
Chapter 279

"Good morning, nightingale." Erik said, sitting on the side of bed, watching Pearl wake up.

"Good morning." She said, slowly opening her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked, realizing she had slept late.

"It is eleven. I have a surprise for you." He said. Pearl sat up as Erik handed her a cup of tea.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" She asked.

"It's not a surprise if I tell you, is it?" He said, smiling and moving her hair from her eyes.

She nodded and smiled. Things had been better between them the last few days and Pearl had decided to work through it all a little more in her head. The why. The how. And most importantly, asking the tough questions about who she was married to and what that meant. Erik had told her stories about his family, deep secrets about his father and mother's past, his uncle,cousins and others. Things that had been covered up from the press. Arrests, scandals, his mother's family and background, etc. It almost seemed to her that the more money or fame one possessed, the more prone they were to scandal. It seemed to follow them all... Rhys, Carys, Erik. She was working on understanding and trying to find a balance to it all.

"What should I wear? Are we going anywhere?" She asked.

"We are going downstairs." He said. "But do dress pretty."

"Ok." She said, a little confused. She put on a comfortable sundress and Erik led her downstairs.

In the main living room, everyone was standing there waiting for you. They saw them descend the stairs and began yelling "surprise!" Everyone was there, the guys and their girls, Auggie and Maggie, Bash, and even Fi! Pearl put her hands on her mouth and began to cry. There were blue and white balloons all over the floor and in different designs on the wall and candles on tables. There were vases and an archway filled with blue flowers such as delphinium, blue tulips, blue orchids and white roses. There was catering with a salad bar and cupcakes and a cake that looked too pretty to eat.

"Oh my goodness, Erik." Pearl said, still in shock.

"Welcome to our baby shower." He said, proudly smiling.

"Did, did you do all of this?" She asked.

"Yes. I had some help from the party planner but I put it together. Do you like it?" He asked.

"Yes. Yes I like it very much." She said, smiling.

"Get down here, woman and tell us all about your swollen feet and uncontrollable flatulence." Fi said, pulling her arm. "Seriously tho, you are absolutely glowing."

It was a wonderful day. So many laughs and stuffing cakes and cookies until they were all going to explode. Erik asked that instead of typical gifts, they all bring a copy of their favorite childhood book or toy. Dylan brought Shel Silverstein, of course. Iris, a stuffed hippo. John and Janie brought Legos. Ian brought a flashlight and a tent, and Blake brought a set of pans and a wooden spoon. All different parts of their personalities, which Pearl loved. Sebastian handed her a blue silk and cotton quilt with the name "Little Bash Man" embroidered into it. Pearl looked at him. "My mum made it for me." He said, looking down at it. "I'd like little Robbie to have it." He said, moving his eyes up to Pearl's. She smiled and hugged him. "This is such a wonderful gift. Thank you, Bash." She said. He smiled and nodded. Erik put his hand on his shoulder and patted it. "Thank you." He said.

It was perfect. Erik was talking to Fi and Maggie as Pearl watched him from across the room. He was glowing also, as he proudly talked about how excited he was to become a father and how much difficulty he had keeping the day a secret. His eyes danced as he spoke of Pearl and the baby. She knew he loved her. He more than loved her. He was completely enamored and desirous of her. He was completed by her. She saw it, watching him and felt the love she had been forgetting coming back to her.


"Thank you for today." Pearl said to Erik after everyone left.

"I was so incredibly happy to do it." He said, smiling. Pearl nodded and told him she needed to get off her feet for a bit. She grabbed a bottle of water and walked out to the back patio, sitting in a large outdoor recliner.

Erik followed and sat next to her, facing her and taking her hand.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I feel as if I screwed up so terribly you may never feel the same about me. I'm truly worried about it." He said, looking at her hand in his.

"Erik, I don't want to lie to you. It's definitely something that alters one's view of things. It can't be helped. But I love you. Nothing has changed that." She said.

"But it isn't the same love. You used to look at me as if I was the most perfect man, the best man you had ever met." He said, his eyes welling with tears.

"Nothing and no one is perfect." Pearl replied. "That was a flaw of mine, to be perfectly honest. It wasn't a good thing to look at you like that. I realized recently that when you put people up on pedestals, they are more likely to fall further and harder. You are human. And imperfect. That is how you know you truly love someone. When the rose colored glasses come off and all you're left with is seeing them how they truly are. And I have seen that now and I still love you, just as much. These things take time. You know?"

Erik nodded and looked at her. She smiled and took his face in her hands and kissed his forehead.

"I love you, Pearl. I love you so much." He said.

"I love you, too." She said.