
STEM: The Underground City

~When dust turns to gold~ Following an invasion by a reptile-like species called Khalgora in the year 2043, humanity is forced to take a final stance in a gruesome confrontation that threatened it's existence into an apocalyptic demise. After decades of tactical execution of all its skills and resources man triumphs over beast. But only barely. With stenches of death and wails of suffering, the earth is left desolate, infertile with an atmosphere deteriorating at an alarming speed. The only habitat lies below. Year 2311. Welcome to STEM city. STEM (an abbreviation for ' Safe Territorially Erected Megalopolis'), is an underground Empire and home to the surviving earth inhabitants, sheltering them from the harsh conditions of the rubbled earth's surface. But even in this city where intellectual geniuses wheeled a minor underground refuge operation to a major megalopolis, slums existed. These slums like any other, are regions with insufficient supply of amenities from the Megalopolis' authority leading to hunger, suffocation and high rate of death by major lung diseases. Diana and her brother Axel are twin siblings who were born and brought up in these slums, lose everything but even in this great abyss of darkness, find a ray of hope, Polaris. Polaris academy is an institution erected by the collaboration of the major pillaring powers of STEM to raise potential superhumans in skills such as martial arts, elemental abilities, advanced sciences and much more, all to help in the exploration of the earth surface now being roamed by foreign beasts who pose a threat to the underground empire. In a world where the weak were preyed on and only the strong thrived, two poor kids with no background find themselves in this academy among astoundingly skilled minds from powerful families fighting for the same spot as them. Can they survive the competition and level up or will they return to the hell they came from? **** ~Excerpt ~ " Attention all factions, report to the portal station in an hour. A live Khalgora is loose in Flouresce, we need to contain it before any damage is done to civilians. Go!" The message set all students of Polaris in an uproar. **** What happens when humanity's mortal enemy is able to infiltrate this fortified empire? ---------------- A/N: cover obtained from the internet. All credits to the creator(s).

MarcyGold · 科幻
22 Chs


When she turned around, she expected to see QingQing because she was the owner of the voice but she did not expect to see the firm build on the man she had seen at the gate when she and her brother hand just gotten to this mansion for the first time.

She knew he wasn't the one. this one was a look-alike and the features were a copy of the original except for one detail. The voice

'How does he have Qingqing's voice' She tried to understand the situation she found herself in.

Her eyebrows drew together as she tried to draw out the possible answer to her question.

"Did you think you could escape?" The high pitched voice of the girl came out of the tall man again. if she hadn't heard it right the first time then she was sure of it now.

Her red eyes bulged as she looked at the shocking phenomenon before her.

"Shocked?" He tilted his head and clicked his tongue as he smiled slightly.

" I'm not surprised. My ability is not a common one and can leave many astounded. Even high tier individuals, like you" He smiled emphasizing the last bit of the sentence.

She strutted forwards while Diana took careful steps backwards to escape the huge male form the girl had taken. How was she even sure it was a girl. Was Qingqing a fake form too?

" I was actually quite surprised that you fell on the first hit I gave you on the head.

I was sure I would need to hit you a few more times but you actually passed out on the first hit.

Your tier energy contradicts your structure and features." The tall form seemed to be in deep thought as it stared at the wooden ceiling before it looked back at Diana.

" I wonder what your mission is. Are you perhaps undercover?" He tilted his head as he peered at Diana.

Diana had nothing to say. she was tongue-tied in fear and all that flooded her head was prayers to escape this psychopath alive.

" If you don't answer I'll get bored and kill you earlier than I should." She frowned at Diana's miserable attempt to avoid the obvious outcome.

Fear invaded Diana's blood, brain and and body as she heard the words of the shifter before her. She wanted to kill her. But why?

"Who are you and Why are you doing this?" Her voice sounded hoarse, making her wonder how long she was unconscious.

"Who am I? And Why am I doing this?" He faked a thinking face and then gave an eerie smile " You don't need to know who I am dear child but as for what I am doing and why I am doing it, let's just leave it as a fight for survival" The smile on his face grew wider as he drew closer to Diana.

" Now you can answer my question" He pointed at Diana with his forefinger.

" What's a high tier individual like you working as a lowly maid in this mansion.

The man possessing the girl's voice was calm and collected as if he was sure his plan was full proof and there was no way for his prey to escape.

" I don't understand what you mean" Diana swallowed thick saliva down her throat which was dry and begging for a drink right now.

water. She felt very dehydrated.

" Are you going to play ignorant now? you know what I mean"

Diana thought hard and finally came to the conclusion that if she couldn't fight this man empty handed them she needed to stall his actions until she had a weapon to defend herself or help had arrived. And the only way she could do that now was the small talk he she was engaged in.

" And so what if I am working as a lowly maid. Aren't we all doing what we're doing for survival" She decided to play along with his game.

The man chuckled in a feminine voice, something Diana could never get used to.

The light from the bulbs installed in the ceiling of the hallway fell on them giving the arena a bluish white glow.

" You are right. We are all trying to survive" He took graceful steps that were anything but masculine.

His walking steps and his voice exposed his gender.

" Now hold still and I'll make it quick" He picked up his pace and approached Diana faster this time.

He was done chit-chatting and wanted to finish whatever it is that he had started with Diana.

He rushed Diana at an incredible speed and out of self defense she ran as fast she could.

She ran down the hallway while looking back to see if the beast was closing up on her and it was!

She found a door and slipped into the room closing the sliding doors right in the man's face.

She locked the door and hoped that that would keep the killer away from her at least until help arrived.

She thought of screaming if that would help.

" Help! help me " She screamed at the top of her lungs but her voice did not leave the building.

The Young's loved their privacy, hence had sound proof walls.

The light from the window shone into the study room showing her the shadow of a lamp which lay on the study table.

She searched the table and carried the lamp in the dark then prayed in her heart that it still functioned as she switched it on.

as she pulled the string, the white light from the lamp filled the room

" Do you think you are safe from me just by hiding behind the doors?" The voice of qingqing was heard from the other side of the door.

she ignored the maniacal laughing of the girl in a man's form and rushed to the window which was sealed shut.

"Help! Help me. Someone help me!" She screamed as loud as she could.

'Bang' she heard the door go down and as she turns she saw Qingqing's left hand now shaped like a huge hammer, hanging by low. He stood at the door way with the creepy smile still stuck on the his face.

"Enough playtime" He twisted his neck to stretch the bones in his neck and then looked at Diana with bloodlust in his eyes.

He rushed her and used his hammer shaped hand to swing at Diana which she dodged.

She threw her hammer fist at Diana again but as Diana dodged It, it collided with the wooden wall making a hole in it.

She kept doing so but Diana, having a small build and fast reflexes kept dodging the deadly attacks that could crush her head.

"This isn't working!" He grunted and stepped back as his other hand lost its structure and changed into the claw of an animal.

Diana had studied about animals, their body parts and natural habitats but that claw, she could not remember seeing. Ever.