
Still Love You

Too many obstacles and rejections Complicated seems to be a word that keeps lurking Even the phrase 'alright' seems to be a bomb at one time We love each other, and circumstances try to separate Far enough apart, too foreign to know "The heart seems to have known for a long time, but the brain and vision don't remember who it is at all." Ilona Aurelia. "Seeing and making sure he's okay makes me feel calm, even though he doesn't remember all about me anymore." Delvin Araska.

Ririe_Anindya · 现代言情
11 Chs


Kenzo looked at Delvin with a sharp gaze. he was surprised by the man who is Ilona's lover, why is it only visible now?

Delvin looked at Kenzo wearily. "I want to make sure this is Ilona or not, Sis?"

Kenzo took a deep breath. Not only Delvin did not think that this would happen, but his entire family was not much different.

"That's right Ilona ," Kenzo spoke firmly.

Delvin looked at Ilona who still had her eyes closed. hoping that those beautiful eyes will open soon, but sadly it's just a wish.

Ilona never opened her eyes, still sleeping so soundly that she forgot to wake up. His situation like this, really made everyone who loved him so devastated.

"Ilo ... when did you wake up?" Delvin grabbed Ilona's hand and started kissing her.

All of Delvin's treatment did not escape Kenzo's view. He couldn't forbid it at all, because as far as he knew it was a couple and he had no right to mess around.

Kenzo walked towards the sofa chair in the corner of this infirmary. Dropped his body to see a pair of lovers but under different circumstances.

"Vin," Kenzo called firmly.

Delvin immediately turned to Kenzo who was sitting relaxed, and a look of fatigue appeared on his face.

"Yeah, why, sis?" Delvin asked and still hasn't moved from where he stood next to Ilona.

Kenzo patted the empty seat and intended for Delvin to sit down. He wanted to talk about something very important with the man his sister loved so much.

"You sit here with Big Brother, want to talk about something important now."

"Just a moment, sis."

Delvin walked over to where Kenzo was sitting. In the corner of the treatment room, there is a sofa chair and he sits there, side by side next to the man who is the older brother of his ex-lover.

Kenzo waited for Delvin with his body leaning on the chair. Looking for a little comfort for his body that feels very sore.

"Do you want to talk to me, Sis? About what?"

Kenzo nodded and looked at Delvin seriously.

"Are you still Ilona's lover?"

Delvin weakly shook his head. I wanted to say that he was still Ilona's lover, but that was beyond the truth right now.

Delvin is no longer Ilona's lover, that's the truth.

"We've both broken up, Sis," Delvin whispered, lowering his face.

"Break up? When was that?" Kenzo spontaneously shouted out of surprise.

When he saw this was still in the hospital, even in the infirmary, Kenzo covered his mouth.

"Before Ilona's accident, Sis." Delvin took a deep breath, it was too hard to say anything like that.

"Are you aware of the accident, Ilo?"

Delvin explained in detail to Kenzo who listened very well. He began to tell what he knew at the time, and how shocked he was to hear on behalf of his former lover.

Kenzo occasionally nodded and was a good listener when Delvin spoke. It's a shame, too, if their long-standing relationship has now foundered.

"I didn't know directly if Ilo had an accident, is when I was about to go home, saw the wrecked car, and saw the license plate, I was very surprised that it was Ilo's."

"Never mind, the most important thing now is ... you pray for Ilona to wake up quickly." Kenzo decided very wisely.

Yes, it's like this. if you don't have a mate, then no matter how hard you try to survive, it will fall apart in the end.

Kenzo wisely didn't care what happened to his sister's relationship. He just needs the best prayers, so that Ilona can recover as soon as possible.

"Yes, if that's for sure," Delvin said and immediately got up from his seat.

Delvin does not feel good if he lingers in this room, while he is no longer a nobody. It's just an ex, and that's what makes him uncomfortable.

"Sis, I'll excuse myself, I want to go home now," said Delvin, who shook hands with Kenzo.

Kenzo nodded. "Yes, be careful going home."

"Ready, sis."

Delvin moved to leave in front of Kenzo. He wanted to go home as soon as possible, before Nikita--his mother would suspect him.

Arriving at the door to the infirmary, Delvin saw Kenzi walking toward him.

"Wow! There's Delvin here, after seeing Ilo, huh?" said Kenzi with a bright smile welcoming Delvin.

Delvin also smiled when greeted by Kenzi. "Yes, bro."

"Are you going home, Vin?"

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I've visited him."

"Okay, be careful going home."

Kenzi patted Delvin's shoulder lightly. His smile was still growing on his lips and changed when he started to enter Ilona's room.

maybe that's what is usually called pretending to look fine in front of everyone, but when you're alone it can't be done anymore.

Kenzi entered the room and approached Ilona who was still very comfortable closing her eyes, while she wanted to hear her chatter at this time.

Ah, this is what people usually call longing.

"Sis, how is Ilo doing?" Kenzi asked Kenzo who was sitting with his eyes closed.

"Still like that, there hasn't been any progress at all."

"Oh, God. Aren't you thinking about transferring Ilona to a bigger hospital, Sis?" Kenzi suggested considering Ilona's condition, who had not yet regained consciousness.

Kenzo seemed to think, and considered the suggestion of his sister.

Can't bear to look at it for too long with its current condition, and maybe being transferred to a hospital with sophisticated equipment is an interesting idea.

"You look for which hospital has adequate equipment, and of course the best," said Kenzo to his younger brother.

Kenzi nodded. "You're right, later I will look for information first, then will propose it."

"As soon as possible!"

"Certain. I can't even stand to see Ilona's condition like this, and want to see her recover as soon as possible."

Kenzo nodded and confirmed Kenzi's words just now. it can't be denied if he misses all the ridiculous behavior from Ilona, ​​as well as the spoiled chatter that always comes out all the time.

Ilona is very loved by her family. whatever he has asked for will always be followed by his two brothers, and at the same time taught to be independent when what he wants cannot be fulfilled, then he will try himself.

He said, if spoiled too much, then the child will turn brash. and Ilona's parents wouldn't overdo it when they did.

"Sis, Delvin was here to see Ilo, didn't he?" asked Kenzi who was very curious about Delvin's arrival.

Kenzo nodded. "It's more or less like that. What you guessed was true about the relationship between the two of them."