
Starting as a vampire in Fate

Marcus, a vampire Lord dies in combat and is reincarnated by a goddess who has some history with him. But this time, as a Vampire God in Fate.

daddy_yang · 漫画同人
17 Chs

Do you like to be NTR'd?

---Marcus POV---

"Oh...shit" I said as I looked around, the furniture and fixtures in the room were either out of place or else damaged from the intense se** we had.

I was still lying on the king size bed, so I could only superficially see the current state of the room, I looked to the side and saw Alice's beautiful and sexy naked body who was snuggled into me as she hugged me and had a goofy but sweet smile on her delicate face.

Gently moving her arms to the side fearing to wake her up, I got out of bed and could only sigh as I took in the big picture of the room. At least I was careful to keep the full-length mirror in this place intact.

Now that I remember, I didn't look at my face in the mirror. Well, I can't blame myself after all, I had to take care of taking care of the body of a goddess hehehehe.

"Truly despicable don't you think, Marcus?"

A cute, childish voice that unfortunately for me, was all too familiar. I turned to my side and saw the bloody silhouette of a boy around 5 years old, long hair and skin as white as snow, blood red eyes with a gleam of innocence in them and lastly and most strikingly his otherworldly divine beauty that gave the impression of being the son of a goddess of beauty blah blah blah.

He was obviously my younger self. I frowned deeply as I looked at him and asked in a stern voice.

"Come to fuck with my life again, eh Brat?"

I walked up to him and punched him with the intention of killing him. As I did, he disappeared into nothingness, knowing he wouldn't go away easily I turned around. Yes, the damn kid was in front of me.

"You're pretty violent don't you think?

Maybe that's why Cathria didn't come back to our side, even after we exiled her. Remember that lovely, loving woman, even being exiled she wouldn't abandon us and come back to us."

"Shut up you piece of shit! You don't know anything about Cathria and me" I roared angrily, for touching on a subject I didn't want to hear about. With a roundhouse kick I ripped his head off and in a second he disappeared turning into mist.

"Tsk tsk I heard "Why are you so mean to a child? Next to me appeared a man with the appearance of a delinquent, nothing special about him, only the scar that started on one side of his face and ended at the other end of his neck.

It was my me from my first life, a delinquent leader of a small waste gang who died for screwing a billionaire's two favorite daughters.

"Ha. Says the bastard who fucked every woman who came his way" I said with a smile plastered on my face.

Raising an eyebrow at my mockery of him, he said, "Well, I can't deny it, but remember that I'm just a shadow of your past self and you're still the one who fucked those women.

Especially those twin sisters you turned into your cum sacks. The best of them all, remember?" as he finished his words, a grotesque and disgusting smile appeared on his face.

Shit...forget that with this guy any teasing doesn't work. After all I am myself, looking at him I sighed in exasperation.

"You came to torment me too?" I asked, knowing that these assholes only came to fuck with my patience when I was in a good mood or when I was at my worst.

"No, we came to say goodbye" he said as he had an amused smile at my comment and spoke in a soft voice as if trying to reassure me.

"I knew it you-...what did you say!" I asked surprised by what he had just said.

"Unfortunately for us and fortunately for you, your divinity of death is eating away at us" he said sadly as he showed his hand that was slowly disappearing.

"In the beginning, we were mere memories that haunted you, but the moment you ascended to divinity, we evolved and became ghosts born of nightmares and fear attached to your soul." Said my younger version as I slowly...disappeared.

"So even though we torment you, we are still you. And we hope you live how you want, you didn't have the best childhood ever, but man, you survived your parents torture for years and we know you can take more than that.

Someday you will find that woman and we hope you won't let her go this time, even though you just wanted to protect her. Trust her, as she trusted you even if at first it started as a relationship where you raped her and she could only endure helplessly. In the end, you love her and she loves you, not that bastard you always were and stop fucking around with other women.

Well, Alice is an exception, if you let her she will surely kill you. Don't trust that her love for you will save you, so you've been warned." The delinquent spoke, trying to give me advice as he slowly faded away.

"Well...the time has come. Goodbye" they both said as they both faded away never to appear again.

Wow...I thought that someday, in the far, far future I would be able to get rid of these bastards, but I never expected it to be so soon and in this way. Where was the fact that I had to go through so many situations where I fell into despair and had to stand up like a man and overcome my traumas. Stupid author, you have no idea that you eliminated a plot that would possibly make readers take pity on me, or what?


"After giving me much suffering, they come to me, to give me life advice.

Fuck you, you fucking bastards motherfuckers!" I scream as I stomped on the floor creating a loud clatter.


Suddenly, hands wrapped around my chest. I spun around and saw Alice as she hugged me tightly.

"Did you...did you see him?" I asked.

"Yes...and I didn't expect you to still suffer for me" she said as she gave me a smile of triumph.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused, I wasn't talking about her with those assholes.


"I don't know if sometimes you act like a jerk...or you just are."


"I'm Cathria"

"I know that"

"Wait...what did you say!"

"You're Cathria?" I asked, while Alice and Cathria share a certain resemblance, that's so small that if I didn't know Cathria's body perfectly it would be impossible to notice.


"Why didn't you tell me who you were before!!!?"

And here I was here like an asshole feeling bad about fucking another woman. When in reality, that woman was my wife. Yeah I know, I'm just human scum or...I mean, vampire scum.

"You are to blame for abandoning me without saying anything to me, you know?

At that moment, you can't imagine how much pain I felt. I had to take revenge, didn't I? He said with a smile that wasn't a smile".

"Oh...shit...and to think that destroying my kingdom and killing me wasn't enough for you" I said speechless.

"Hmph, you and I both know your kingdom would not survive Trajan's legions. Feel proud for losing to a goddess like me.

Besides, by killing you I saved your ass" I cross my arms with a spoiled child expression on my face.

"What do you mean?" fuck, what is this woman talking about, how did she save me if she actually murdered me?

"Trajan was in love with you and everyone knew he wanted to sodomize you. The only idiot who didn't know that was you."

"Ah?" I felt my jaw was about to drop to the floor. How dare that Roman dog think of fucking me...shit...I should have killed him even if it meant my death on the battlefield.

"Wait...slow down. Explain yourself please" I said trying to calm down.

"Sigh*...Trajan had male lovers and upon seeing you he fell madly in love with you. That he invaded you was not only because of the ancient conflicts brought by Decebalus and why you were turning Dacia into a power of the era.

Also and mainly his reasons was to trap you and somehow convince you to be his little lover. You should have seen how he wept when he heard of your death, even declaring you a god in all of Rome, making every Roman pray to you until he finally passed away from an illness" he said with a look that said: We are thankful to save your ass, you ungrateful motherfucker.

"...Fuck..." I said as I sat up in bed. I went blank for a moment, I didn't know whether to thank her for killing me or scold her for being the person who mainly led the Roman legions against Dacia.

"By the way, who are you really? You said you were a goddess who was punished, so what is your real name? And how did you come to be able to command the Roman legions? I asked as I looked at her after catching my breath.

"My real name...uh...even if I told you it would be impossible for you to understand. Since the names of Semi-Universal and Universal level beings are difficult to understand and hear, plus each name carries great power and could kill any low level being.

And to answer your second question, simply use mind control" he explained as he placed one of his long fingers of one of his hands on his right cheek.

"Shit... as expected from the woman who learned from me" I said with a foxy grin.

"Hehehehehe I learned it well, don't you think, my husband? She smiled mischievously as she hugged me warmly.

"...Yes...my wife" I replied. While it seemed like she was asking me a question, she was actually confirming our relationship.

"Now I'm...married...uh" My voice as if it was a whisper that only Cathria could hear.

"...Yes...we are married, my love" She spoke lovingly, as she gave me a small kiss on the lips. We embraced for several minutes until I pulled back pulling back from his arms.

"By the way... Was the supernatural supposed to exist on Earth?" I asked confused, there really was no such things in my world.

"No, you're in a different universe" He said as he shook his head and continued to explain.

"The universe we are in is the Nasuverse and before you ask, yes, there are other worlds of anime and fiction, they were born by what many of us call the power of the author, you can explain it as a superior version of the Warhammer 4k orc imagination power"

"...Fuck..." I was rendered speechless by such a revelation.

"So what will happen to me, will I still be in the Nasuverse as a servant? I asked.

"That would be ideal, it's the safest thing for you to get stronger while you're a servant. Besides, you can get pretty waifus, wasn't it your greatest wish to create a huge harem of beautiful women?

The Nasuverse is full of beauties, you can go and make them fall in love with your looks and tricks, don't you think? While I stay here to regain the power I lost by being away from my main body for too long.

Don't worry I'll watch you from here while you have sex-...I mean while you have fun" He said while trying to correct his slip of the tongue.

This woman...

"Do you like being made Ntr?" I asked, not believing my own words.

Alice's face flushed as she dodged my gaze. Confirming my suspicion, this woman, this powerful goddess, likes to be done Ntr.


"I won't judge your fetishes" I said with a smile plastered on my face. I never thought this pervert would like to watch other women fuck her husband.

Well...maybe I am somewhat to blame..... maybe she had that fetish while watching him have se** with hot women in front of her?

"No...it's not that...I'm giving you a free pass to have more women" She said embarrassed trying to deny her weird tastes, but the love juices dripping from her pussy said otherwise....

"Yeah yeah, I won't tell anyone about your fetishes, relax" I said teasingly, as I gave her a soothing pat on the head, only causing her blush to become more noticeable.

"...Idiot..." he said pouting.

"I love you too" I said sarcastically as I pinched her cheeks.

---End of Marcus's POV.

N/A: Yes, I know I screwed up some plots that could have existed, but I didn't know what to write in this chapter. But well, I hope you enjoy it.