
Starting Life Anew as a Revolutionary in a Medieval Fantasy World

Kam Woodward, a young American factory worker is caught up in a major accident that results in him being reborn in a new world. A world of fantasy, magic, dragons, and... Monarchs? Theocrats?? Sl*very?!? this world is radically different from ours, and Kam knows it! Will he bow to these kings and queens? to these tyrants who shackle and chain others for their own gain? Or will he fight to end the tyranical system put in place by these madmen?

Archaryon99 · 奇幻
25 Chs

Chapter 0.5 Prologue pt 2

It did not sound as though the wan was in pain from being assaulted or anything of the like, though it was clearly the sound of physical pain. Suddenly I'd recalled my old coworker, Ralf's story about the birth of his daughter.

Ralf: *"Yeah man, she sounded and looked like she was in so much pain, really made me worried about her and the kid."*

Kam: *"I'm surprised you could even afford to have a kid with how little they're paying us. They're both alright though, right? Your wife and kid, I mean."*

Ralf: *"Yeah, they're fine. We'd been saving a lot of money, but it's been pretty tight since she had to take leave for the kid. We barely had enough left to pay the bills and put food on the table the rest of the week!"*

Kam: *"Well at least they both made it. Did the boss give you time off to see them in the hospital?"

Ralf: *"Hah! As if! that greedy miser had me working overtime, I nearly keeled over by the end of the shift!"*

Kam: *"Jesus, what's with that guy? I can't believe he wouldn't even let you check in on them!"*

Why am I remembering my conversation with Ralf now, of all times? It's not like I'm being born again, am I? ... I'm not, right? A bright light washed over me, I was suddenly able to feel my body again, but something felt different, I felt weaker than I used to, and small as well.


I heard a loud wailing, but this sound was closer than the other voices.

*"No way, was I actually born again? This has to be some dream or something right? No one seems to be speaking English either and the language doesn't sound like any I'd heard before. Where the hell am I?"*


I still couldn't understand what they were saying, and I still couldn't see anything, even if I wanted to it's not a thing that a newborn can do. the way it sounded though made it clear that whoever they were, they were asking a question of sorts.

??: "Landyn."

*"What?! that sounded like a woman's voice, was it the woman that was in agony earlier? Who, Or what is Landyn? Why was I even able to understand anyone that time?"*

The woman repeated again, "Landyn, Landyn Raye"

*"Landyn Raye? is that a person? wait, is that my name? What kind of name is Landyn? Why am I suddenly able to understand them?"*


*"wait, this time someone else spoke, and I still couldn't understand them? Why was I able to understand that name then?*"

Suddenly, in my mind, I could see a status screen of sorts. What is this, some shitty rpg game? I'm a grown man you know! Well, I was, at least, before I died...

[Name: Landyn Raye]

@/r - *

>n/ - *

a%> - *

@]> - *

en# - *

l<( - *

@(>))@ - lan%<a%e /ran@la/>[n - l:l - 0, "[??[n ?a%>" - l:l - 0

I could barely understand anything on the screen, but I could probably guess what that thing at the bottom was. some of the letters were easier to read, if I had to hazard a guess it was some sort of translation skill. I had no idea what the other one was though. Hopefully some of this makes sense later on, until then, it's probably safest to assume that I am that baby, and should act as such. At least until I can understand what any of this is.

- End of Prologue -

- (writer's note) - Hey all, this is my first novel, to clarify a few things, this isn't going to be a system based story (not to say that "statuses" won't have any impact on the story, but I don't want to spoil too much!)

I'm writing this story as I go, and some chapters and even the title may end up being changed over time to better fit the story.