

"We were meant to be together, but this life time wasn't meant for us." He whispered. Most painful thing ever is having, feeling for someone you cant be with. .......... "He wasn't the right person for you," her dad yelled. "Marring Seth will be a new beginning of life, trust me. He's meant for you." "Trust me!!,it was a new beginning of hell!!"

shywriter · 现代言情
11 Chs


"Welcome home dad!"

"Old man, I know you don't like me and you think that I'm bad influence to your daughters, "He smirked and took out black gloves and wore them then stretched out his hand and his men placed a black gun on his hand.

Walking towards the man in front of him who was held on both sides by his men, "I would have just threatened you if you were young, but your old I'll just lessen their burden if I clear you out, don't you think so?" the old who hadn't seen a gun in real life peed on his pants. Who wasn't afraid of death?

"What do you think you're doing?"


"DAAAAAAD! NOOO!" Lina screamed and ran to hold him but the old man fell on his knees then flatly down. She knelt down and shaking her dad but he was long gone. This was the only man that she could trust, the man that loved her with nothing in return.

Anton did not intend on shooting the old man but because of shock he pulled the trigger, he heard the voice of the woman he loved and adored,

"Is this what you call love, you said that you'll try to talk things out with him but was violence important?" she trembled. Anton held his mouth, his mouth opened and closed.

"It's clear what he thought about you, a murderer. That's what you are!" She stood and walked towards him, "And for that, why don't you clear me to..." She was sane.

"No… Lina stay back, I... never meant all of this …it was by accident,"

Lina looked at the gun that was now on the ground, and smiled she bent quickly and took it then pointed it at him. The guard became kin and tried to intervene,

"Don't you dare come close to me I'll bust his brains out, hahaha," she walked closer to Anton. "I've never liked you Anton, so you had an idea 'why don't I date her sister so she may get jealous' hahaha you will never get my sister not unless am dead,"

"You're so full of yourself woman, it's true what you said, but I don't care about anymore. You're so hard to deal with, so I went for your sister and oh my, she knows how to please men at such a young age" Anton mocked.

"Shut up! You filthy man, I hate you and just so you know she'll leave you one day for a better man." This statement made Anton laugh so hard he held his stomach.

"Ah... hahaha, so jealous, I won't mind having you as a wife too," He signaled his men to snatch the gun secretly. Lina cringed her mouth feeling disgusted, I'd rather die than marry him. That statement almost made her crazy.

"Mayor Felix Ford, what's your plan with him? Right I know, to steal the Sienna's international orphanage fund,"

Anton froze, 'what how did she know, her dad told her.

"So hurt less, you plan to steal orphanage fund money seriously, you're so dumb," she mocked him, who wouldn't.

"Lina that's dangerous information you have," he had a grave dark expression even Lina shook, but what she had more coming.

"On fifteenth March twenty twenty, Anton was the suspect of the collapsing of Carbora publishers and entertainment industry." She looked at his dark face and laughed this was fun, she wasn't afraid of death,

"The prime minister was found hanged on his house, what happened Anton killed him and went away without it .You blamed an innocent man Anton, the chauffeur was only twenty three…twenty three,"

"Am telling you you'll pay all the deeds do did'"

"that day will never come, Lina stop wasting your breath preaching to me, I don't know how that information got to you, but am sure you paranoid I have to do something for you to shut up."

"Karma's a bitch!" she yelled. They had grabbed her slender arms tightly waiting for his signal. Anton ruffled his hair nervously he had no clue how to deal with her, she had too much information he couldn't just let her go.

He walked out and called her,

"Lydia...Please…come to your dad's home, hurry," he faked his tone to a shocked one. He went back and signaled them to let Lina to do whatever.

It didn't take long for Lydia to get home, the first scene that welcomed her, Anton lying on the floor blood oozing from his arm. He had one motive, the two sisters to solve the case as expected of Lydia; she snatched the gun from Lina and shot her without thinking twice.

She fell on the ground looking at her life less sister; she had died begging her not to trust him. Anton.


Marcella sat on her bed and smiled sweetly looking at the picture on her phone. It's been a week from their last meeting, that special day that she slept soundly in his arms. The small bed had an added advantage because they squeezed to fit in the bed and that just pulled them together.

But suddenly she received a call,

"Marcella come there's a proble…" The phone went silent on the opposite line and seemed that it fell. Without thinking she sneaked out and ran through the garden back door.

She boarded a taxi to Faye streets, on the way she received a call from her dad, but she ignored him he was the reason all this was happening.

After alighting from the taxi she found the dancing gym down, even the people around were affected, their shops were also down, worst of all the small house that Liam and his siblings lived in was also down, nothing could be saved.

The people looked at her with disdain, all this happened because of her. If Liam had no special relationship with her their peaceful life would still lead perfectly.

"Man, I warned you from dating this types of girls," The coaches' son spat, this was the best time to blame him. But being so, they pitied him. What now?

"What happened," She ran and tried to hug him but he pushed her back. It was obvious that he now resented her. "Am sorry about this we can still do something," tears ran down her red cheeks.

"How? Do you think you can fix everything?" he yelled shaking. "OK miss fix it all. Fix all the memories that I had with my family," he looked at her with bitterness in her eyes.

"Why are you blaming me?"