
I dare you to say it again.

Standing right in front of Ava was a woman, dressed in black pants, and black jacket. She also had long pink hair and a small scar on her face.

Just setting her eyes on this woman, Ava was able to tell who it was.

"Hidra." She called out, her eyes widened a bit, almost like she had a mix of surprise and shock.

"Oh, I see our connection is still as sharp as ever, you were still able to know it was me even though I'm in another vessel." Hindra spoke, her arms stretched forward as she uttered with a smile.

"Come let's go, it's time you fulfilled your destiny."

"Took you this long to show yourself to me?" Ava asked.

"Well, I suppose you wouldn't know, but these vessels don't last, some not even up to a day. It took me quite some time before I was able to perfect this one, 5 years was it? Ahh yes." Hindra looked to the sky as she continued,

"I remember it like it was yesterday, when he showed up and ruined everything I've been working on for years." She spoke, the image of Chaos showing in her head, "I plan to get my revenge on him, but first, I need you, my one and only vessel to push me back to what I once was".

"If that is the case then I refuse." Ava spoke.

"You…. refuse?"

"It's not my fault you didn't come early, if you had been a slight bit more early before I met him, then you'd mostly have gotten me, I wouldn't be able to fight back… but see, things have changed." Ava pointed at head with a creepy look on her face, "I can't possibly turn back on my promises to him, I don't care who I have to kill, even if it's a god."

Hindra was a bit surprised, she stood there in one spot, her eyes fixed on Ava, and her veins popping on her head.

"What the hell …"

Hindra groaned.

"What the hell?! What the hell?! What the hell?! What the hell?!" She began throwing a tantrum, slamming her foot on the ground multiple times as she violently scratched her hair and face with her fingers.

Ava just watched, a pitiful expression on her face, she couldn't feel any more sorry for the woman in front of her even if she tried.

"You're supposed to be my vessel! Mine! Where do you get off giving it to some little brat! Uhn?! You're mine! Just a thing for my growth, how dare you defy me like that?!" Hindra yelled, her face twisted with anger and frustration.

Ava stood quite for a while.

"Well, I hope you get lucky finding a new vessel, good night." Ava utterred, before she slowly began to walk away, her steps echoing in the alleyway.

"Hey," Hindra muttered with low tone, "Don't fuck with me, I know where you parents are, I could send my people to end them in an instinct".

"And I couldn't care less, I never really liked them to begin with." Ava replied, walking past the fallen god.

"Aether Vermont."

As soon as those words left Hindra's mouth, Ava instantly halted her movement, their back facing each other.

"Everstain estate, Dorm Jons, Room 52."

Ava's eyes turned dim, almost like there was zero life in them.

"You see, right during the time my facility was destroyed by the man in black, I'm sure you've heard of him, the man who is hunted by many, one of my experiments managed to escape the destruction,"

Ava listened, but for some reason, her blood was boiling.

"Nurakami, the creature that feeds off any and all magic, the gluttony monster, was supposed to be dead, but imagine my surprise when I saw it in Fiona."

Hindra continued, her tone very serious,

"It began draining the life force out of everything it came in contact with, and not a thing can survive, and since it was made from my gene, it's safe to say it doesn't view you and I as a threat… but then again, i can't say the same for your boyfriend, just one order from me and the Nurakami-"


Hindra felt a sword stab her head from behind, her eyes widened in shock as her body was left speeding and slamming to the ground.

Blood spewed from the opening as Hindra's gore was spilling out from her cut.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear you." Ava spoke, slowly turning around with the same dead eyes expression on her face.

Multiple swords rotated around her body, while the one that was stuck in Hindra's head slowly started disappearing.

"What did you say you were going to do to Aether? Go on, say it again…" She spoke, moving closer to Hindra with her eyes glowing red.

"Tsk! What a horrible lady you've become." Hindra uttered even though her head was seriously damaged.

Slowly she began to rise to her feet, Hindra's head began to heal, tissue by tissue, flesh by flash, until it was finally whole again.

"Oh how the times have changed, you used to be so shy and gullible, and now, the thought of your parents dying didn't phase you, but somehow the boy did?" Hindra asked with an annoyed look on her face.

"I had hoped to not battle out in public like this, but then again, you did show yourself to me, all you had to do was stay hidden, you can't even do that right… " Ava paused, "His name should never leave your mouth again".

Hindra sighed.

"There's no other way to settle this then, a battle is to take place, and I can see you're ready, and if that's the case."

Hindra's body began to glow with mana, magic covered her form, the ground took part in it and was consumed by the raw energy.

"Let's get this over with… Ava."


Ava wasted no time, she immediately pulled a lightning sword from her arsenal before her body propelled toward Hindra with an amazing speed.

Hindra slammed her palm together and the sky began to change color, take a red hue, and then from behind her, red energy formed, taking the forms of arrows then sped towards Ava.