
Chapter 4 Part 3

at the same time, Kuro gritted his teeth, as if knowing that the voice can release the shackles that he's been feeling for a while now

"YES!" he shouted internally

"and for what reason do you want power?"

"to protect my family, MY mother, MY sister, to give them the LIFE they deserve"

the tone of the voice changed from darkness and despair to warm and gentle like how a grandfather would talk to his grandchildren

"yes, this is how it is supposed to be, good answer young lad, until we meet again, we will be waiting for you especially your *&@!#$*"

as the voice fades, Kuro then felt the heat burning inside him an unquelch ever-burning fire a wave of heat surged to every corner of his being and then he could hear the sound of chains hitting each other trying to keep him down until he forcefully snapped the chains that are holding him down

he felt his body lighten, but the burning never stopped, as he then opened Julius's portable inventory and took out a golden vile, as he then shove it on his neck injecting all of the contents inside of him

he then heard a scream, it took him a moment to realize who was screaming it was him he was the one screaming

pain! pain! pain! an unending feeling of pain came and went within seconds but for him, it felt like years a lifetime of agony, as his muscles spasmed and contorted, when he came to, he found himself on the floor, as he had rolled off the piece of hide to the stone and dirt floor of the cave, he saw Yuka was crying and clinging on him tugging his shoulders

and then the pain disappeared it went as it had gone

"It's okay, I'm fine," he said as he pulled her into his chest, hugging her to soothe her worries

she felt so thin so small, he wondered when was the last time she had a good meal. For that matter, he couldn't remember when was his last decent meal, as he scanned his(Kuro's) memories

he then opened his portable inventory, there was not much inside, except

* [Parially Unlocked] Terran structure blueprint,

* [Building Required] Terran unit blueprint,

* [Locked]Julius Personal CMC power suit,

* [Locked]Julius Personal Combat Shield,

* [Locked]Julius Personal C-14 rifle,

* Lucas Taillard Revolver,

* 500x C-14 Mags,

* 500x Revolver Mag,

* 10 - 9x Nano Viles stims

{*warning* chamber needed; harmful direct contact *warning*}

{*warning* must use in a controllable environment; cause great pain *warning*}

* 500,000x Nano building materials

'This is not much but it will do, as everything I own is on the impenetrable dawn emperors treasury'

he needs to protect his family, thought swirling in his mind as his eyes glowed a golden hue, in the determination of what he has to do

he got up and walk to the entrance of the cave, and as soon as he took a step outside he felt a tug on his pelted clothes he looked down to see Yuka pulling him

"don't" With a worried expression she said "We're not supposed to go outside when momma is not here"

he smiled and patted her head "It's okay, everything gonna be alright from now on, it's going to be okay"

to protect his family to protect his sister and his mother, he must fight, fight and make a place for them to live in peace

Chapter 4 End

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