
Start of an Uzumaki Clan - Multiverse

A person with no prior accomplishments has been given the opportunity to do everything their heart desires. With certain benefits, a soul was reborn in the AU Naruto universe as Naruto Uzumaki. Previous World: Naruto Current world: Harry Potter Next World: Naruto ---------------------------------- Readers Disclaimer: I have changed my writing style around the 30th chapter, so if you didn't like how I wrote the first few chapters, please be patient. This is my first book. English is not my first language. Some things may not be according to canon so take it as you will. MC will be ruthless and will do many things in the future to get power, but he will love his close ones. ============================= Disclaimer: For those people who think MC is a good guy. This story will mention many gruesome and dark scenes, such as the mention of r*pe(only mention) and killing. MC will be a person who won't care about anyone other than his close ones. MC, of course, is not a beta male here. Wish fulfillment. ============================ --- The image cover is not mine. If you are the artist, please let me know if you don't want me to use it, and I will take it down. ================= Please ignore if you found any grammatical mistakes, and let me know any spelling errors. I am dyslexic, and I write these chapters late at night, so I am exhausted when editing them. Trying to raise money to get myself an editor, so here is my P@treon if you want to support me :) ----> https://www.patreon.com/crazy_penguin

Crazy_Penguin · 漫画同人
97 Chs

A lone soul

A soul floated in the Void for a long time even though he doesn't know how long he stayed here; if you could sense emotion, you would notice multiple emotions from the soul.

???: "Young man, did you know you caused me headaches?"

When the lone soul heard a voice, he first ignored it. Then, he concluded that his mind was playing tricks on him for being alone for a long time.

???: "It is very disrespectful to ignore when you were asked a question"/

The soul finally understood that his mind was not playing tricks on him. So, he tried to find where the voice was coming from; he was so excited that he forgot he could not 'see' anything, but could guess that a figure was in front of him, so he replied.

Lone soul: "Umm. Sorry, but I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. So, who are you? I can guess where I am because I know I died?" Then, the soul thought, 'How long has it been since I interacted with a person? It feels forever, so this person is a God/god/Devil; he did say I caused him trouble" While the soul was in monologue, the figure replied.

Samsara: "you can call me "Samsara" since I am The Cycle of Samsara itself. I said you caused me problems because you were supposed to go through the Cycle of Samsara and reincarnate in a low-income family and struggle because of sins you committed in your previous life."

Soul: 'My name is Jayden. I was always selfish, greedy, and lustful. I had amazing parents. My dad was Indian while my mother was a Half-Indian; they were rich, and they always provided me with everything I needed. I am pretty smart, so I always get at least A's and B's without studying. But everything changed when I when to high school. I started partying, not drugs, though; I hated them. I skipped classes and destroyed my GPA. My parents were devastated, so they started being strict, but I didn't like that because I was in my "rebellious" phase. At the end of my senior year in high school, I finally realized that I fucked up. So I finally started to take everything seriously; I always wanted to become a doctor, so I took a gap year after high school to study for an entrance exam called NEET (it's an entrance exam for med school in India, you don't need to do 4-year college for a degree, you can write the exam after your 12th and get into med school. I don't think it will be easy. It will be hard, probably harder because of a lot of competition in India). When I returned from my testing after finishing my exam, I was excited because I knew I had done well on my exam, so I didn't check my speed limit. A pig was passing by. I didn't realize it until I crashed it into the pig. I was not wearing a helmet, so I died on the spot.' Saṃsāra patiently waited for me to finish my inner story.

Jayden: After a while, it said, "The trouble I caused my parents made me go reincarnate in poor life? If so, why am I here? Why didn't I go through Samsara Cycle?"

Samsara: "I don't know why you didn't go through the cycle; you have fought against it. So, you have many hidden regrets when you passed away; I know you often dreamed about going to the "Anime" world. So, I decided you give me a chance to reincarnate in an anime world since it was my error that I didn't check up on you. So please tell me what you want. This only is for one time; if you die again, these perks won't come with you, so choose carefully".

After a long debate between them, they finally agreed, they were

1. A loyalty seal mark – One-time use only (guess for who)

2. A high-level comprehension

3. Anti-NTR blessing

4. Gamer Mind

5. Customize the system with- 100 item Inventory and Status.

6. Pure blooded Uzumaki bloodline

7. Passive Three-Tomoe Sharingan is connected to my bloodline.

8. Undying loyalty to me from anyone with my DNA.

Jayden: "Can you please reincarnate me in Naruto world as Naruto? I want him to be more handsome and tall, and please remove my beard/marks on my cheeks, make me remember my past life two years before Academy since I don't want to go through babyhood, and I wanted to be prepared before cannon."

[A/N: For people who hate harem, I am sorry this is going to be a harem, but I will try to make it as the characters as smooth as possible without being bland, it won't be huge. Just give me a chance.]

Sorry for the short chapter

Crazy_Penguincreators' thoughts