
Chapter 17 Wei Daoyou observes the subtle and understands the obvious, seeing with clarity!


Traditional cultivation novels are like games where the growth in enemy power levels is an important aspect.

For instance, if the protagonist is at the Marrow Cleansing Rank, then most of the enemies encountered will certainly be at the next higher Refining Mansion Rank, allowing the protagonist to desperately fight and win against higher-ranked enemies.

After all, if the enemy is in the Golden Core Realm, the protagonist can usually only flee; if they're even higher, in the Nascent Soul Realm, there wouldn't even be a chance to run, and the novel could come to a premature end.

But reality, after all, is not a novel; the places you go can't possibly hang a "High Rank Cultivators Not Allowed" sign.

In most cases, it's about whether the location has value that would attract high-rank cultivators. If so, low-rank cultivators can only resign themselves to fate and pray they don't run into high-rank enemies.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains is just such a place.