
The Rejection From the Other Survivors

After leaving Roland and his remain members, Kein, Wen, Helen, Mila, and Khadija are now walking on the abandoned street. Many cars and other vehicles are parked randomly at the road.

Several zombies are approaching Kein and the others. But Wen can resist them without help from the others.

"Mr. Wen, I can't let you fight alone. Teach me how to use firearms. This so far, I don't dare to fight the zombies by bare hand or stick or the other non firearms," Kein spoke behind Wen.

Wen just looks at Kein then grabs a firearms from inside a broken car. The firearms is a UMP, a submachine gun (SMG) with it's magazine filled by bullets halfly. Then he gives the UMP to Kein.

"Just hold the gun like this. Look at me." Wen gives Kein instruction how to use the SMG. "Remember, this gun has a loud sound. It will attract enemies especially the living deads. You must hold steady while using it. Don't be hurry or the gun will hurt or kill you."

Then Wen tells Kein how to start the SMG. Then how to fire and reloading the SMG.

"Now you can use it. But watch yourself. Don't be careless or you will kill your friends or yourself," Wen said when finishing quick practice for Kein.

Meanwhile the others just staring to Wen and Kein. Silently they learn how to use gun from Wen. They think that they must can use firearms if found gun in this battlefield.

"Thank you, sir. I will remember what you teach to me and friends. So, from now, we can use firearms to fight the zombies," Kein spoke while doing practice with the weapon.

"Use the gun wisely. Don't waste bullets. Come on, we must enter the city carefully. This city is like Edgard City, filled by zombies or another cryptid creature," Wen replied while walking to the right turn.

"What is this city name, sir? I don't see any signs about this city name," Khadija asked.

"Lightwood City. That's the name of this city," Wen answered made Kein surprised.

"So, this is Lightwood City? My parents have gone to this city a week before the outbreak comes. They have not come back to Edgard City after the outbreak," Kein spoke with worry.

"Maybe we can find them, Kein. So we can bring them to the City of Peace," Helen said.

"Yeah, I hope so." Kein looks at a building which blocked by barriers like barbed wire or iron plat.

"I smelled bad thing. I count to three then you all must take cover. Everyone are inside that building will kill us," Wen said panicly.

"Holy crap!" Kein just staring to Wen.

"Listen to me! I am starting to count. One... Two... Three...!" After Wen counted, him and the others take cover quickly behind an iron plat.

Suddenly, some gunshots heard loudly followed by projectiles which hits every object nearest.

"Whether we should reply, sir?" Kein asked to Wen.

"No, we wouldn't. They are not zombies. Maybe we can make them stopping to shoot us," Wen answered.

Wen, Kein and the others keep to take cover because the people inside the building are still firing. Hundreds of bullets have been shot although there wasn't one of them hit target.

"They aren't skilled shooter. They are just beginner. I will try to conquer them. Maybe they will accept our arrive," Wen said while moving slowly to the building.

"Sir, don't be reckless. Bullet is bullet and it will finish you if you reckless," Kein reminded Wen while following him.

When Wen wakes up from his take cover, some shots come almost hit him.

"Fuck!" Wen swore while falling his body down.

Suddenly someone shouts across the street.

"Everybody inside building. Cease your fire or I will blow your hideaway! I will fire this rocket if you still don't stop your fire!"

Shot of firearms now is stopping. The man who shouted comes while holding a rocket launcher or RPG. Kein recognized the man immediately.

"Cohen? Is that you?" Kein spoke while looking at Cohen arrive.

"Oh, that is you, guys. Why are you here?" cohen said while arriving front of Wen and the others. "Oh, Kein, this is very unpredictable we met here. Why are you in this city?"

Cohen looks at Kein and then the people who come out from the building.

"Cohen, how are you? It's long time I didn't see you," Wen said while approaching to Cohen.

"Mr. Wen? You are one of officials in the Edgard City wall. What was happened to the wall? Are the people inside that wall still exist?" Cohen asked while seeing at a man who comes from the building.

The man is carrying an M4 assault rifle. His face shows suspicon against Wen and the others.

"The wall has been destroyed, Cohen. Now, we have no way home. But now, look at the man. He looks like unhappy to our presence here," Wen replied while looking at the man too.

"All of you, go away! Don't crowd like that. The infected will come to me and my friends. Your presence is our bad sign!" the man said roughly.

"Easy, friend. We are just visitor. We are also survivors. We need new shelter. Our old shelter has been destroyed by the infected. Maybe we can work together to fight the infected," Wen said to the man.

"Don't call me 'friend', stranger! Your presence will bring doom to me and my family. Go away! Leave me and my family, now!" the man said while pointing his M4 to Wen.

Not for long later, several men and women come out from the building while pointing gun to Wen, Cohen, and the others.

"Go away, now! Or you will be dead like the infected!" the man said roughly ejecting Wen's entourage.

"Okay, okay, we will go. We will not ask you anything. Come on, Wen, Kein, and the others. Leave them slowly," Cohen said to invite Wen and the others to leave the man and his friends.

But, suddenly a large of zombies wave are approaching there. So, everyone are taking cover to the buildings around the street.

"This is your fault!" the man shouted blaming Cohen and the others.

Cohen doesn't answer. He just runs following the others to one of the buildings accross the street.

Meanwhile Wen and Kein helped by the others set barricades up outside building. After finished that, they prepare the firearms while the zombies arriving there.

Several gunshots heard made ears like to be exploded. Every roars of zombies heard fullfill the air. The roar of zombies sometimes followed by human scream. It's mean one or more of the M4 man's members has been caught by zombies.

"The poor people. Their leader can't protect them. I think we must help them. We can't do nothing like this," Kein said after heard the scream of these people.

"We will stay here, boy. Don't make any stupid if you still want to live. Their business is none of ours," Cohen spoke refusing Kein proposes.

Kein just stares at Cohen.

"My heart can't let them fight alone. They need any help we can provide. I don't want to be a selfish man. They are same like us, the survivors who need help. Their rejection is not problem for me. The important is we still have a heart," Kein talked sharply made Cohen surprised.

"Cohen was right, Kein. We can't help them. They are already dead cause of the rejection. Now, our priority is just survive. Forget the people who rejected us. This wilds is so savage. We are between living and dead," Wen said agreeing Cohen words.

"Oh, god. What's happened to you all? Okay, if you don't want to help them, just let me go. You stay here. If I die, just let me die!" Kein spoke angrily then jump out from the barrier which is blocked the building door.

"Kein, where are you going? Stop there! You can't be hero by the way you do!" Cohen shouted trying to stop Kein.

"I am not trying to be hero! I just wanna to save them!" Kein shouted while shooting the zombie which approaches someone hiding behind a broken wood wall.

Kein success to save the girl who hiding. Then Kein keeps to shoot every zombies which approach him and the girl.

"Are you okay?" Kein spoke while carry the girl out from the place.

The girl only nods her head.

"Hei, you! What are you doing there! Are trying to kill her?" the man with M4 shouted behind the building window.

Kein doesn't answer. He brings the girl come into the building.

"Come on, Ada. You are save now. And you, go away! Don't try to make me impress!" the man said roughly while shooing Kein away.

"Alright, sir. I will go. But let me kill the infected until this gun's bullets run out," Kein replied while shooting every zombies which approach.
