands, I removed every last shred of fabric, leaving him exposed and vulnerable before me. He stirred slightly in his sleep, but made no move to resist, his body resigned to whatever fate awaited him.

And as I stood over him, bathed in the pale moonlight streaming through the window, I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me. For in that moment, I knew that I held all the power—I was the one in control, the one dictating the terms of our twisted relationship.

With the cool leather of the whip coiled in my hand, I straddled him, my naked body pressed against his as I positioned myself above him. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, thick with desire and longing as I gazed down at him, my eyes smoldering with intensity.

With a seductive smirk, I straddled him, feeling the heat of his throbbing cock pressing against my eager pussy. The room was thick with anticipation, the air heavy with the promise of forbidden pleasure.

I gripped the whip tightly in my hand, the cool leather sending shivers down my spine as I brought it down with a sharp crack against his exposed skin. He gasped beneath me, his body arching up to meet the sting of the leather, his cock twitching with each electrifying sensation.

With a primal hunger driving me, I began to ride him, my hips undulating in a rhythm as old as time itself. Each thrust brought us closer to the edge, the heat of our bodies mingling together in a frenzy of desire.

I leaned forward, my tits bouncing tantalizingly in front of him as I whispered in his ear, my voice thick with lust and longing. "Do you want more?" I teased, the words dripping with seduction as I trailed the tip of the whip over his chest, leaving a trail of red welts in its wake.

He groaned in response, his cock pulsing with need as I continued to ride him, driving him to the brink of ecstasy with each punishing stroke.

With each powerful thrust, I felt his cock swelling inside me, throbbing with the promise of release. I rode him harder, faster, my pussy clenching around him as I chased my own orgasmic crescendo.

And then, with a guttural groan, he erupted inside me, his hot cum flooding my pussy in a blissful rush of ecstasy. But I didn't stop—I couldn't stop—not when I was so close to my own climax.

I kept riding him, my hips grinding against his with a relentless determination that bordered on desperation. But as the minutes stretched on, I felt him growing soft inside me, his cock unable to withstand the relentless assault.

He winced in pain, his body writhing beneath me as I continued to ride him mercilessly. Each thrust became more painful than the last, his cock growing increasingly sensitive to my relentless onslaught.

But I couldn't stop—not now, not when I was so close to the edge. With a fierce determination, I rode him harder, faster, until finally, with a cry of release, I tumbled over the edge into the abyss of pleasure.