
chapter 19

Everybody around the world was surprised OMG..OMG.. New Amazing Violin music that rock the world first in the centuries. LEO ROCK THE WORLD BY VIOLIN. This record will be genuinely world book of records. Tony & Pepper never thought violin play this way. Richard & Susan thought what is inside of Leo brain? He is genius of everything. He is romantic now he is became everybody idol. Blade group bow to their boss. The world never boring with Boss around. Ivankov & his father choose right decision his boss is God. Xavier & his student salute Leo. Leo is really inspired them. Some of them crying their idol world famous now. Leo just arrive home but he was attacked by all his girlfriend one by one. They are crying hugging him Leo dumbfounded. He didn't make sad song why they was crying? All his family & friends crying & applauses. Natasha notice in the internet Leo music was reward in the World Guinness Book of Records. A New Violin Music Rock The World. Leo was surprised. Natasha & Bruce also crying because they was there listening to his music. Leo gather them around a group hug. Leo say thanks for support & love his music. Leo intent to make special roasted meat bun. Please wait 30 Min. Leo has Roumin dough & now with new flour, yeast, sugar & water. Make it round shape & put it aside for rise. Leo making roasted meat using soul beast meat with herb from Douluo Dalu world. The house was full of aromatic scents. All their spirit rise & they curious what special meat bun Leo steam. After the meat are cook. Leo make Egg Benedict sauce. He cut the meat into small dice & mixed it well with the sauce. The dough are ready he make 500 meat bun & steam it with high flames. It takes 5 min to complete cook. He bring out the giant steamer from the kitchen full of steam meat bun. The water he use for steam is pandan water. After he open the steamer cover the whole house full of pandan scented. It was sweet fragrance steam meat bun. The bun was super silky smooth & soft. The 500 bun was finished in 15 Min. Everybody was awakened they finished it quickly. Thier body spirit full of energy.. Leo order them to sit down on the floor & follow his instructions do meditation pose until the energy full used. After follow Leo instruction., They is something new. Their brain was clear & their eye very clear. Their body become younger, smoother & those has try hair become black hair. Those has abilities should awakening. Phoenix has increase his strength can transform into adult phoenix. Storm became elemental master. Rogue has five time strength abilities. Tiara has super agility & Her hair become ginger colour. Whisler also has ginger hair & become 18 yrs man. John & Silvia also the same 18 yrs. All girls become more supple, hourglass shape & smooth rounded shape size d. All them growth 30 cm tall. All girls height 1.9 metre. Harry, Spidey, John & Whisler 1.92 metre. Leo has 2.75 metre. Almost like Viking size. All the guys has muscular figure with 6 pack ab except Leo has 12 pack ab. Whisler & John was proud to have muscular figure in this life. Silvia felt her breast heavy & her body is taller. Natasha & the rest feel their bra so tight. They went back to room adjust it. After awhile they blushed. Their nipple was hard again. Natasha estimated her breast E. Rogue, Phoenix, Storm, Tiara, Felicia, Mary, Gwen & Silvia breast size is D+ Spidey T shirt was to tight & his muscular figure can be seen similar to other guys. Leo was relax because was already used too. All the guy notice their length increase 2 inches. All of them 8 inches but Leo has 13 inches. Loch Ness Monster. John & the rest notice Leo has Loch Ness Monster. After meet the guys , they notice Leo body wider & taller among them &; has Loch Ness Monster. It was horrible. Leo girlfriend blushed their man is healthy & largest. Leo mum took John to bed. Her husband look more hunk. Harry was drag by 2 girl. Leo drag 5 girls & Spidey was drag by Kitty. Kitty smell musky & her boyfriend become hunk with 6 pack ab. She do the job done & Spidey was in heaven. Kitty cat bath service. Spidey was wipe clean. Harry has wild threesome & last Leo has become king of harem they are organised by row. Letting Leo doggy them one by one.. 2 sister do 69 each 1 sister battle with Leo they calling Leo with moaning voice. Phoenix feel her head blank. Leo already fill her up & too much climax. She now felt asleep content. Other was defeated by 1 round. Leo fill they up & they were overclimax & went blank. They all sleep well. They really can't continue. One battle climax continuously 5 X without stop. Their husband become juggernaut. They more ally. While Tiara & whisler was absent. Blade base was attacked by Dracula. He was counter by blade & Judith killed the dog & last vampire easily. Dracula piss over but was trapped by Blade. Dracula was absorb by Blade became Dry old Dracula. Blade easily cut old bastard & Dracula cursed at blade as his bloodline flow in his vein. He will turn like him. Dracula was death. Blade bloodline become powerful but there is thirst but his eye & ear getting stronger. Blade has mastered observation haki Intermediate level. Blade can transform into Dracula without its sucking blood behaviour. He still eat human food. Selena saw what happened to Dracula. The covenant will not in peace. Father & Marcus Convinos will piss off. It is too bad this ungrateful vampire stand with human. Blade didn't care of Selene. He will meet the underworld covenant sooner or later. He need to upgrade his armament haki asap. He used Leo body refining Techniques using sand temper his body. It is worth it. Dick Hammer lost $55 Billion all mk 1 became empty shell. All the circuit dissolved. The warranty stated the dissamble ruin product can't claim fund. The world government lose 700 billion . The president was cursed after he read the contract , he remembered that Tony Stark already state he only make 100 unit. 70 units gone left 25 unit. The stupid scientist disamble without his authority. There is no refund for dissamble product. Skye has successfully mastered medical ninjutsu & Chinese medical acupuncture and moxi bustion. Neutron suggest to Skye combination chakra & mutant talent can amplify vibration causing earthquake effect. Create own punch, kick ,shouting lion roar, hearing echoes. Judith was assigned became her sparring partner. Shorty mastered blacksmith skill & already start reforging the silver brick into armour piercing bullet again. Leo instruct Shorty to forged 12 pieces magnetic bracelet kaioseki stone. He gave him the material. The photon beam laser for him to cut the kaioseki stone into small pieces easy for liquify. Magnetised the bracelet in to electronic coil chamber. Leo gave him the drawing how to make powerful electronic coil chamber using energy reactor. After that fused the magnetic bracelet into the watch. Neutron recommended to practice Tang 100 hammering Techniques & Taichi to Shorty. Shorty was happy his body increased height from 1.3 metre to 1.9 metre. Leo given Seaking meat bun to Shorty & the rest of blade group. Shorty, Blade Judith & David has big Genetic evolved among them. Smith increase 1.7 to 1.9 metre, Frankie increase 1.7 to 1.9 metre, Skye 1.7 to 1.9 metre with chakra reserved Hokage level, Judith increase 1.7 to 2.5 metre, David increase 1.8 to 2.6 metre & Blade 1.8 to 2.6 metre & his abilities blood absorption, charming & his vampire genetic evolved vampire lord genetic. Blade no longer black negro but became fair African American Latino. Neutron recommended etiquette lesson, esponiage techniques, multi language to blade. Frankie & Smith practice rokushiki techniques, David was assigned to train all Leo special forces & rescue team with rokushiki techniques to Master level. Judith was assigned to train rogue, storm, wolverine, beast, Scot & Xavier rokushiki techniques to Master level & selected few female disciples as main force under her. The government secretly engaged 20 war machine kidnap Leo girlfriend as results all 20 war machine self destruct & killed 20 air forces. Tony Stark received warning trigger due to self destruct. He sighed. Nick fury was angry expected answer but he was forced shut up after receive stern warning from Tony Stark. The database warning trigger show a video 20 war machine launch a kidnapping attempt on Leo girlfriend before automatically self destruct in 2 min. Natasha was fucking curse after she heard the news. As agent she also know government dirty secret. She take this advantages to resigned & Nick fury approved to calm Leo down. He didn't want a chaos if Leo take action. Little he knew all military tank , jet, helicopter & warhead are gone by 20 Min after the incident. All military includes Hammer industry was clean slate zero warehouse & zero bank account & personal account. All president, senator, commissioner has zero personal account & clean slate house. Nick fury was shaking his body when he received this news he was lucky to let Natasha go otherwise all Shield will be bankruptcy too. The victim don't know what they were done. Colonel Ross was laughing look at his military was clean up zero laboratory left scientist & military personal. All his hard work gone. Stryker was crazily made his mutant experiment was free due all his laboratories are gone left his scientist & worker. All experiment specimens was free all his personal account & vehicle & belonging gone. President white house has empty only left bodyguard, maid, senator & himself. No chair to sit & no more vehicles. No computer , no emergency button or mad button. US Military Government was empty no weapon, tank, helicopter, battleship, submarine or jets. It was done in 20 Min. The president was so angry ask the bodyguard to pay his teksi bill. Later on they resigned. John & Silvia was speechless when they heard military department, military industry, president white house all helicopter, tank, nuclear warhead, battleship & jet was gone. All military warehouse was empty. Left soldier alone. Tony Stark & Pepper sighed never thought this happen US Military bared naked no weapon no bank account. Even other military industry was clean up. There is no casualties but bankruptcy. Kitty was laughing reading in news paper US military was bare naked left own small gun. Ivankov & his dad swallow their saliva when read the newspaper. Their boss was awesome. Bruce was laughing until his stomach hurt. Betty Ross went to him told they house empty slate. She want to stay at his house. His dad mentally retardant after his base was empty. Bruce brought his girlfriend for shopping. His life will be free from now on. Thanks to his boss left Betty a mercy. The president & the rest can't do anything about there is no money for hire a lawyer or demand claimed to whom? No evidence? The police can't do anything but to investigate & no fingerprint or nobody in cctv. The military scientist can't proof too. There is no more laboratory. The school laboratory is only basic not advance. Only shield headquarters but they can't do anything there is no evidence. The president want to instruct the shield to investigate Osborne Corporation but Shield will be gone than it was for nothing? So he can't do anything. They thought Leo can't do anything to them because they control the law. Even they caught red handed they could drag the law. It was their specialty. Never thought lost everything in 20 min. The president & the rest went to bank reserved for military loan. It was ultimate punishment & shame in military history. The President, Senator, Commissioner & military department have a meeting on recovery their lose & purchase new equipment. Start from scratch. It was heavy atmosphere that they have go through. 3 days living in bankruptcy can make people insane. Luckily they have relatives. They need to make peaceful treaty with Leo directly. They don't want the military department empty house again. Leo, Silvia & John have meeting with them. The president & the rest was politicaly ask for peaceful treaty blaming the ceased air force personnel attempt kidnapping. Leo didn't signed the treaty & look at them straight. He asked them why they need peaceful treaty with his name? For what purpose? He is innocently didn't do anything. The air forces die on kidnapping & the case close has nothing to do with Osborne Corporation. David Murdoch was there state clearly that his client didn't do anything it will slander case. The case of kidnapping was under military law & civilian can't interfere in this. His client was innocent can't sign this treaty. Please speak clearly on what is the meeting about? Tony Stark was there too. The president mind can't think straight, he order Leo to sign or send to prison. Leo family send them out without giving face. All military account zero again. This time they have a lot of purchase order. All white house & senator house empty again. They received the news all military account was zero again. Their personal account was zero again. All of them was faint send to the nearest hospital. All the meeting video send to Nick Fury. Nick Fury cursed again. After heard clearly David Murdoch statement. It was clearly point something wrong with the treaty. It was slandered statement Leo have done something after the self destruct war machine incident. They all blame the 20 ceased air force personnel for doing the kidnapping. This fucking politician. The next day Nick fury have a meeting with Tony Stark, Silvia & John. They need to stop Leo from emptying the military bank account & warehouse. The country need military defense. They don't care about those politician. Leo told them that those fucking whore politician & military department stay the hell from him & his family. He will not take any further action if they don't show their face & threat his family. If the president need war just let him start war. Nick fury heard Leo warned loud & clear. He was the mediator for them. The military stay far away from Osborne Corporation & his family. The Osborne Corporation will not provide any medical supplies or product to military henceforth. After the statement from shield as mediator all politician ship up & military department start normally. They have to order military vehicles & artillery from Russia & so on. They also reproduces nuclear warhead & luckily the nuclear warhead drawing was not in military database but science technology. Military industry can't do anything to Leo because they were the mastermind behind the kidnapping attempt with the politicians. They were bankruptcy & lived in hell until find proper normal job. Dick Hammer hate Leo to the core. His saving & life was gone. He went to pawn shop sell his watch for survival. He need found a job. Thousands of unemployment due this incident. They are lucky enough to bank account than their boss. Tony Stark know this feeling. It is worse than death. Ashamed, begging for food & no vehicles. Although he hate his nephew before but everything was given back to himself. Leo can kill himself left nothing. There is no way his Ironmen stop nano mite. Where to shoot if can't see or detect? Everybody has continued their own life. Stark industry operate has usual all their weapon, jets & tank was fully purchase military department. Stark industry business booming up since the incident. Nick fury has more prominent in his position. His avenger plan was on hold. There is a hammer incident in New Mexico & he was assigned Coulson to handle it. Blade group has hunt werewolves & other supernatural cases. Whisler need his daughter doing on research & he making more connection for any other supernatural cases need to be done. There is a teen wolves cases & siren & wittches. The teen wolf, siren & witches are innocent. There is cases of amnesia vampire in love with vampire slayer. Blade didn't hunt them because they didn't harm human. As for vampire slayer affair. He just laughed to Frankie. Frankie secret only his teammates know. Shorty become main fighter for the team. Skye became deathly combo with Shorty 12 ring Hammer skill killed 100 were Wolves. Smith became Cleaner after battle. Frankie become Chaser. Blade only take action after saw a group of experimental giant white werewolves. There is also a group of highly skill covenant. They have war with werewolves but also hostile with blade group. Blade kill vampires. The covenant use their blind light grenade for escape. It was busy night. Smith call Leo told him that there is a lot of werewolves corpse. Leo Nano mite clean it up no trace was left. Shorty race to collect war trophy with Smith, Skye & Frankie.Any weapon left belong to them. Blade was also join the fun. Tiara became relic research to find clues or mystery analysis expert with Neutron assistant. She lost this Jove too. Whisler part time cooker & supernatural network agent. There is a Thor hammer case but Leo left for Nick Fury. He only announced that they will be huge war within 2 month in New York Vs Alien. Blade group & his special forces make preparations early as possible. Leo has fortified a forcefield his territory. A ghost rider is appeared in Texas & there is a grim cases of murdered active that Area. Blades group might confront with a Devil Memphis. Leo giving all detail to them. Frankie suggest to bring fire extinguisher. Leo instruct Judith Vs Ghost Rider. The rest hunt devil Memphis son. There is earth, water, wind & hollow. The earth is dead by Ghost Rider left water, wind, hollow. Blade group prepare for demon hunt. Whisler has prepared holy water extinguisher. Leo modified a high pressure holy water fire extinguisher. Blade group fuse it with the ring. There is 1000 pcs 5 Giga joules DC grenade. David Murdoch replace Smith & Frankie. There vacuum subtomic gun for Shorty & Skye. They will be facing dangerous Devil Memphis. Leo give instructions to Judith use Ghost Rider attack Memphis let them fight each other. Steal the devil contract after kill the Satan Son & follower. The hollow can't be killed easily before he have main body. Let him drink all holy water. Memphis hate bright light. Shining Grenade can weaken him. After formula everything the hunting start after found the target location. Johnny Blaze can't become normal after become ghost rider & it is unstable entity destined to be alone until the devil curse is gone. Smith & Frankie will be training Haki from now on. David killed Hollow Satan Son Using Haki on halberd. Ghost Hunter was defeated by Judith. She simply use holy water fire extinguisher. Johnny Blaze was faint off. The devil contract was safely retrieved & seal. Memphis was defeated by David using haki. He was beaten to pulp. Memphis was forcely drink holy water extinguisher by David brutally. He was explode. Skye & Shorty feel creepy because there is a lot of victim in the restaurant was their soul was suck by hollow. Blade & the rest pray for forgiveness & left without traces. The police stop the investigation because it was supernatural cases. Nick Fury focus on the hammer. The coaches virtual glass pad detect the origin of the hammer. His contact lens has all Thor hammer mythology & exact photos. It was from Asgard. Thor has two sibling Hera & Loki. All of them son of Odin. Nick fury believe the information in the contact lens because he has confirmation theory of overlap planner & sub dimension from Richard Reed theory & Leo induce mythology history records & photo. Earth are called Migard & the Thor's dimension is Asgard. There is also a man claimed to be Thor owner of the hammer he was exile by his father Odin. Then there is a group of weirdo came down & a robotic machine destroyed by Thor after regained his power & All of them gone. There is Loki claiming kill Odin. Nick fury got headache because God also god family issue. There no actual casualties but several shield agent light injuries. Nick Fury called Tony Stark to collect robotic machine.😅