
We give them a little Chaos

"How long has this been happening….?"

The man in the wheelchair spoke, right in front of him, his subordinate, Decar, was having a hellish battle with a girl, cladded in a black-red bodysuit.

"My body is already at the verge of collapse,... Where is my vessel? Why is my base getting attacked by these people? My head… it hurts… am I still outside… what's that ringing sound…"

The man kept muttering to himself, his eyes turning left and right maniacally, his breath getting heavier and red magic patterns glowing from inside his body.

"Oh I see… this body is already collapsing… the circuits must be giving out, I can't think probably, I'm no different from a child, that's unfortunate, a god such as myself can only hide behind a barrier while my servants fight for me…"

Cough! cough!

"I need to…"

Out of nowhere, Decar's body slammed against the barrier, a loud grunt escaping his mouth before he fell to the ground, his body bruised up from the battle.

"This small girl… is overpowering him?" The man, surprised, couldn't believe his eyes, he watched as Decar struggled to raise to his feet.

"How… How are you this strong? You are not even a Beast Kin." Decar mutterred, raising to his shaking knees before picking his blade on the ground.

Raphael grinned,

"Well I am a vampire after all, drink enough blood from one of the strongest beings in the world and even you will surpass your beliefs!"

No warning was needed as she charged forward and in the blink of an eye she was right in front of Decar, her spiked blood stabbed him in her chest, penetrating the barrier in the process which nailed him to it.


Decar puked out blood, Raphael's blood weapon still half way inside his chest, while the man behind the barrier had his eyes widened in shock, wondering how she was able to pierce his barrier so easily.

"Oops, I missed? No worries, helps all the better." Rachael spoke with a smile, moving her face closer before she asked,

"Tell me what Project Nike is." She whispered.

Decar coughed again, this time with a small grin on his face,

"You… want to know…project N..ike?" He struggled to speak,

"Naturally." Raphael replied,

"That's too bad,... I don't plan to tell you anything, as we speak, every piece of evidence about it is being moved out from the facility by my men, so even if you kill me, the project is still alive, there are more of us…. "

Raphael stared at him, "Oh, so that's why you were in that room earlier?" She added.

"Hahaha!" Decar laughed, "W-What are you going to do now? Strix 24, you can't go searching every building of this place to stop my men, before you even find the right place, they would have already been gone, let it sink in, we won! Haha, and there's nothing you can do about…"

"My name is Chaos, the abyss itself, destined to cleanse the very darkness from which I emerged!"

As soon as Raphael heard that voice, she instantly knew who it was, her face was flushed as she pulled out her blood spike from Decar's chest causing him to fall to the ground.

"L-Lord Chaos, g-good to see you." She stammered , trying to clean her body of anything blood/dirt while still maintaining her composure.

"Raphael… I'm to assume the people in front of you are behind the criminal act in the mansion?" Chaos asked, looking down at them from the sky as he hovered above them, his arms folded.

"I believe so my lord, apparently they are running some kind of experiment, t…that was all I was able to learn, I…apologize, I should have done better." Raphael spoke with a sad expression on her face.

Decar, still on the floor, looked up to see the man in black, hovering about him, the sun hiding the individual's face and the wind blowing his cloak in the air.

'So this… is the man Strix 20 takes orders from…?' Decar thought to himself as he stared at the figure, the voice of Chaos and Raphael echoing in the background.

'He looks strong… very strong… but… that said, Lord Hindra is counting on me, failing here is not an option, I just need to…'

Decar paused, as soon as he heard the voice behind him,

"No…not again."

The voice continued, "I don't want to die,... I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Startled, Decar immediately looked back, his eyes widened in shock when he saw his master, Hidra, panicking inside the barrier, with his face hitched with fear.

'W..hat? Lord Hindra is…' Decar traced his master's gaze, only to find out the source of his master's fear was the man hovering above them in the sky, Chaos.

'A god, such as Lord Hindra, is afraid of this man? I guess that explains why she was suddenly so strong,' Decar laughed, slowly raising from the ground, his hand dragging his sword too.

"Hey!!!" Decar yelled.

Chaos looked at him, his cold threatening eyes now fixed on Decar.

"You guys just keep coming, it's getting annoying now, listen here!, I don't know who you are ... .or what you want, but, now that I know you can pose a problem to my lord in the future, this is where you…."

His words were suddenly cut off when red spikes erupted from the ground before Decar, impaling him swiftly, giving him 0 time to react.

His limp form dangled at the end of the spikes that had pierced every part of his body, including his heart, akin to a lifeless garment on a cruel display.

Crimson streams of blood cascaded down, painting his shoes and fingertips in the macabre hues of his ordeal.

"Sorry about that Lord Chaos, I should have shut him up earlier." Raphael withdrew her hand as she spoke, her gaze turning back to her master.

"Hmmm, I get the gist of things… it's obvious there's only one way to solve this…" Chaos uttered calmly, his every word cashing Raphael to smile.

... "We give them a little chaos…."



Sorry for the low quality, I haven't been sleeping well for some reason,

Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope you continue this journey with me to the very end.