
You Are Now My New Figther

Kein runs after run out of bullets. He keeps running until arrives to a suspicious shop building which closed. Kein is approaches the shop then peek through glass window.

Vaguely he sees one or more long-barreled firearm with bullets boxes near it.

Without much considerations, Kein breaks the window by using his empty UMP. Then Kein goes inside the shop and grabbing every firearms and bullets. After did that, Kein goes back to the building where the fierce man and his people are.

Meanwhile Wen and Cohen are already near the building, resisting every zombie attacks.

"Where the hell is he? Is he running from battle after trying to be hero?" Cohen said in annoyed tone.

"Calm down, man. Maybe he is looking for something such as weapon or bullet. He can't still fighting while his gun bullet ran out," Wen spoke while shooting the zombies.

Suddenly a girl screams on fear while herself is surrounded by zombies. In seconds she would be torn apart by the horde of infected corpses.

"Oh, crap! We can't help her. Her position would make her get shot. We have no much time to think strategy to save her," Wen said panicly while seeing the grave situation.

Meanwhile the girl who surrounded by zombies, screaming on fear. Her screaming makes zombies are getting wilder. So, the girl is in grave situation which can't be solven easily.

Suddenly Kein comes and shouting to the zombies which surrounding the girl.

"Come here, you son of bitch! You are just infected corpses. I am not affraid to you all. Come here and catch me up!" Kein is seen holding a barbed wire bat while carrying some long-barelled firearms.

Hearing Kein shouting, the zombies that surrounding the girl distracted. They are now diverts their sight to Kein. In seconds, the zombies run to Kein meanwhile him runs quickly to an empty area.

"What is he doing? Is he trying to commit suicide?" Cohen said when watching what Kein did.

"You have been with him for long time. But you didn't know anything about him? That's so wonder me," Wen said wonderly.

"Me know anything about him? To what, man? I was very busy. No time for me to find out about the other," Cohen replied with annoying tone.

Suddenly a big explosion comes from empty area where Kein ran there to distract zombies.

The scream of zombies heard noisy. Every zombies which chased Kein now are on fire to the ash after the explosion occured.

Apparently Kein had planted several detonators before challenging the zombies to chase him. His efforts were not in vain with the zombies being killed.

What he has done makes everyone there feels amazed. They are now coming out inside their hideaway then looking for where Kein is.

"Where is he now? I want to meet him. He must be my men. What he was done is remarkable." The tall man with M4 is looking for Kein.

Meanwhile Kein is on balcony at an abandoned building. He is seeing at his work result. He smiles with satisfaction after succeeding to beat zombies horde.

"From now I will fight against the infected corpses. I must survive until coming to the city," he muttered while watching the people who has arriven to the area. "The fierce man? What is he doing?"

"Boy, listen me. Come out, now. I want to meet you. We must talk," the man with M4 shouted. "I am sorry. I underestimated you. Now, I know who you are. You are a real fighter. I will be very gratefull if you are willing to join my group."

"You don't have to bother, sir. He is my men and will always be." That's Cohen who comes with the others.

"Who are you to prevent me to recruit the man? I need the man like him. I am a leader. I need him," the man with M4 answered fiercely.

"Hei, just shut your mouth up! I am his teacher. I teached him until like that. Mr. Wen had perfected it of course. We are the teacher of him. He will still be our men," Cohen talked sternly.

"Don't make shit front of me or I will kick your ass, dumbass! The boy has been trying to impress me. You know why? He wants to be a part of my men!" the man with M4 talked roughly.

"Try me, asshole! I will step your face after I knock you down!" Cohen replied fiercely.

"All of you, stop it! Don't act like child. We are adult, now. Let's think what must we do next," Wen said to mediate the dispute.

Kein who were listening what is happening, now go down from the balcony. Then he approaches the people who are disputing.

"What are you doing? Tell me what's happened here? Were you disputing cause of the death of zombies? That's so funny," Kein said while stopping his step.

"Oh, it's you. Boy, I want you joining us. I need man like you. You will be useful for our men," the man with M4 spoke while staring at Kein.

"Don't listen him, Kein. He just wanna exploit you to be his slave," Cohen said to reply the man words.

"Why didn't we try to unite our men? The more people who joining is the better to us to fight the living infected corpses. Is our goal same, sir? Do you have goal while you're living in the wilds, sir?" Kein talked.

The man is stunned after listening Kein words. Why didn't he to unite every healthy people to reach common goal. Inside heart, the man says that he wants to be a leader who has territory to be ruled.

"To unite healthy men and women? The better of me is to leave you all. I have new business. I will be busy. Be wise, boy. I am leaving," Cohen suddenly said like that while handling a satellite telephone.

After said that, Cohen really goes quickly to the east.

"Mr. Cohen, where are you going? Are you cranky?" Kein shouted.

"Don't be self confidence too much, you born yesterday. Take care yourself. I leave you again like before," Cohen replied while starting a motorcycle engine.

The man with M4 is just staring to Cohen departure.

"He talked too much. I hate the man but I need him too," he said. "By the way, I am Asip. Asip Windblow. Who is your name, boy?" the man said while staring at Kein.

"I am Kein Dalton. Him and the others who came with me are my friends. They are survivors just like me. I am very gratefull if you will unite your men with my friends. So, this group will be bigger. We can fight together against the living infected corpses. If you want to know what my goal is, I will tell you. My goal is arriving to the city called CITY OF PEACE," Kein answered then explained what his goal is.
