
Stardust in my Head

This is a collection of poems written when I feel outbursts of different emotions and feelings. Put under sci-fi due to web novel's rigid genre system and my repeated use of space in past poems.

PrivateCarp · 科幻
5 Chs

Another perspective

As much as I don't want to update this I found this poem in an old notebook so no date or time. In the spirit of 420 (hella late I know) I give you this poem I wrote after my first time hitting the magic plant. I was bed locked and ~12 hits deep according to the notes of old me. Good luck understanding it and please let me know if you figure something out because I have yet to (lol). I am feeling a lot realer today. It's a good me today. Enjoy the poem?


Giving control

Losing my finger, lost though its cosmic

Limited space for my uniform

Oh just get in , oh just get in

Breath out the toxins, whistle just for me





Cry! you are not the night pie

Kill yourself or you migh- will die

Kinks cry under moonpies



Pointless cleaving

The letters call out to me oh god

Filter the hound's last portions

Linguistics of the lesser known sects

Claiming, here and now, Orange

Break me

I am just the lesser part of me

Laying siege to all my burdens, lightening

Milk me free of stardust

Lay me in that century

Of empty


Make me feel a me again






Diamond waves for tomorrow me

Just find me in that sea of him

Pressing down warming me with fresh fuel

En their infinite picture my art was finished

Tremors of that less fortunate

End their suffering- their me

I don't know? what if I'm me

but me,

"Them thru means unknown

Make certain they're heart may weaver should my kingdom sleep

profound is the reality of those who have lost ours"

This poem is transcribed word for word of what that high me's handwriting seems to say. I am still trying to figure out what I was trying to say. Please comment your thoughts.

PrivateCarpcreators' thoughts