World is at a war, a big war. We don't fight against another human but we struggle against the living dead. No one survive, except the chosen one. The chosen one can't survive without spirit of live. The chosen one must start to fight to kill the living dead. Note : This story will be like a post-apocalyptic story. You will see the main character adventure. He/she will fight the living deads or zombies. Survive is main priority.
The sounds of footsteps heard. The sound heard getting faster accompanied by a roar of breath.
"Come on, Kein! They are still chasing us. If we stop, they will eat us or making us into them!" Wen shouted while running front of Kein.
Kein follows Wen while breathing up and down.
"Alright, we find a house. It will be our temporary hideaway. The living deads are now far from us but they will reach this place soon," Wen said while arriving front of an abandoned house.
"This is not good idea, mr. Wen. I think there is one or more of them inside this house. I heard it's grunting," Kein said while hearing something weird coming from this house.
"I will make them silent forever. Don't make any stupid act," Wen spoke while preparing his shotgun.
Wen go inside the house after breached it's door. Kein guess is correct. There are two zombies inside the house get up after sleeping.
They roar while attack Wen and Kein. Wen shoots their head untill break.
"The gunshot will make them come to us. This is very risky. We must find another hideaway, sir," Kein said while circulating his look.
"No for this time. In this house we must find anything we need. Maybe there is supply here. We can't keep running while our stomach is hungry. We must find food inside this house. Come on," Wen said then walking inside the house.
Meanwhile inside a woods, Keira and the others are walking while handling wood stick. Part of them are handling machette or another sharp weapon.
"I heard the grunt of them. Why is this woods full by zombies? Whether they were villagers who had strayed from a nearby village?" Billy said while seeing around him.
"Shut your mouth up, childish boy! Your voice will make them hear us," Roland replied roughly.
"You should shut up, Roland! You're to noisy," Keira said while glaring to Roland.
"We can't stay here, guys. We must find new shelter. This mosquitoes bite is very annoying. Oh god, I miss my comfortable bedroom," Talisa spoke with spoiled tone.
"I don't think you can get your life like before, Talisa. We will struggle in wilds against zombies," Roland replied.
"I don't wanna do that, Roland. I just wanna go from here. I want to live like before. I miss my dad. I miss my mom. I miss everyone I love!" Talisa talked half shouting.
"Shut up, Talisa! You will make them wake up. Don't be an egoistic person!" Keira said roughly while looking sharply at Talisa.
"Guys, you must hear that," Mila said while crossing her finger front of her lips.
Everyone are stopping movements. They are looking around. They hear a weird sound of something.
"Zombies?" Billy looked at Roland.
"No, that's not just a zombie. That's something more horrible than zombies," Roland replied while his face showing his fear.
"What's that mean?" Keira said while looking at one corner in right.
Suddenly, several trees at the direction fall making noisy sound. After that, a huge thing appears.
A monster looks like a crocodile in huge size. The creature is very strange. A giant crocodile composed of tens or even hundreds of human and animal corpses.
"Holy crap! What is that?" Ron shouted panicly after looking that creature.
"Oh, no! We must run!" Roland shouted while giving the signal to run.
Everyone now are running away from the creature. Meanwhile the creature runs chasing Roland and the others.
The current Spike Rose gang members numbered ten, ie Roland, Keira, Billy, Talisa, Mila, Ron, Stacy, Yue Wong, Kim Park Minhee, and Khadija.
"I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die!" Yue said while running.
"Yue, behind you!" Kim shouted while looking behind at Yue.
The giant crocodile now is right behind Yue, grabbing him and pull him up to the skies.
"Aaaaa.... Help me! Help me!" Yue screamed loudly before disappear in the giant crocodile mouth.
"Yueeeee! No!" Kim screamed fearly.
"Kim, come on! We found a cave. We will hide there," Billy shouted while pulling Kim's hand.
Billy and Kim are following the others who enter the cave covered by vines. The cave mouth is smaller than the giant crocodile size. So, the Spike Rose gang members who survived will be safe for a while.
Back to Kein and Wen who are staying in the abandoned house.
They are eating food which has found in a refrigerator in this house. The food is almost rotten. But Kein and Wen are hungry so bad. So, they eat that food up to depleted.
"This bread is full by fungus but this has a good taste like a beer made of horse urine," Wen talked then laughing.
"You have ever drunk horse urine?" Kein asked while looking at Wen curiously.
"Hahaha, of course I didn't. That's just joke, young man," Wen answered.
"Where did you live before, sir?" Kein asked. "By the way I am from Balloon Street, an area in Edgard City."
"Why did you want to know about me? Was that important?" Wen said while looking at Kein.
"I just want to know, sir. I have no topics to discuss."
Wen sighs before talking.
"I am from Xion Republic. I was a traveler who visited many countries. But, my journey ended here. I'm stuck here for long time cause of racist treatment done by police in this country. "
Kein listens Wen talking seriously.
"By the way, where is the Xion Republic?" Kein asked.
Wen sees Kein with unexpressed face.
"You don't know Xion Republic? After a war that killed it's president?" Wen looks like feel weird about Kein ask.
"I am sorry, sir. I am a left behind man. I missed every information that come from abroad. I was to lazy to listen every news," Kein answered.
Wen chuckles.
"Poor boy. It doesn't matter. Alright, I continue to tell you about my journey and my country. Xion is a country. A huge country but not in economy. Xion has a large area with an absolute government although the country is a republic."
"The economy of Xion wasn't good compared another country such as Sukabawang Kingdom or Republic Federal of Sundawaris especially when compared to current superpower state, Narahita Empire. Huge teritory made Xion facing great trouble started from welfare of its people to rebellion in several territories," Wen explained.
"Sir, I think I heard gunshots on north," Kein spoke after hearing sounds of gunshots on north this house.
"There is must someone or several people out there. They must be shooting zombies," Wen said then walking to window on north this room.