
The Malevolence and a Trip to Ilum

"Ahsoka got to fly with her Master when bombing the ship, I don't see why you think this ones too dangerous for me considering all you and Master Plo have done is get me to train and rest!" I argued as we approached the airlock which would grant us access to the enemys flagship, Anakin who was trapped in the middle of mine and my Masters discussion just nervously laughed. "Besides I wanna examine a droid to improve this," I said as I spun the Sonic Screwdriver up into the air and catching it before chatting to Anakin about the prototype while Obi Wan face palmed and presumably decided that the arguement was over. When we docked I rushed forward grabbing the two droids by their necks, heating up my hands I quickly melt the wiring causing the two droids to shut down. "If you really want me to stay with the ship Master I will," with that I picked up the two Droids and carried them onto the ship. I sat with R2 and D4 while I waited for them to reunite with Padme, I had D4 download the schematics of the ship and once that was done I had him monitor our comms for eavesdroppers while I pulled apart the back piece of one of the B1 Battle Droids I'd disabled looking for the piece that transmits codes. I pulled that piece out triumphantly when two more B1 Battle Droids turned the corner.

"Is that a Jedi?" The first Droid asked as they pointed their blasters at me, I disarm them with force quickly before pulling out the Prototype Sonic and pressing a button lead to an amazingly nostalgic humming. "I think my auditory receptors are malfunctioning!" The second Droid said, the hummings pitch rised, aiming it towards the droids weapons caused the gas chambers to rupture leading to the tiny explosions which left much to be desired. The two droids walked over and picked them up, "Die Jedi!" I quickly threw my Saber through the droid as it pulled the trigger leading to a much more satisfactory explosion the other droid turned to flee the scene but I simply set it on fire, it melted not long after that. I was messing with the Force and the pile of liquid droid when they said over comms that they'd retrieved Padme and lost C-3PO in the process, When Padme informed us on the state of the Hyperdrive I volunteered to go get 3PO while my Master went to disable their engines. Once the comms were cut D4 informed me that someone of the ship was listening in and will likely be reinforcing the Hyperdrive Engines, R2 beeped at me saying that he could very easily get 3PO if I wanted to support Obi Wan to which I respectfully thanked him. With D4 on my shoulders guiding my way I ran full speed through the corridors cutting down any droid in my way, my Sonic allowed me to open most doors from a distance speeding up my progress.

I turned the corner and got hit in the face. Two MagnaGuards stood in my way, I'd been hit with the back end of the staff and electrocuted with it. "That tickled, are you here to kill me or bring me to your General?" The two MagnaGuards moved in and began to shock me however my passive heal allowed me to sorta shake off the stun effect the electrostaff which took the two droids off guard, don't get me wrong it hurt like hell but my body refused to crumble, using the Force I separated the two. Using Form three to the best of my ability which is pretty decent considering my Master is THE Master of the form according to Mace Windu, anyways I quite literally disarmed the guard I was fighting then with a heavy over head Form five strike I cut the first MagnaGuard in half vertically. The second MagnaGuard was an asshole, no other way to put it, it had clearly watched my fight with its friend and decided to play defensively so I obliged with some Form four strikes which it very happily deflected until I switched the configuration of my saber to its pike form allowing me to work around its defences easier, I stabbed it straight through the head. Putting my Saber back on my belt I picked up the two electrostaffs as I had a stupid plan.

Time froze as I turned the corner to the doorway Grievous had just jumped down from, something I should probably mention is that I too get frozen to a small area if I left said area time would immediately move again. "What is your plan here young one?" The Hero of Tython asked as she looked down at the General of the Droid Army, worry spreading across her face as she stared at him. "My plan is simple really, get to my Master and fight alongside him." She turned to me with disbelief spread across he somewhat misty face, "Are you insane! I can feel how powerful of a Monster that creature is from here!" I turned to her and showed her the elctrostaff in my hand, "That's why I'm going to use science! But first I wanted to ask you about a skill I had you use a lot in game, it was called something like blade blitz or something similar, you dashed forword cutting up everything in your path." She nodded her head before saying something that slightly ruined the mood, "Unlike Force abilities which I can teach you directly like the Enhanced Force Sight you will have to learn physical techniques yourself." I went to restart time before she stopped me, "You do have the necessary skills to do it, so what was your plan?" I explained it to her and with a clap of delight she said, "I can leave behind after images of what you'll need to do but if your don't match them you could die!" And with that time unfroze.

Step one of the plan was to light a fire, easily done with my Pyrokinesis.

Step two, take the then released hose that will dispense fire suppressing foam and blast Grievous with it.

Step three, throw the two electrostaffs at him as I jump down and stun him.

Here is what I probably should have done prior to this is check that the foam is a conductor of electricty, it was not the best! However it got the job done as I hopped between the droids while matching the hero of Tythons after images before making it to the grand clanker himself, I slipped slightly on the foam as I landed behind him leading to me passing behind him. In a split second decision which was made straight out of impulse I shot out my hand as he was throwing the Droideka my Master had thrown at him to the side and grabbed one of his Lightsabers in a reverse grip, I went to spin while igniting the blue Saber but Grievous hit me away landing me next to my Master. "You seem to have a knack for stealing Lightsabers Padawan, I thought you were going to get the droid?" I told him that I would again explain later before turning to the droid General, "This'll make a fine addition to my collection." With that me and Obi Wan ran from Grievous through the door D4 had graciously opened up for us, again remind me to have a chat with him about his ego.

Let me tell you, when you steal a Lightsaber from General Grievous be prepared for him to target you when chasing after you and your Master. "Seems like I'm definetly talented at a few things Master!" I shouted as I ducked under another swing from the Generals remaining Saber, "I'm definetly good at taking the attention off of you!" With that Obi Wan used the Force to launch Grievous off the train we were on, "That you are Padawan, that you are." He lifted up his comm but I quickly lowered his arm, "They've bugged our transmissions, that's why I left rescuing the droid to R2, actually it was his idea to be fair." I looked at the Saber I had 'recovered' from Grievous, "Master I'd like to return this blade to its owner if possible." A hand on my shoulder told me all I needed to know, that the owner was probably died when Grievous took it, "We'll talk to Master Yoda when we return to the temple okay young one." I give an enthusiastic nod before we disembark the train at D4s instuction, working along side Obi Wan made clearing out the droids between us and the Twilight easy as we adopted a strategy were he defended me as I cut through everything with the two blades. The crossguard on my main Lightsaber prevented me from reversing the grip on it effectively like I did with the newly aquired blue Saber, luckily for me my new body appears to have no issue using both hands which leads me to believe that the Force allows you to be ambidextrous.

After cutting down a few droids I switched to a regular grip on my secondary Saber to see if I could use it more effectively, which is very much the case! I found it easier to flow through combat when I had both Sabers in standard grip as my Master later described as danced like a stream through the fight (He was talking to Masters Yoda and Tera Sinube at the time, I've noticed all the Jedi try to be more cryptic around them.) Which I took to mean that I effortlessly flowed through the droids however I was calm and focused. I did melt a droid infront of Obi Wan who gave me a stern talking to about how dangerous my power actually was which I responded with a simple nod as I dashed forward cutting a B2 droid into four pieces, this continued for quite sometime until we reached a group of droids shooting at a lone Jedi defending a Senator. "Hey Master Skywalker!" I shouted as I launched myself through the droids then sliding under the legs of the droid Anakin was about to slice causing it to crumble to the floor, I sheathed my Sabers as my slide ended next to Senator Padme Amidala, "Hi, I'm Dankel Fec pupil of Master Obi Wan." I extended my hand which she thankfully took helping me to my feet with a laugh and I couldn't help a chuckle as well, "No need to introduce yourself Senator." It took a total of two seconds for Anakin to notice my new Saber and begin laughing his head off, he ruffled my hair before promising to give me that flight lesson I'd begged for.

Obi Wan sent me ahead so the three of them could talk privately, I'm a fourth wheel in this situation which is fair enough considering how long they've known each other. I cleared a path straight to the Twilight, bumping into R2 and 3PO on the way who were casually walking as I had just taken down five B1s. "So thats 3PO R2?" All R2 did was scream when two squads as B2 droids began approaching, I took up a defensive stance along side my Master while everyone loaded into the airlock. "Are we getting the next one down," I deflected two shots while Obi Wan deflected three. "Dankel set the hallway on fire so you both can get in here!" Anakin shouted, so I belt my Sabers and get behind Kenobi who begins effortlessly deflecting all the blaster bolts. I kneel down and began pulling the gas which power their wrist blasters then I stood up, raising my hand I summon a little flame on the tip of my finger which I just flick towards the line of gas which quickly ignited into a fireball. I turn to everyone with a smile, "Lets go before more of them arrive!" Everybody agreed, the airlock was extremely cramped so me being a tiny human child with his permission I sat on R2 which I'd give him a solid 7.5/10 could be comfier. When we got in the Twilight everyone began rushing around me I went and sat on the floor with my droid pieces much to Obi Wans objections but Padme had already claimed the gun so he waved his hand, leaving me to do my thing.

I did my thing until we got shot causing me to break my Sonic! I jumped up to the monitor and activated my Enhanced Force Sight, "So did you guys just ignore that we can change shield priority?" I asked as we got shot again, I re-routed the power to our rear shields when we got shot AGAIN, "Ah yes the Republics best pilot!" I shouted which got a laugh from Padme, D4 began shouting at the top of his little robo lungs from 3POs shoulder which I laughed at cause and I quote 'I'll take that Droid General by the Womp-Rat so my Slave can cut him to pieces!' The other two Droids turned their heads to look at me to which I mouthed an 'I'm sorry' before getting back to work, before long all the enemies were ever destroyed or in the case of Grievous fleed with The Malevolence launching into the nearby moon thanks to Anakins sabotage allowed us to land safely on the cruiser where Ahsoka and Master Plo was waiting for us. "It's good to see you all safe," Ahsoka said before zeroing in on the extra Lightsaber on my belt, "Dankel you didn't!" It took me a second and for Anakin to burst out laughing before it clicked that they were talking more about me, a padawan, stealing a Lightsaber from the grand clanker of the droid army General Grievous.


I lifted my head as I looked at my sparring opponent, Master Kenobi had taken to a defensive stance and ordered me to attack him with the two Sabers me being the bane of his existance have only been using my original. "Dankel this is to help you, please attack me with both Sabers." Obi Wan pleaded as I rushed forward with heavy Form Five strikes which Obi Wan quickly and effortlessly redirected before using the Force to throw me to the floor again however I spun around throwing my Saber at him. I spun around drawing the blue Saber and rushed forward in the shadow of my first Saber pulling it back to me just as my Master went to swat it away causing him to over extend as I spun leading to both blades almost hitting him if I hadn't deactivated my blades and ended it with a kick instead. I walked over helping Obi Wan up only to be met by a clapping Plo Koon and Mace Windu who had already helped him up, "It appears your Padawans grown quickly Master Kenobi, his use of two Sabers is impressive." Master Windu said as my Master dusted himself off, "However I will be taking him to the Kyber Arch to complete the Lightsabers journey." Obi Wan went to protest but I intervened, "Master, I owe it to the owner... Revenge is not the Jedi Way so this is the least I can do." I followed Mace out of the training room in the Temple on Coruscant, as far as I was aware the Jedi Master had no issues with me which I was somewhat glad about considering I hold him in such high regard.

"Tell me Padwan, what do you really feel when you use your power?" I choked on air at the sudden question, he patted my back and did apologise. "Certain Masters on the Council are unsure if you told us the truth about your power and I felt that you deserved to know as such." I stopped as he walked a little ways forward before turning to face me. I smiled as I walked towards him, "I appreciate the heads up Master but I stand by what I said when you first asked me that question." With a simple nod we entered the room where the Kyber Arch was held, I knelt down placing the Saber of the fallen Jedi in front of me, I stretched out my arm and using the Force took the Saber apart. I'll try to explain the feeling of it to you but it is really difficult to explain, I could feel every screw and wire so when I oppened my eyes the sight of the now disassembled Lightsaber with the light blue Kyber Crystal floating infront of me was in no way a shock. "Thank you Padawan Fec, thanks to your efforts another Jedi can rest peacefully in the Force, you may now leave." I got up but not before putting the hilt back together and handing it over to Master Windu then I simply walked out of the room and headed to my quarters were yet again Master Yoda waited for me.

"You seem rather interested in my development Master Yoda, can I ask why?" Yoda opened my door, letting himself in and onto my desk chair which I never use so Iwalk over to my usual spot on the floor, "I'll reserve that seat for you Master." After a little chuckle Yoda began yo let his intentions be known, "Painful, knowledge of the future can be... For your safety, concerned I am." The look of pure disbelief was clearly on my face however before I could say anything Yodas eyes widened, "Go we must, danger I sense" He throws the harness at me which I put on, a chance to see the Grand Master of the Jedi Order in action sign me up! I launch out of my room with Force Sight activated so I very easily dodge and weave through the corridors until we arrive in a hangar where a Naboo Star Skiff was being boarded by Padme Amidala as well as 3PO and Captain Typho. With a mind trick from Yoda we where launching to Ilum, "Master what danger do you sense?" I ask but then it suddenly clicks, Jedi Master Luminara and her Padawan Barriss were on Ilum I could sense them. "Barriss?" I muttered to which Yoda nodded, Padme came over to us and asked what the situation was to which Yoda informed her while I knelt down to meditate, I did my best to reach out with the Force as I did the air around me grew stale and the temperature dropped bellow freezing. "D.. Dankel is that you?" A familiar voice broke the silence, opening my eyes revealed a shocked Luminara and Barriss, "Padawan how are you doing this?" I shrugged before explaining that me and Master Yoda were landing soon so they just had to hold out a little longer.

"Full of suprises, you are!" Yoda exclaimed as he pulled me out of the limited Force Projection I unintentionally used, I'd ment to us Telepathy! I didn't feel tired after using said ability, I was later informed that the Empires Wrath lent me some energy like he had done on Christophsis like a boost of adrenaline but to my Force Abilities! I didn't have time to grab a cloak from my room so I quickly rummaged through what I assume is a cupboard, in it I find a navy blue poncho which was rather destroyed with the right side up to the hood completely ripped to shreds, "Try it on!" Padme said causing me to jump out my skin, trying it on I found that it fit near perfect, "It suits him, wouldn't you say Master Yoda?" Yoda who had snuck up behind me nodded in approval so we headed out strangely even though my whole right arm was exposed to the the snow I didn't feel the cold, reaching the ridge overlooking the Jedi Temple my senses began screaming for me to move. I spun around to see a group of Chameleon Droids already destroyed, "Keep up, you must Young Padawan." I drew my Saber and laughed as I let my gut lead my movements, I sliced a couple Droids while following Yoda jumping down a cliff in the process! Upon landing from the jump Yoda and I pulled a snowledge down on top of assaulting force destroying them, "You're a lot cooler then I thought Master Yoda." I chuckled as Yoda protested that he was in fact awesome, we made our way into the temple.

"Barriss! Master Luminara!" I began shouting as we made our way to the pile of rubble they were burried under, Master Yoda began to free them with the Force as I ran in and helped them both to safety. Igniting a small flame I inspected them for injuries, Barriss had dislocated her knee cap and struggled to stand on it much to her determination to do so, Master Luminara was almost in perfect condition besides a cut along her left arm. "Barriss hold still a second!" I order as I sat her down, she looked at me before realising what I was about to do "I'll do it on the count three ok! One... Two.." I popped it back into place, after getting slappped in the face I smirked and said "Three." I put my saber into its spear formation and tied it to Barriss' leg, the two Master looked at me like I'd just done something crazy as I picked her up. "I had a Clone teach me basic first aid." Complete lie, my parents were survival nuts and when one of my friends broke his arm falling from a tree they had me learn all the first aid I could. "The sooner we get her to an actual medic the soon she'll recover so lets get back to the ship!" The blizzard had picked up while we were in the temple as well as the Chameleon droids which had regrouped with greater numbers, I was left dodging blaster fire in the snow while carrying Barriss luckily for us Masters Yoda and Luminara were very good at destroying droids. "Dankel get my Padawan to safety, we'll be ok!" Luminara shouted so with Yodas nod of approval I began jumping between the droids, although limited I was more than quick enough to dodge the droids attacks. Once clear I summoned all my strength and in three jumps scaled the cliff making it back to the ship in record time.

"Dankel you have to go help them, here take my Lightsaber and~" I placed closed her hand back around her Saber before getting up and pulling out a box of broken scrap which I had noticed earlier while searching for the poncho, inside said box of scrap was a broken Lighsaber hilt. Padme explained she had picked it up after Anakin and Obi Wans duel with Dooku on Geonosis at the beginning of the Clone Wars, after a quick inspection I grabbed for a necklace around my neck revealling the pink Kyber Crystal I'd healed. After a bit more tinkering I got the emitter working well enough, the end had been slice off by Dooku in the fight this Saber had been apart of however it'd get the job done as a pink blabe crackled to life. "I'll be back!" I launched myself of the cliff, not the smartest move, as I was free falling I saw that the two Masters were surrounded so I did what I do best be a distraction. Landing with the blade flickering on and off I rushed forwards, time froze up as the Empires Wrath appeared in front of me. "Nice Saber, what do you hope to accomplish with that?" As much as I hate to admit it he was right, the best this Saber could do was be a glorified glowstick before it blows up the power regulator was overheating. "My advice is to let them die, Luminaras corpse gets used to lure Jedi to their Deaths in the Empire... You could train Luke in Yodas stead they're expendable." I showed him the middle finger before rushing forward restarting time, the heat from the Saber began causing it to backfire so I threw it into the enemy with the explosion making a clear path for the Masters, before running after them I pulled my Crystal back to me.

When we got in the ship I went straight to the flight deck and sat down in the pilots seat with time freezing yet again, the Empires Wrath appearing once again, "WILL YOU FUCK OFF! I'm trying to save people here!" He burst out laughing before he walked over and began pointing to all the different switches I needed to press, "The Force does help when flying but it is not to be the only focus!" I nodded as time unfroze and everyone rushed in as I was smiling, the ship began taking fire as we took off however I trusted in the Force and more importantly myself before long we were off the planet of Ilum. I got up and simply nodded to the Pilot who had abandoned the chair as he said that take off shouldn't have been possible, the two Jedi Masters looked like they were about to have a heart attack meanwhile Padme was laughing her head off saying that I was just like Anakin "I'm not like Master Skywalker... He is amazing, I just fake it till I make it and I just made it!" I said as I walked out punching the air as I walked upto Barriss, kneeling next to her expecting a smack on the head for all the reckless stuff I just pulled but no I got a head pat and a heartfelt thank you. "Dankel you risked your life for me, why?" I spun around with my back to the bed while thinking about an answer that won't make her hit me, "Master Yoda said there was trouble, I was with him at the time..." I felt Barriss sadden so I tried my best to save it, "But the moment I felt it was you, well those droids didn't stand a chance!" She was going to say something when Master Luminara came in and asked to talk to her Padawan alone, I obliged, walking into to the main room I saw that my Master was conversing with Master Yoda walking up I greeted my Master with a bowed head.

"Dankel, I'm not mad at you because you did what you thought was right. I'm slightly upset that you took off in a blizzard with only a flight sim for training, I'm glad your friend is alright when you return you'll have to deal with Ahsoka anyways." I winced slightly as I placed my hand on Ahsokas favourite spot to smack me, seeing this Obi Wan laughed, "You'll only have a few days rest before we're deployed again so make the most of it." With that he turned to Padme, "Anakin wishes to talk to you with a request on his Padawans behalf so I'll be taking my leave." Yoda pulled me to a a seperate room thankfully, he looked troubled so when he sat down I knelt down infront off him slightly nervous. "Friends with Barriss, you are?" I nodded slightly releaved that this is why he was talking with as I had thought he sensed the Empires Wrath, "Dangerous, attachment is... Leads to fear attachment does... Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering." Oh my Gods he said the thing! I've debated this constantly with other Star Wars nerds over the years lets go, "Master if a Jedi was completely unattached wouldn't that be just as bad? I mean we're supposed to care about everyone however if we are completely void of attachments can also cause us to lose our ability to care for the people around us, I'll admit to you in confidence Master I have become attached to my Master and friends however I do not fear losing them." I stop to catch my breath before continuing, "I accept that everything has a beginning and an end however even with my ability to see the future I live in the moment and for the moment I'm happy to be with the people I care about." Yoda pondered this before dismissing me, I walked back into the main room just as Anakin and Padme said "I love you" to each other.

"Dankel its not what you~" I raise my hand, walk over to the sofa and lay down. Opening my eyes I can't help but laugh as I see their faces filled with horror, "I had a vision back before we boarded the Malevolence were I saw you two kiss, I honestly don't care as long as you're both happy." With that I closed my eyes and went to sleep, I slept the whole way to Coruscant where I was woken up by a kick from Ahsoka. Master Plo came up and pulled her off me thankfully, I thanked Padme before me and Ahsoka ran off the the Medbay were Barriss was waiting with my Saber, "Sorry I couldn't figure out how to change it back to its normal mode.." I accept it back and switch it back to its Saber configuration, I sit down next to Barriss and show her the basic controls on my Saber cause why not. Sat outside my room was none other than R2 D2 so I gave him a head pat and walked in to see Anakin Skywalker sitting in my desk chair, "That's reserved for Master Yoda ya know.." He got up and sat on my bed which made me laugh as I went over to my spot on the floor, using the Force I pulled out the broken prototype of my Sonic and began taking it apart. "We've got to talk Dankel!" I looked over at him, obviously my face said it all, "We obviously do, don't look at me like that!" Anakins rage was definetly there so I stood up and sat on the bed with him, I tried placing my hand on his shoulder but her shook me off. "How can I trust you Dankel, this is really serious!" I shot up beckoned him to follow me which he does, we walked for a while before we reached a training room. "Fight me." Anakins jaw dropped before he scoughed, grabbing his Saber off of his belt and igniting it, "You're too confident Kid!"

When I say my body was screaming no I mean my whole body was SCREAMING no, I'd barely rested since the Malevolence. I switched my Saber to its dagger configuration and rushed at Anakin, his strength compared to mine is no joke at all what I had to my advantage was my size and speed. Flipping my blade into a reverse grip I pressed the offensive, this was early Clone Wars Anakin although he was skilled he was nowhere near how he was in Episode III, he'd only recently began utilizing the Djem So variant of Form V so his technique was easily predictable. I pushed him on the Defensive as much as physically possible which wasn't as much as I wanted to, he launched me back with the force and pushed the assault bringing his blade down toward me left shoulder. Now my Saber was still in its dagger config, reversed in my right hand and I am crouched down, I quickly switch it to the spear configuration which shoots out the Beskar handle blocking Anakins strike. He takes a step back as I get up, I rush him again using the Force to enhance my speed as I begin stabbing at him. I want to say this went well but he parried me and disarmed me by grabbing the hilt as well as kicking me in the gut, "Is that all the Ledgendary General Skywalkers got?" Why did I say this? Well dear reader cause I'm an idiot, he rushed me with two over head strikes first from the right then the left both of which I dodged. I jabbed him once in the ribs then the kidney, then I grabbed his Saber arm and planted a lateral Shin Kick in his gut. With him bent over I went to punch him in the face but he caught my punch and flipped me over him, I was about to blast him with fire when he deactivated his Saber. "I understand now, I just needed to cool off and clear my head... Sorry Dankel I was just..."



Dankel Fec: Current Ability Level

Duelling - On par with Padawan Anakin Skywalker

Hand to Hand Combat - Slightly above Clones

Connection to the Force - Slightly Stronger

Force Abilities - Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Force Sight (Advanced), Force Healing (Passive), Force Projections.

Current mastery over the Abilities on a scale of 10;

- Telekinesis = 3.15

- Pyrokinesis = 4.7

- Force Sight (Advanced) = 2.8

- Force Healing = 0

-Force Projections = 0.1