
New Experience

The same as last time, my luck on dice was dogshit that I always landed on a tile with a negative impact on me. While I was still halfway through the board, Maaya already finished nine revolutions and amassed a lot of resources.

Still, despite the odds, I continued playing with her, all the while, making use of our situation.

What else could I do but take the chance to make more fond memories with her, right? With how close our bodies are, kissing her or letting my naughty hands caress her was easily done.

“Shouldn’t we change the rule? How come you can get kisses from me whenever you land on a bad tile? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?”

“It is. But you forget that you set one that gets you to bite me whenever you draw a six on a die. That’s unfair when we’re using three dice. The probability is higher.”