
Is she trying to be mysterious?

When I separated from Nakanishi-senpai, the girl once again reminded me of something. That whatever my job as a Disciplinary Officer entailed, I should exercise caution at dealing with every student.

According to her, not everyone wanted to change and at the same time, not everyone wanted a meddlesome guy, poking his nose in their issue. No matter how good-looking he was.

Yep. She added that last line. I guess I’m also good-looking in her eyes, huh?

Anyway, to end that encounter on a good note, I naturally accepted her words.

I tried asking for her number but that’s when she refused. As for her reason… it’s the same one why no one was making a move on her.

Furthermore, because I walked with her today, the girl told me that she’s going to put in a word to prevent those who drew a target on my back from messing with me.

That girl’s too considerate for her own good. But her situation also doesn’t seem better than what she makes it out to be.